ic: "So..." he began awekwardly. "Well I'm moving out of Autnies. I think its time I got my own place so if you wanted to stay there you could.." he said still standing by the door.
She look at her hands.
" No I'm living with Leo right now because he the babies's father you know," She told him now having treas rolling down her cheek.
ic: "Oh brilliant" he replied not really looking at her but outside, looking out for the doctor. "Well I'm going now. Janes waiting for me" he said cheerfully.
"Its being good Max. I'm sure you and Leo wil be happy" he added giving her a quick hug. "I'll be seing you" and with that he left the room.
ic: Jane recieved a call from a friend for collegue...she was speaking while she remembered the food she was preparing.."Ooooh the foood!.." she sensed the smell, it was getting burnt.."GOOOOOOOSH!.." She exclaimed once she was in the kitchen and the phone was in the floor...'bep...bep...'
James signed out of hospital with the doctor
"The police will be in touch" he finally said
'Thats surprising' he thought sarcstically. "Sure. Thanx Doctor" he said walking out but before he went to Janes house there was something he needed to do.
"Is it ready?"
"Yes. She's looking beautiful" the voice replied.
James smiled.
ic: Finally Jane solved the awfull circuntances...the food had turned out to be horribly burned, but she had now cleaned eveything. Now she had no food, and she had to fix herself again.."Not my day.." she began...
He rang her doorbell. He was in a white open button shirt with a black suit on. He'd had his hair cut but not too short and put on aftershave with a bouquet of roses in his hand.
ic: Jane stood in the mirrow, she knew it was him. She dusted off her short pink dress and she turned and went to the door, the sounds of her heels were a little loud, she was walking fastly. She opened the door slowly.
ic: 'Wow' he thought as she opened the door. He was a little blown away that he forgot about the roses. "Hey" he said smiling. "These are for you" he added sweetly handing her the flowers and kissing her softly.