Soap Opera

The cop noticed her in the corner. He sent his other men to carry her down to the ward. The medics came and took James to the ward too for surgery.
"A guy got shot and a lady fainted" he replied.

The surgery was completed sucessfully and James was still knocked out but alive. They wheeled him to his room.
She stood up.."I...need to go see him!.." She told the doctor..."Which is his room?.." she asked as she walked turds the door and looked at him with her hand on the knob, waiting for an answer.
"The one next door" he replied not trying to stop her.

"Yes but it seems like someone already beat you to it" he said as he looked at Jane coming out of hr room and going into James.
She opened the door...where James was, and closed it silently...she walked next to him and sat down, kissing him gently and carrissing his face with her hand..."Im so glad u're ok.." she smiled