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Mopey-One Kanoli and Vin Gasleen stood on a parapet with Wall-Warden Stoograp, the commander of the town's twenty-three-man full-time Home Guard. (They also served as a sort of customs agents, where applicable.) Mopey-One was looking in Massage's direction, Stoograp was looking at Mopey-One, and Vin was looking at Stoograp. The Wall-Warden, armed with a bullet-rifle and a bayonet like his men, was telling the up-side master:
"No, she never hid her past from us, even though she could have prevented us from knowing anything, and even though much of it weighed heavily against her. We know how much injustice and loss she endured; she admits that others have suffered just as badly WITHOUT ever turning bad; she wishes now that she HADN'T given in to the down-side; and all of her dealings with us have been her effort to show that she NO LONGER IS that vicious killer."
"Did she ever talk about a certain down-sider called Count Spooky?"
"No, sir. She was never specific with names, beyond a couple of times mentioning Emperor Porkanbeen. Mostly would only say that she kept bad company for years. But she wouldn't shift blame; she kept stressing that her bad deeds were her own fault."
"Intriguing. How long ago was the first time you ever heard her speak in this way?"
"Five of our months ago."
Mopey-One caught Vin's eye. "That was long before I had any idea that I would ever come to this particular world."
Vin Gasleen was an army private, and a tall jock, but this did not require him to be a fool. "So this makes it very unlikely that she said those things with an advance plan to make you THINK she had turned good, when she really hadn't."
Mopey-One reached up to slap the big man's hard shoulder. "Exactly!" Turning to the shorter Stoograp: "That omission of hers weighs in her favor. Count Spooky had enormous power to confuse and mislead people, making them think wrong was right. It would be the most natural thing for someone faking remorse to plead, 'Count Spooky made me do it.' I in fact was always positive that Spooky WAS at least half responsible for Massage following the dark path. If she refused to toss her guilt onto him, even though she couldn't have known I would ever hear about her confession, then my take on it is that she TRULY IS sorry for her deeds."
"And so I am!" cried a husky female voice, coming from a set of stairs which led up to this parapet.
"No, she never hid her past from us, even though she could have prevented us from knowing anything, and even though much of it weighed heavily against her. We know how much injustice and loss she endured; she admits that others have suffered just as badly WITHOUT ever turning bad; she wishes now that she HADN'T given in to the down-side; and all of her dealings with us have been her effort to show that she NO LONGER IS that vicious killer."
"Did she ever talk about a certain down-sider called Count Spooky?"
"No, sir. She was never specific with names, beyond a couple of times mentioning Emperor Porkanbeen. Mostly would only say that she kept bad company for years. But she wouldn't shift blame; she kept stressing that her bad deeds were her own fault."
"Intriguing. How long ago was the first time you ever heard her speak in this way?"
"Five of our months ago."
Mopey-One caught Vin's eye. "That was long before I had any idea that I would ever come to this particular world."
Vin Gasleen was an army private, and a tall jock, but this did not require him to be a fool. "So this makes it very unlikely that she said those things with an advance plan to make you THINK she had turned good, when she really hadn't."
Mopey-One reached up to slap the big man's hard shoulder. "Exactly!" Turning to the shorter Stoograp: "That omission of hers weighs in her favor. Count Spooky had enormous power to confuse and mislead people, making them think wrong was right. It would be the most natural thing for someone faking remorse to plead, 'Count Spooky made me do it.' I in fact was always positive that Spooky WAS at least half responsible for Massage following the dark path. If she refused to toss her guilt onto him, even though she couldn't have known I would ever hear about her confession, then my take on it is that she TRULY IS sorry for her deeds."
"And so I am!" cried a husky female voice, coming from a set of stairs which led up to this parapet.
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