occ: wooooah James
btw, thanks for bringing me back in!
ic: Jane walked slowly holding her college books agaisnt her chest, smiling, feeling a bit better about her life, she hadnt seen James in quite a while, and even though she knew she still loved him and missed him, she tryed as hard as she could to forget him. Jane was calm, but something kept telling her to look back, she sighed, and just to go with her intuition, she looked back.
ic: James quickly looked for a pay phone so he warn Jane.
He had a feeling she would turn round so he quickly dashed into the nearest pay phone box pretending he was about to make a call. He was quick on his feet and very much valued by his bosses for it.
Jane kept walking untill she jumped a little as her phone vibrated, she looked at who was..."J-J-James?!..." She stammered...She felt a little nervous, but she decided to answer..."Hello?."
She let go the phone and it fell to the floor breaking to pieces....
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!.." she tryed to yell as tears started coming..."Whats going on!?!?!.." She asked herself as she tryed to look who had kidnaped her.
occ: Lol 'think' 'think' 'think'... Thats sounds like a pretty little bear X)
ic: She had her eyes closed now and she sobbed quietly, not moving. She noticed the car was going very fast...'oh my god...oh my god' She said in her mind.
ic: It all made sense now. He grabbed Max. "Do as I say." he said seriously. "Go back to your room and lock the door. Dont let anyone in okay? and do not leave until I get there" he insisted.
The car finally can to a holt.
"Out you go and dont make any sudden movements or I'll have to shoot you." he said somewhat nicely.