Spider-man: The Role Playing Game

She place her hand her friend's shoulder.
" it be all right MJ all proble comeing but may there traphick," she said with a smile trying to clam her friend down.
I hope your right Ali well if it is a trap. I Hope spider-man would get them out of it he always shows up just in time M.J walked to the window she heard police sirens down the street
Mj walked over and picked up her tea "Ali just go pretty soon I will need to go to the Theater anyway to start my rehersals "

Mj got the dinner and put it back in the oven and put it on to keep warm she got dressed and headed over to the theater to start rehersals for the play she warmed up her voice and read thru some practice lines with the other acters amd actressses. But her mind kept drifgting back to Ali and how she was acting and she was worried about Peter and aunt May. She went thru the rehersals and fliming with the real cast and the understudies for the first three acts.
Alisha went home in her old house takeing a tour of it it was big to have a eight or nine people liveing in it. She walk up stairs to go to her room and put her thing in then she went into the room her Uncle got killed in. it was getting dark out side and it started to rain she look around some more then saw the brokeing glass mirra she saw some thing in it she never saw before in her life. what cloud it be?
Swinging through downtown Brooklyn Spider-Man dropped down into a ally way and changed his cloths. Exiting the ally Pete headed into his apartment buliding. After climbing a flight of stairs, Pete pushed his door open. Once inside, he sat down on his bed and took a deep breath. After a yawn Pete rested his head on his pillow and turned out the lights. And as he began to drift off into sleep, the police radio next to his bed went off. Poping his eyes open, Pete grabbed the nozzle and turned it off. After all, even heroes need there sleep.
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She went Closer to it and saw some thing in side of it it look look a lab of some sort. She walk into it and saw some green Mask she was in shock it look like the Goblins she pick it up and seem to say some thing to her.
" ahahh my dear I thought you never come in here," the mask said to her she drop it she ran out of the foom.
" what was that thing?," she ask herself shacking.
A Terrifying Truth:

The next morning, Pete woke up refreshed and ready for the day. He still had ten minutes to spare before he need to be at school. Taking advantage of the free time, Pete grabbed his bag and headed out. On his way to the campus, Pete stopped by bagel shop to get some breakfast. After downing a coffee and finishing his bagel, Pete go on his motobike and headed to the Campus. After some traffic, Pete reached the school. Locking his bike up, Pete dashed for his science class. Arrive just a minute on time, Pete sighed with releif and greeted Dr. Conners. "Good morning Dr. Conners" said Pete. Turning to Pete Dr. Conners replied "Good morning Peter, I'm glad your on time". "Would you mind stay after class, I wanted to speak to you about something". Pete nodded and replied "Sure".

Making his way to his seat, Peter was greeted by his new friend Vincent Gargan. "Hey Pete" said Vincent. Peter turned and said in a whisperious tone "Hi Vince". Leaning closer Vince asked "Hey Pete, I was wondering if you could help me with science project tonight". Peter sighed and said "I'm sorry Vince I'm meeting with MJ tonight". "But if you'd like, I could right down some tips". Vince smiled and said "Thanks, that would be very helpful". After the class, all the students flooded out, except Peter and Dr. Conners. Walking up to Conner's desk Pete asked "What was it you wanted to speak with me about?". Dr. Conners looking Pete in the eye said "You remeber that sample of the symbiote you brought me over year ago?". Pete spine shivered as he replied "Yeah what about it?". "Well something has happened to it" replied Dr. Conners.

Peter paused for a second and then asked "What exactly do you mean?". Rasing to his feet Dr. Conners said "Lute me show you". Fallowing Dr. Conners, Peter entered a darkened room. Flipping the lights on, Dr. Conners uncovered a glass tube. Inside was black like fluid that churned and moved about. Peter looked at it with hezitation, for dark memories began to resurface. Looking at it Pete asked "What exactly has changed?". Dr. Conners grabbing another glass tube turned to Peter. Inside the tube was more of the black goo, but swirled in it was red strips. Handing it to Peter Dr. Conners said "It has reproduced". Pete's eyes widened and his body surged with cold chill. Looking up at Dr. Conners Peter said "What?..". "Apprently the symbiote can reproduce on it own". Looking back at the glass incase goo, Peter shivered with fear.

Handing it back to Conners Peter said "Make sure you keep safe and secure". "Its dangerious". Dr. Conners nodded his head and said "Don't worry I'm keeping it safe in my lab". After leaving Dr. Conner's lab, Peter went and sat underneath an oak tree. There he began to remember when the symbiote had used him as a host, and of the dangers if it got out again. As Peter drifted off into deep thought, Vincent approached. "Pete, Pete!". Peter shook his head and responded "What?, huh?". "Come back to Earth Pete" said Vince. "Oh hey Vince, what's up?" said Peter. "Well you said you tips for my science experiment" replied Vince. "Oh yeah, oh course" said Peter. "I wrote down everything you'll need, right here". Peter passed a piece of paper to Vince. Looking at it Vincent said "Thanks Pete, your a life saver". "I don't know do with out you".

