Soap Opera

"Because you're pregnant..." he replied. "Its not just you now but if you want to stay out here and get cold.." he added getting up to walk inside.
She got up and walk inside.
" James stop it you not with me now so...," she said shaking her head,
she went over to the rings and open it up.
" James don't act like still my boyfriend because you not remember?," she said placing the ring back into the case.
"Max this is MY aunts house so I have every right to be here. Also just because we're not together doesn't mean I still dont worry about you." he said sitting on the couch.
She look up for awhile.
" oh well I don't believe you in love with her you just meet her," she said with her arms cross,
she sat next to him with her hands over her head.
He sighed "sometimes you just fall for someone, even if you've only just met and concidering I've been in Prsion for such a long time its not that much of a surprise that I'd be slightly attracted to..." he decided to stop there knowing that Max would get angry..
"Anyway now that we're not a couple maybe its time you.........well its getting a bit cramped here and theres nothing really..." he was finding it hard to say 'maybe you should go back to your place'.
She look at him still with the same look.
" Look James I know you been in there for along time but it doesn't mean I didn't love you," she said crossing her arms,
she got up shaking her head arm him.
" one I don't have a place any more thank you every much and two I'm not in love with Leo," she said in a hush angry tone,
she look down the floor her face turn blue.
He caught her. "Max" he said shaking her slightly. "Wake up" he layed her gently on the couch and called for an ambulance. "Its going to be okay" he told her.
occ: ohhh :p

ic: Jane had been thinking, around and around, about that baby, she had the hope the baby wasnt James, but, the probability for that, or so she thought, was too little.
James took her hand in his. "Its going to be okay Max. Just try and calm down and lay back but on your side" he told her givng her a reassuring look.

ooc: Leo bumped into Jane mind!
ooc: Leo bumped into Jane after talking to James.

ic: James wiped the tears from her face. "You'll be okay. Both of you" he said smiling slightly brushing the hair out of her eyes. The ambulance arrived and quickly without even glancing at James carried Max into the van.
"I'm coming" James insisted.
"And who are you?" the guy asked
"Her.....her boyfriend" James replied knowing they wouldnt have let him come unless he had some relationship with her.
"I better get back or Max will start getting worried" James said.
"Alright. See you soon and good luck" Leo said turning off.
"I think you'll be needing the luck" he said waving his friend off.
Leo laughed and walked off bumping into Jane. "Oh I'm sorry he said looking at her.

occ: I totally stayed :O at what James said :p

ic: Jane smiled a little..."Oh...dont worry...U're Leo right?.." she asked pretending she wasnt sure.