Spider-man: The Role Playing Game

"Hey Pete sorry you heard me sing my voice was a little off key tonight hon oh Vince stopped by he said that he would not be in class tomorrow Thanks for stopping by"
She takes Peter's hand in hers and they walked towards the exit MJ waves by to Ali and walks out hand in hand with pete" You okay Pete you look a little shook up? Why are you all scratched up did you get in a fight?
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Spider-Man vs. Venom Part Two: Deadly Tangle

Gripping MJ's hands tightly Peter responded "I had a ruff day". "But now after seeing you, everything is better". MJ smiled and then kissed Peter. Peter put his arms around her and embraced the kiss. Suddenly sirans sounded and a Amleance passed by. Peter pulled back and sighed. He looked Mj in the eye with reluctant expression. MJ putting her hand on his face said "It's ok, go..". Peter giving MJ another kiss then dashed off into the nearest alley and changed into his outfit. Leaping into the air, Spider-Man swung down the street fallowing the ambulence.

As Spidey approached the scene, two black webs wrapped around his body. With tug Spider-Man fell flat unto the ground. Leaping out of the air Venom landed by Spider-Man's side. "Welcome back web head". "I've been waiting for you...". Raising to his feet Spider-Man faced Venom. "In case you didn't know, your now at the top of my list" said Venom with a hiss. Slightly chuckling Spider-Man replied "I'm flattered, but I'm afriad you list will stop hear...". Leaping foward Spidey shot two weblines at Venom. Hissing Venom grabbed the webs and pulled Spidey towards him. Putting his feet foward, Spider-Man kicked Venom in the head, knocking him backward into a telephone pole. Flipping backwards Spidey shot two oppposite weblines that latched unto the fragments of the pole. Then with a fowardm otion Spider-Man lunched the two pieces at Venom. Hissing Venom knocked the two pieces to the ground and then charged Spider-Man.

Leaping out of the way, Spidey rolled and fired two weblines that latched to Venom's back. Using most of his strength Spidey pulled on the webs causing Venom to launch towards him. Turning swiftly Venom collided with Spidey. Now on the ground the combatants rolled, echanging fists. Breaking free Spidey leapt away, but before he could get to a safe distance Venom shot a balck webline that wrapped around Spider-Man. Pulling it Venom freed his left hand and shocked Spider-Man in the face. THe blow knocked Spidey back into a nearby bus. Leaping foward in rage Venom grabbed Spider-Man and took off into the sky. Holding him by the neck, Venom swung toward a heavy traffic area. And once close enough he threw Spider-Man into the fast moving cars. Thinking quickly, Spidey shot a web unto a oncoming truck and pulled himself ontop. Leaping down in a shriek Venom, striked Spider-Man with a powerful blow that almsot knocked him off the truck. Regaining his footing Spidey fired several web shots at Venom. Countering the attack, Venom deflected the shots with his massive arms.

And with a hiss Venom lunged towards Spidey. Thinking fast Spider-Man fired tow opposite weblines at two skyscrapers. Pulling on them he lifted into the air and kicked Venom in the face. Spining in a flip Spidey landed ontop of Venom. Using his fists, Spider-Man deleivered several low-medium blows. And before he could do anymore, Venom grabbed Spidey by the neck and hurrled him into the air. Lunging after him, Venom slammed Spidey into the truck. Shaking his head, Spider-Man raised to his feet and turned to face Venom. "Well little spider, I'm impressed". "You have improved greatly since are last encounter". "I guess I'll have turn up the heat..." said Venom with a chuckle. Tighting his fists Spider-Man replied "Bring it on...". Venom hissed and leapt foward. Spider-Man lunged foward meeting Venom in collison course. The two collided, and began echanging several blows. Spidey continued to hammer Venom with repeative and quick punchs, fallowed up with an elaberate drop kick. Venom repayed Spidey with serval heavy punchs and one powerful body slam.

