Soap Opera

On his journey James ran into Leo. "Hey you!" he shouted at Leo.

ooc:for fun I'll play Leo.
Leo turned around only to be attacked by James. James pinned him to the wall with his hands on his collar. "You think you can just date my girlfriend and I wouldnt know about it."
"Dude I'm sorry.." Leo began
James let go of him. "I asked you to look out for her not date her" he said looking at him.
"I know and it started out like that. Its just I was single and you weren't here and you know the rest" Leo said brushing himself off.

ooc:haha I can put my own twist on things too.
ooc: Hahaha yeah!

ic:James said nothing.
"Look I'm sorry James. I can call the whole thing off if you want" he suggested.
James looked at him sternly. "She's pregnant"
"What?!" Leo exclaimed
"You heard. she's pregnant, or so she claims" he said quietly.
"Its yours right?" Leo asked
James laughed. "No. As far as I know nothing has happened between me and Max so it must be yours. you're going to be a daddy" James said attacking Leo friendly. "How do you like that?"
Leo was stunned. "It cant be. She would have told me" he insisted.
"She told me though just as I dumped her. I can't believe she would lie about something like this especially at a time like this." he said lowering his head.
Jane went down to the bakery to buy something, when she was stunned by finding james, again!...but this time he was with Leo.... As she continued walking she sensed something on Leo's face, his expression...'He has just told him about the baby..' a hint of smile appeared on her face, she semmed like, she got over it, quickly enough...
Leo sighed.
"You know if she is pregnant you're going tohave to.."
"Look after her and the baby?" Leo replied. "Yes I know. I ove Max James. I'm sorry its not what you want to hear..." he began
James smiled. "Thats exactly what I wanted to har Leo." he said hugging his friend. Leo was a little shocked but hugged Ja,es back befoire pushing him away. "Dude not in public" he said joking. James laughed.
"You're really into that chick arent you?"
"Who Jane?.....Yeah. Its mad cos I only just met her but it was like.."
"Love at first sight huh?"
"top finishing off my sentences Leo" James said jokingly. He rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah something like that"
"I better get back or Max will start getting worried" James said.
"Alright. See you soon and good luck" Leo said turning off.
"I think you'll be needing the luck" he said waving his friend off.
Leo laughed and walked off bumping into Jane. "Oh I'm sorry he said looking at her.
James didnt see Jane and walked hope. As he got nearer her saw Max sitting outside. "Max you're going to get cold if you stay out here" he said sitting next to her.