Soap Opera

He fell to the floor in pain. The other guy quickly grabbed her though from behind.
James crept up on him and wacked him over the head with the gun.
ooc:Oh okay............bye...........see you in a month.

ic: He quickly grabbed Max. She was shaking slightly from the shock of the events. "Its okay. Now listen. Run, run as fast as you can. forget he lift use the stairs he quickly told her. Go for help, call the police" he finally said before pushing her away towards th direction of the stairs. She hesistated for a second and began to run.
James looked around as he hid behind one of the shelves in the room. He looked for Jane but couldnt see her anywhere.
He heard her calling and could just see her figure behind one of the tables. He slowly but swiftly crept up from the shelves but the man shot at him so as he ran towards the table where Jane was he had to dodge the bullets as well as try to shoot the man. He ran and slid behind the table where Jane was. He gasped as he was out of breath and put the gun on the floor. "Its okay" he said wrapping his arms around Jane comfortly.
He smiled sweetly 'did she just say that she loved me?' he thought but that thought was soon smashed when a bullet plummeted through the air and hit the table. He sheltered her quickly as pieces of wood flew in all directions.
He looked her right in the eye. "You have to" he said somewhat pleadingly. "If we both stay I'm afraid one of us will end up dieing and I'd die for you" he added. "Please Jane, I'll be right behind you." he said lieing.
She shook her head, looked down for a sec... she quickly got close to him and kissed him.."I love u.." she told him, knowing that was probably the last time for both. She turned and started walking away...
but she wasnt leaving, she just made him think that.
Jane hid again, listening to every sound, as she tryed to figure out what to do...'Should...I call the police?..' she asked herself...she wasnt sure...
occ: They're gone?

ic: Jane saw a gun on the the floor, she kneeled quietly and grabbed it... she sensed it was loaded. She gulped, but it was now, or never. She found james again but stood quite away from him, just guarding his back.