Soap Opera

Jane stood at the top of the stairs when she tryed to think in what to do, James had the gun, she got both hands to her head as she began getting despered, and James was fighting with the man.
James had dropped the gun on the floor and was searching for it when his attacker punched him. James fought back best that he could but the guy was big and stronger than he was so he struggled.
James pushed the man off and quickly ran for the gun only for the guy to get close and kick it away. He then grabbed James by the throat and tried to push him down the stairs but James kicked at him continuously without stopping so he eventually let go and when he did James quickly got behind him and pushed him down the stairs.
James flinched as he saw the man roll down but get up again. He swore loly under his breath. “Quick up” he said grabbing her hand as the man revealed his own weapon.
ooc:YEAH! Haha j/k!

ic: He quikcly entered the nearest room and used his body as a barrier but he knew he wouldnt be able to the hold the door shut for long. He glanced around the room looking for something they oculd use.
The door was bluging at an incredible speed as the man tried to get in. He kneeled down beside her. "We could make him think we have jumped out though" he said quickly grabbing the nearest chair and throwing it against the window and is it broke. He grabbed her hand and took her behind a cabinet. "Stay here" he told her smiling a little. as the man finally got through the door. He flung it open and looked at the window. "The little..." he said stepping into the room. James quickly took his chance having been behind the door he knocked the man out with the heaviest part of his gun.
"Worked like a charm but as he turned around the gang leader shot him in the stomach.
"Bad aim" he told himself. James slowly fell to the ground still alive but in enormous pain.
"You thought you could get away.." the man began limping laughing at James.
James gasped for breath as he felt the blood soak his shirt.
"But no one gets away, noone" he replied grimly about to shoot James when a cop shot him right in the chest. He looked at James alarmingly before falling to the ground lifeless.

ooc: Haha sorry its long but I had to end this whole maffia and James thing :p
Jane gasped and put her hands on her mouth as soon as she heard the shot, she wasnt watching, until she heard the 'tud' on the floor, she slowled tryed to look, she she noticed it was James, a tear rolled down her cheek...'Why....' she asked herself....beggining to cry, she watched as the man was about to shoot James, but the the cop appeared, Jane almost fainted in such a horrible tension moment.
The cop called out to his teams mates to get the medics. James lay on the ground trying to keep awake but finding it difficult to keep his eyes open.
"Whats your name sir?" the cop asked looking at his wound.
"James..." he managed to mumble.