Disgusting. Treelet. Treelet. Treelet.Dernlet. Dernlet. Dernlet.
In other news, Sushi has completed his fifty-fourth opera, Song of the Dying Ostrich. It will premier on the Beruna Stage November 13. Early reviews range from "Shocking" to "An emotional rampage through a wasteland of plastic silverware." Aslan and the King have reportedly left the country, but whether their sudden departure is related to the new opera remains a matter of speculation. Now for the weather....
A method has been developed to turn plastic silverwear into tiny green Christmas trees. If you leave these around on the floor of your house and experience a power shortage, chances are they will puncture someone's foot. This will result in a trip to the emergency room, which is a wonderful place to learn the virtues of patience, fortitude, and garrulousness. Who better to chat with than emergency room medical staff, after all?