Peter smiled and replied "Well I hope you've got everything you need". "I have to go now and meet Mary Jane for dinner". "Tell her I said hi" said Vincent. "I will" replied Peter. "See ya later Pete" said Vincent. "See you later Vince" replied Peter. After walking across campus, Peter unchained his motobike and headed down the street. As he got caught in traffic Pete looked at hsi watch. "Oh no..." said Peter. Looking to his right and his left, Peter drove his motobike onto the side walk and turned into a ally. There he parked and chained it up. And with a quick change, Peter/Spidey swung out of the ally and straight down the city block.
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MJ Finished her rehersals and went home and rested Then the next day she worked the Early shift at the Jazz club and was walking to get a cab she hailed the cab to get her to her apartment and ran up and changed her clothes once she arrived there she put on some dinner and waited in her living room studying her lines. hopeing pete would not forget there dinner date and dissapoint her again. She always has loved pete and always thinks of him alot but also has a history of dissapoint MJ Pushed it away and laid down the script on her coffee tabele and took a drink. Pete was not her father and would not let her down and hurt her intnally with all of the enemes Pete/Spidey had to put up with Mj could understand.
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occ: Indeed it should

Ic MJ combed her hair and changed into a dress and was looking out the window waiting for Pete to show up. The rehersal was canceeld for tonight so Mj was looking forward to a nice quiet evening alone with her and Peter and just some time to talk and have some time together.
Something Ugly: The Rebirth of Venom!

Back at the Univisity, Vincent was in the lab doing some work on his project. While exaimnig a specimen Vincent was approhed by another student. "Hey Vince it's getting late, I'm going to head out". "See you tommorrow". Vinced looking up from the table smiled and said "Alright Clark, goodnight". Turning his attention to the sample, Vincent grabbed an instrument and continued his work. Moving the sample about Vincent heard a earry noise. Pausing for moment Vincent looked around. After hearing nothing, Vincent continued his work. Moments later he heard the same noise. Backing away from the counter, Vincent said "Hello?". Again he heard the noise. Fallowing the sound, Vincent entered Dr. Conners lab. "Doctor Conners?". With no response, Vincent walked further into the lab.

Fallowing the noise, Vincent came to stop. Infront of him was large crome door, that labeled 'Hazard materials'. Echoing from the door, the noise grew lounder, almost sounding like a screech. Vincent backed away from the door, and began to leave. But as noise continued, his curiosty grew, until he couldn't resist the temptation of finding out what the noise was. With some hesitation, he grabbed the door handle and opened it. Inside was several chilled substances contained in glass. Most of them where chemicals used for lab testing. But among them was one that stood it. Inside a rather larger container was a black substance. Looking at it Vincent, reached towards it. As his finger got closer, he noticed the fliud inside began to move. Pausing, Vincent felt hesitant. Something inside him was warning him to leave it alone. But as Vincent began to retract his hand, the glass container began to shake wildly, until it fell out of fridge and onto the floor.

The glass shattered, releasing the black goo onto the floor. Vincent backed away and stared at the strange substance. Suddenly it began to move towards him, like crawling creature. Vincent turned and ran, but the black goo grabbed him and pulled him to the floor. Screaming and shouting, Vincent became consumed by the black goo, turning his skin into a black-like flesh. His eyes were covered with white like shockets and the rest of his body was incase in a black-like suite. Pausing for a moment, Vincent looked at his hands and out loud he asked "What is this?". He began pulling at the black material on his arms, but it didn't budge. Suddenly he began to panic as uncontroable thoughts entered his head. Screaming he bagan ripping at his head, trying get it off. But the more he resisited, the stronger it became. Until at last he gave in.

Suddenly everything seemed diffrent to Vincent, he felt good. He felt powerful and he liked it. As he admired this new feeling, teeth began to grow from were mouth would be. And coming out of the mouth was an unusally long tounge. Shrieking Vincent took off in a ramapage, breaking through walls. Once outside, he looked at the building nearby. And with but a thought, black strands similar to webs shot out of his hands and latached to nearby building. Swining into the air, he shrieked as he explored the City of New York from above...

*Meanwhile, Peter waso n his way to MJ's apartment. Swinging from webs, he landed in anearby ally. There he changed and headed out into the open. Stopping by a flower shop, Peter picked up a dozen roses. After paying for them he headed to Mj's apartment. Once inside he headed up a stair case, and stopped infront of her door. Knocking, he waited patiently for her to answer.
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Mj heard knocking at the door it was Pete she answered the door and grabbed him in a hug and Kiss.

"Hey Pete darling I have dinner cooking its almost ready come on in" Mj Shut the door
Holding the flowers in hand, Peter said "I got these for you". MJ grabed the roses and huged Peter again. "Thank you, there beautiful!" said MJ as she released Peter. As Peter took off his coat, MJ took the roses and placed them in a vase. Peter stared at MJ and smiled. He was so happy to see her, and so glad to be with her again. Sitting down Peter smelled a wonderful eroma. "Smells good, what's cooking?" asked Peter.
ITs a Turkey brest dinner with Mashed potatoes and mixed veggies and a specail desert Just for you" Mj winked at pete "I hope its as good as Aunt May's you want somthing to drink darling you look like your thirsty? "Big day today and I got some good news I cannot wait to tell you.I am back on broadway pete those bad reviews did not hold me back like I thought they would. " MJ watched pete soon she is going to be mrs Mj Parker its going to be wonderful Mj thought to herself As she set dinner on the table.
Pete and MJ:

Peter smiled and leaned foward and hugged MJ. "That's great!" said Peter. "I'm so happy for you". After releasing MJ, Peter said "We should celebrate". Rummaging through the fridge Peter, grabbed a small bottle of wine and opened it. After filling both glasses, Peter lifted his glass and said "To bright and beautiful futures". Extending her glass MJ touched Pete's glass and they both took a sip. Looking into her eyes, Peter smiled and said "I love you so much MJ and I'm going to do everything I can to be the best husband I can be".