At last the two leapt of the truck and enaged in arial comabat. Swinging at great speeds, the two collided echanging fearce blows. Grabbing Spider-Man's torso, Venom began to squize with all his strenght. Spider-Man shouted out in pain as he felt his rips begin to crack. As the two coambatants fell, Venom turned Spidey to face the ground. Unable to move, Spidey hit the pavement head first, throwing Venom off his back and into an alley wall. Rolling over, Spider-Man moaned in deep pain. His mask was ripped and torn revealing parts of his face. Blood dripped from his nose and hair line. Crawling, Spidey grabbed a steel fence to try and help himself up. Bu before he could get up, Venom slammed into him, causing his face to hit the fence. Grabbing him by the neck Venom, tossed Spidey into a nearby wall. And before Spider-Man could fall to his knees, Venom swung foward and began deleivering heavy blows to Spider-Man's torso. Spidey gasped as he got the wind knocked out of him. Blood and spite flew from his mouth as Venom continued the chain of attacks.

At last Venom grabbed Spidey by the neck and slammed him against the wall. Hissing Venom said "You disspoint me little spider". "I thought you more than this, but I gues you are just a fragile as anyone else". Looking at Spider-Man's exoposed face, Venom hissed. "You face looks familar...". "Prehapes I should reveal the rest of it!". Spider-Man's eyes windened as Venom began to rip the rest of his mask off. gathering his strength, Spidey pushed off the wall and flipped over Venom. Turning around Venom hissed with anger. Acting fast Spider-Man noticed the weak brick wall. Shooting opposite web lines, Spidey lunched debris at Venom. Busy deflecting the debris, Venom didn't noticed Spider-Man shoot another set of webs. LAtching unto the loose brick structure, Spider-Man pulled. The large mass of brick flung towards him, as Venom lunged. The brick structure collided with Venom from behiend, sending him into a nearby building.

Almost unable to stand, Spider-Man shoot another webline and swung into the air. stopping by a nearby alleyway, Spidey colapsed. Exhasted and unable to move, Spider-Man laided in the dirty puddles of the alley. Blood continued to srip from his brow, as he laided there paralized. Breathing heavily, Spider-Man looked up at the clouded black sky. Loud thunderheads sounded and sprinkles of rain drops began to fall upon him. Trying with all his might, Spidey raised to his feet with the aid of old steel pipe. As he tried to walk, his head began to spin and he began to feel whoozy. Wavering back and forith Spidey worked his way out of the alley. After walking a while Spidey finally was strong enough to use his webs. Swinging gentley and low to the ground Spider-Man headed home.

Meanwhile Venom laided unconcious in the living room of a old home. At the present moment the symbiote had revealed his Vincent's face and began healing his wounds. After a few moments, Vincen't eyes opened and he raised to his feet shouting in anger. As he hissed, the symbiote began to cover his face. Exiting the house, Venom took off into the streets in search of Spider-Man.
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MJ hailed a taxi to take her to Downtown Mahatten back to her apartment she watched the driver carefully for any suscpicous movements. Then she got out of the cab and paid him and ran upstairs to her apartment to shower off and study her lines.
Reaching his apartment, Peter headed up the stair case. Wavering left and right, Peter fell against the railing. Holding on tightly Pete slowly asended the staircase. After struggling a bit Pete reached his room. Upon entering Pete colasped to the floor. Crawling Pete reached his bed. Reaching with his hand Pete grabbed the bed post and pull himself up onto the bed. Within a few seconds Pete fell fast asleep. His body was bruised and tired and dry blood covered his brow. At last are hero was able to rest...
MJ woke up the next morning and went to rehersals for Midnight in Mahatten she did not like being late she went to the rehersals.

She was tired cause she worked late at thte Jazz club and the taxi got caught in a Jam getting back to her apartment.

