Soap Opera

She holded tightly his hand..."James..." she smiled as she squeezed his hand...she looked at him right at his eyes, she couldnt hide all the feelings that her eyes shown on those moments.
He smiled and ried to sit up but touched his side as it began to ache so he took her hand and kissed it gently. "I'd never leave you. Besides we havent even been out on a proper date" he added smiling.
She grinned a little.."Yeah...And..what about Max?.." she asked him...feeling a little jellous inside..."She.." She continued..."was having a baby.." Jane completely ignored all that happenned with Leo, James and Max.
"Its..." he began. "Its not mine" he finally said. "Its over between me and Max but if you'll let me I'd like to start afresh with you as my girlfriend" he said looking at her.
Her eyes went wide with a hint of a smile on her face..."I...U know...I.." she began.."I'd love to.." she finally said...smiling, she leaned and kissed him softly.
She smiled.
" your welcome James," She said sitting down next to him,
She smiled at Jane then back to James.
" I heard you were in here so I came right away are you all right?," She ask