Jane's hand were shivering...Her eyes wide and her heart beating wild. She sneeked close as she pointed with the gun, and shoot, praying that she got the man.
He smiled back but his msile was soon wiped off hyis face when he saw a man behind Jane pointing the gun right at her. He quickly lunged for her as the bullet shot through the air. The bullet just passed over their heads and smashed the window. Pieces of glass went flying everywhere.
Jane saw how again the scene was repeating, he made her crouch and avoid a bullet.... she glanced everywhere, searching for the gun she dropped she grabbed it, and handed it to James.
He took it and grabbed her hand. "Get ready to run" with one hand he held the gun and waited for a second before saying. "Run!" as he ran across the room towards the door holding onto Janes hand tightly while shooting in the direction of the man who hid behind the shelves.
As soon as they were out of the door he placed the gun in his back pocket. He held Janes hands in his and looked her right in the eye. "Follow me. We're going to get out of here.........I promise" he said kissing her on the forehead before heading for the stairs.
Just as he thought they were safe he heard a gun shot and saw the hole in the wll as he ran passed. He quickly got his gun out and wihtout hesistation turned around and shot at the man hitting him right in the chest. 'One down two to go' he thought moving onwards.
Jane didnt know how James could shoot without hesistating like that, even though she knew she had to understand, it was so hard for her to do it. She continued...
The next attack came but this time it wasnt a gun shot. James fell to the floor as one of the men jumped ontop of him. They both rolled down the stairs together until they came to a stop at the landing.