MJ you voice needs to be a little louder and that was the first time you were late don't do it again.
Waking up the next morning Peter slowly raised to a sitting position. Moving slowly Peter got out of his bed and headed to the shower. As he rinsed himself clean, he felt a derible aching pain surging throughout his body. It was almost to unbarable. After putting on a fresh pair of clothes Pete headed to school. Slowly crossing the campus Pete reached his Science class. Sitting in his chair Pete tried to focus on Dr. Conners lesson. But the pain surging through his body made it rather hard to pay attention. At last the bell rang. Gathering his books Peter headed to his next class.

At the end of the day Peter headed to the downtown to stop by the Jazz club. He was hoping to catch MJ on a break.
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Mj looked at the clock she needed to get down to the club she took a nap after rehersal so she would be rested up for the jazz club tonight

She hailed a taxi and took her to the jazz club her boss stopped her

Mj You have the right side and the middle section nice job with your drawer last night you kept it balcnaced.

"thank you" mj walked around waiting on the tables and getting drinks and refilling them. and serving them burgers and onion rings. SHe went around cheking on tables.

Mj stood up on the stage and was singing some songs and then she sung along with the piano player as the song began.
A Moment of Peace

Approaching the Jazz club, Peter felt a rather cold chill go down his spine. Glancing around Pete ignored the feeling andm oved inside. Making his way through the crowd Pete finally caught sight of MJ. As the lights dimmed, MJ grabbed ahold of the mike and began to sing. Pete stood still as he soft and beautiful voice carried through the room. She sparkled under the spotlight as she moved to the beat. Hearing her voice brought peace to Peter's soul, and for at least that moment all the cares of the world didn't matter. As Mary continued she noticed Peter and smiled. Taking a seat Pete smilied and under his breath he said "I'm the luckiest man in the world...".
Mj Smiled as she finished her song and swung in the table across from Pete

"Hey there Tiger want somthing to drink or Eat I am going on break now" Mj stroaked his face and smiled at him anyhting you want on the house Pete" Mj Said with a wink
Holding MJ in his arms Peter replied "all I want is you..". MJ smiled and leaned in for a kiss. As they kissed they were intterupted by a familar face. "Hey you two love birds, save it for the honeymoon" said Vincent. Pulling out of his embrace Pete looked at Vincent and said "Vince...". "How are you, I mean how you been?". Vincent smiled and replied "I've been good, actaul great". "How about you too.. wait nevermind" said Vincent with smile. Get up from her chair MJ smiled and said "How about I get you two a couple of drinks". Taking a seat Vincent said along with Pete "Thanks MJ". Turning towards Peter Vincent noticed his bruised face and his worn expression. "You alright Pete?" asked Vincent. "You don't look to good". Pete cracked a smile and said "I'm fine, I'm just exahusted". "Work has been crazy and school busy".

Vincent nodded his head and said "I bet". Approching the table MJ laided down several soft drinks and then took a seat at Pete's side. Smiling Vincent asked "So how goes the wedding

Occ: I need to finish this post, however if you want you can go ahead and post.
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MJ looked at vince and said "They go okay we are still working on some of it WE know bacially who is going to be in the wedding party and still some complcations rise up here and there first I want to see what day the show opens and what day I can take off of the show before we set down a definate date

Oh pete it was so nice of you to stop by I am glad to see you MJ kissed him back and relaxed in his arms

She looked over and saw her freind Ali on the other side of her Hey Ali sorry I was kind distracted with Pete and vince here how its going tonight Ali?
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She look over at her friend.
" oh it been all right I been looking around the old place and I wish I stop haveing nightmarse about my Cusin," she said with a weak smile looking over a Pete.
oh Ali I am so sorry your having nightmares about Harry we all miss him he was a good friend and helped freinds in need and he does deserve our forgivness for what him and his dad did. Mj said quietly her eyes welling with tears as she leaned into Pete.

I'm going to be leaving for Israel on June 11th, So I won't be able to RP for about two weeks. I'm leaving the RPG in your hands Skylasue. Ps. I've decided to make the RPG a bit more free. I'll elaberate more on the new freedoms before I leave.