Soap Opera

She smiled and grabbed the flowers, but kept her atention on the kiss, which she made longer by putting one for her arms around his neck...."Thanks.." She smiled.
He lead her outside. "you can open them" he said letting go of her hand.
He had bought a new car.

"No more cabs or taxis" he said gleaming with joy.
occ: WOW...thats awsome....








ic: Jane gasped and brough her hands to her mouth.."Oh My god James!!.." she exclaimed

ooc:What? Oh man


Can you see it now?

ic: James smiled. "Yep. And you know where I'm going to drive it to first?" he asked not waiting for an answer. "That new restaurant that just opened up down town." he said opening the car door for her.
He smiled as he got into the drivers seat. "My aunty had been storing money away for me since the past 5 years" he said turning the wheel. "But this is not all. I'm also moving out of her place and moving into my own flat" he said driving glancing at her and then back at the road. "Its time for a fresh start" he said smiling at her but keeping his eye on the road.
They got to the restaurant and he drove to the entrance where a chaufeur was waiting to park their car. He got out and opened the door for Jane reaching his hand out for her.
ooc: Well the whole drama thing is over with James but maybe Jane can have like some drama :D.

ic: He smiled as they walked into the restaurant. "your table" the man said as he lead them to a table near the aquariem. "Thank you" James said pulling the seat out for Jane.
occ: Oh kk :p

ic: She smiled...and blushed a little..."James, U know.." she began when suddenly someone called her name..."Jane!! so long!!.." she frowned a little and looked the direction the voice came from..."Z-Z-Zack?.." She stammered..."Hello!!.." He waved...

occ: Wanna know how he looks? :D
occ. :D:D:D

ic: "Sorry, am I interrupting...?" Zack finally realized...Jane smiled..."Well, kinda.." He sighed.."Im sorry, I guess I'll see u later, im working here as chief..." He told her. Her eyes got wide..."Thats pretty good.." she smiled nicely.."Ok, see you later.."