Spam Board II

'Coices' is a typo. It should read 'choices'.

I dislike typos quite severely. That is why so many of my posts get edited. After I post something, I will notice typos, and I choose to edit my post and correct them in consideration of other's sanity. (Or insanity, depending on the way you want to look at it.)

*claps for MissR* *whale-splats lonely cactus* *whale turns into a pincushion*
Another way to kill him! (Holyboy really should have taken Fred with him when he retired, for Fred's own safety, but no, he wanted to live in a retirement community instead. *sigh*)
And a way to kill Glen!

Oh, wait. We aren't allowed to kill fellow members. :(

Another way to torture Glen!

*feeds pincushion to Sushi*
Hm... now I'm in the same league as Derny. Yay!

*banns Glen*

*clears throat* Banns (two n's) were church announcements that a couple would be married. Bans (one n) is a verb describing what mods spend their days dreaming about, an activity that they struggle to perform in real life, as the ban button has been stolen.
do you not double the "n" when adding "s"? Then why when adding "ed"? *confuzzled*

No, you do not double the n when adding s. The reason we double it when adding -ed is because English is a weird and wonderful language, one obviously not created by a government committee, because if it had been created by said committee it would be much more streamlined, be more phonetically pronounceable, have an immensely smaller vocabulary, and probably not have produced so many of the world's great writers. It resembles Dufferland in that, although it makes sense, it still makes no sense.
no. I think the Penguins of Doom had something to do with English's chaoticness.

and an alternate theory: would it be because there's a vowel in "ed"? Like, if you add an ending beginning with a vowel you double the consonant. But if it begins with a consonant, you leave it as it was...
Hmm. That would make sense. My English teachers never addressed the question that I can recall.
I'll keep an eye out for examples supporting my theory from now on. And I'll write a paper about it and get rich and famous. :D

Pity no one ever gets rich and famous for writing a paper. :(
They probably do in computer engineering if they keep the paper secret. But I have a phobia of computer languages, so I can forget about that.