Soap Opera

Max clim into Leo's Hospitel bed with treas rolling down er cheek.
" What's going on here I'm so confuse," She ask herself.

Leo put his arms around her.
" Shh now everything be all right," He told her.
He had just remember that while the guy was on the phone he had mentioned something about the rooftop so he was heading in that direction.

"Ready?" he asked.
They got into the elevator and the man pressed the top floor button. The top floor of the hospital wasn't in use anymore after the electricity creepily stopped working on just that floor. Little did they know it was down to these guys.

James got to the top floor. It was dark and dusty. He placed his hand over his mouth and nose so he wouldnt sneeze and give away his position. 'They could be anywhere' he thought as he began to walk down the long hall.
As they elevator doors opened and they stepped into that horrible top floor, Jane got the tissue on her mouth, she couldnt breathe all that dust, or she could get badly asthmatic. The walls were full of cobwebs...Everything dusty and dark, she hated it.
He walked behind her. "Carry on" he said poking her with the gun as he noticed she was slowign down.
James stood still as he heard the elevator door open. He took the gun out and held it tightly in his hand carrying on. He could hear their faint footsteps.

He was waiting at the end of the hall playing with the diamond ring on his little finger. 'This should be qite a show' he thought to himself.

Meanwhile the door knob to Max's door moved as someone was entering her room.
occ. Little finger? what?

ic: Jane's heart jumped again when the man poked her with the gun, she continued, nodding freneticly again. ' this place?." she asked herself
ooc:Small finger, haha nvm just one of the fingers.

ic: James walked wearily following the footsteps that he could hear from the hall down from his. Now and again he could seJanes figure and the two men behind her. 'Hold tight Jane I wont let them hurt you' he thought.

The man poked Max with is gun.
ooc:Small finger, haha nvm just one of the fingers.

ic: James walked wearily following the footsteps that he could hear from the hall down from his. Now and again he could seJanes figure and the two men behind her. 'Hold tight Jane I wont let them hurt you' he thought.

The man poked Max with is gun.

Jane looked around, ' the so called freaky top floor?' she wondered, she once had heard about it, but how, what were they about to do?... she had no idea James was close.

ic: He turned around as he heard footsteps nearing. "You took your time" he said calmly.
"We're here aren't we?" he said a little annoyed at his ungratefulness.
He nodded. "Yes you are. But there is something we are missing." he suggested.

James was right next to the door which seperated his hall from the one they were standing in. He listened intently trying to figure out what to do.
"You'll soon see" he said waiting for James entrance.

The guy managed to drag Max relunctantly to the elevator. He pressed the top floor button as the elevator doors closed.

James hid the gun in his jacket once more and opened the door looking relaxed as if he did this everyday.

"There he is" the man said mockingly.
"They let you out?" James said trying to look surprised. "Shame.."
"Well I had to come out. I just wanted to show my gratitude.." he began
"For what?" James asked keeping his eyes fixed on the man.
"For sending me to prison." he said grimly.
"I had nothing to do with that." James protested.
"You little....." he began angrily but calmed himself down. "Well anyway I figured if I was going to say thatkyou I couldnt leave some of your close friends out of the party." he said smiling looking at Jane.
For the first time in entering the room James looked at Jane.
"I knew it..." Jane mumbled..."Why on earth did i have to meet u, James.." Jane asked out loud.."All u brough to me was sadness, and know im going to die becuase of u! and ur friends!.." she yelled. She was crying and she truly didnt mean that, she loved him, but she didnt know he felt the same.
Th man smiled as he watched her freak out. "Yes James, why?"
He glared at the man and there was sorrow in his eyes as he looked at Jane. He couldnt blame her from freaking out thought and saying those tings and a part of him agreed. If he hadnt met her then she would not be in this situtaion and she would be safe. "I'm sorry" he said quietly and then turned to the man. "Look this is between us not her".