Sparrow and Turner- anyone??

Thank you. Actually, I have you to thank. I got the pic of Will and Elizabeth from your POTC obsession site!!! lol:D

And I am a staunch WillBethnite. I get into arguments with JackaBethnites all the time and am mortally offended when someone thinks I am a JackaBethnite.:p :D
Yea, if she wears a shirt that says "JackaBeth" she might get attcked in the street:p
I'm just kidding, Ellie. I support all POTC fans, JackaBeths or otherwise!!:D
Yep, we're like a family. We fight amongst ourselves, but if someone threatens one of the POTC fan-brethren, they might find themselves getting a swirly or something. :D
I am a definate willabeth. I was soooo sad when she kissed Jack at the end of Pirates 2!!! And then Will see's it! it's terrible...Most of my friends think that in the third one they won't get back together...but now that the trailer is out it makes it pretty clear...(thank goodness!) :rolleyes:
I know! It seems like Jack isn't all that interested in Elizabeth anymore after she killed him. :p

*wipes forehead* I'm so glad, especially since Will and Elizabeth kiss again. If they didn't, I'd be quite worried.
When I saw them kiss in the trailer I was soooooo happy I sqealed with excitment!! And now i can't wait for the third one! hehehe.
I don't think jack deserves Elizabeth. Will has done so much for her and loves her so much it would just break my heart, it really would, to see it not turn out right.
I know how to preach it don't I? :p
it's funny how you and me are having two seperate conversations with each other on two seperate's fun! I've never done it before! :)
Yeah, you do! LOL I have those with Mrs. Obi-Wan sometimes. Except we normally end up talking about the same thing in two different threads. LOL They're incredibly fun! :p
hahaha...that old are you? i looked but your age is hidden...i'm 16...nice to meet you! hehe...oh and my name really is Gwendolyn. My incredible imagination for finding usernames is overwhelming...
P-C I always thought you were older than 15...not like, old, old, but older than 15.

Aaahhh!!!!!! I'm cursed! An Obidala-nite is the same age as me!!!!!!!! :p