Spider-man: The Role Playing Game

Sir Godfrey

Pelegrin Crucis
Plot Ideas:

The Spider-Man RPG will take place about a year after Spider-Man 3. Peter Parker/ Spider-Man and Mary Jane are engaged and planning a date for there wedding. I have seeral ideas for villans; one being that Venom returns (wiether it will be Eddie Brock or not is yet to be determined). I'm also thinking of having the Lizard/ Doctor Conners be a possible villan.

As for characters, you can play either an existing character or create your very own. It's up to you.


1. Always obey the GM (Game Master) Me.
2. Be respectful to other players.
3. Stay within the storyline.
4. And don't use foul langauge

Cast of Characters:

Spider-Man / Peter Parker and Venom -Sir Godfrey

Mary Jane - Skylasue

Aunt May - Danny Darnia
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The Basics:

The Spider-Man RPG will take place about a year after Spider-Man 3. Peter Parker/ Spider-Man and Mary Jane are engaged and planning a date for there wedding. I have seeral ideas for villans; one being that Venom returns (wiether it will be Eddie Brock or not is yet to be determined). I'm also thinking of having the Lizard/ Doctor Conners be a possible villan.

As for characters, you can play either an existing character or create your very own. It's up to you.


1. Always obey the GM (Game Master) Me.
2. Be respectful to other players.
3. Stay within the storyline.
4. And don't use foul langauge

Cast of Characters:

Spider-Man / Peter Parker -Sir Godfrey

Mary Jane -

Venom -

OOHH!! I wanna play a villain...Mayhaps an evil mastermind who can outmaffia the Kingpin?:D
Requests and Acknowladgements:

Hello everyone, I just got back. I'm checking you requests now.


Gondor Knight you can be a mafia guy
Danny Darnia you can be Aunt May

Queen of the Just would it be alright if we did senerio together. Since I'm Peter Parker/ Spider-Man and you want to be Mary Jane, we will be doing many romance scenes.

Aaron, you idea of implenting Carnage is brillent and I have considered it. However first I would like to return Venom, before I go into that storyline.
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Peter is suppose to meet MJ to decided on the Wedding date. As he heads there, a Bank robbery takes place. After dealing with the robbers, Peter cahnges back into his normal clothes and heads to MJ's apartment. On the way he stops by a flower shop and picks up some roses. After paying for the roses Peter heads to MJ's. After exiting the elevator, Peter knocks at MJ's door. Opening the door, Mary Jane frowns and then smiles as she sees Peter holding a bucay of roses. Peter entering the apartment, hands the flowers to MJ.

Peter Parker: I'm sorry I'm late, there was distubance.

>Your line Queen of the Just
Peter is suppose to meet MJ to decided on the Wedding date. As he heads there, a Bank robbery takes place. After dealing with the robbers, Peter cahnges back into his normal clothes and heads to MJ's apartment. On the way he stops by a flower shop and picks up some roses. After paying for the roses Peter heads to MJ's. After exiting the elevator, Peter knocks at MJ's door. Opening the door, Mary Jane frowns and then smiles as she sees Peter holding a bucay of roses. Peter entering the apartment, hands the flowers to MJ.

Peter Parker: I'm sorry I'm late, there was distubance.

>Your line Queen of the Just

Oh, its alright Pete, I'm glad to see you. as she smiles to Peter and she hugged him.:eek:
Your turn, Sir
Peter leans in and kisses MJ.

Well done, I think that is enough. You've got the role.

Ps. I wanted you to know, at times I will have to use MJ if your not on or if the scene demands it. Otherwise I will not be using her.
Its okay;) you can use AslansForgivenDaughter sometimes I think she liked the role of MJ:D Uhm....I don't know, okay you can use MJ at times.

Then Mary Jane whispered sweet words to Peter : don't try my loyalty Pete, I'm sure it will reach until the highest thing that exist. I will be loyal to you Pete, forever and I promise. nobody can take you away from me now.
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