Spider-man: The Role Playing Game

Here here I know you will tiger. Mj crossed over the room to peter and drank out of his glass and he drank out of hers. I cannot wait to the wedding Pete its going to be beautiful I am so excited I got the lead role in Midnight in Mahatten and we are getting married it cannot be more perfect. I never thought I would get it after all those attack reviews it was so upseting but I learned not to let that hold me back Pete you and spiderman and I have all beat the odds before There is nothing we cannot get thru together.
Revenge is like a Poison:

Peter smiled as he embraced MJ in kiss. At last he would be with her, and nothing or no one would get in the way.

Meanwhile Vincent stood high above the city, his new form hidden underneath the dark sky. Panning around the streets below, he noticed a familar face. A guy named Flash Thompson and his girl friend were walking together. Vincent hated Flash, he had always bullied him in High school. But now Vincent could get him back. Hissing, Vincent leapt off the building and swung into the shadows. Creeping along the building, Vincent moved into an allyway. After kissing his date goodnight, Flash headed home. On his way he neared an ally. Stopping Flash, turned to the ally. A strange noise had caught his attention. As he stepped closer, he could hear a rather loud hissing noise. Suddenly two black web strands pulled Flash into the ally, sending him into a wall.

Trying to lift himself up, Flash moaned. His leg was twisted, and possible broken. Unable to keep himself up, Flash fell to the moist ground. As he shook with cold, he could hear the a faint laughter. Emerging from the shadows, Vincent crept foward. Flash began to panic, as fear overcame him. "What's a matter Flash, are you scared?" asked Vincent. "Get away from me!" shouted Flash as he backed away. Vincent moving closer hissed and said "I've been waiting for this moment for some time". "At last you pay!". Grabbing Flash by the neck, Vincent slammed him against the wall. "Now you will know what it is like to be picked on!" said Vincent. "What are you talking about and why aare you doing this?" asked Flash in panicing tone. Slamming Flash harder against the wall Vincent replied "Don't play innocent!". "I know what you've done". "You will pay for what you've done!"

Flash barely able to breath said "I don't know.. what your.. talking about...". Vincent clintched his razor sharp teeth and said "Remember a young man named Vincent Gargan, whom you picked on and beat up?". Flash paused and said "Yeah... what about him?". Vincent hissed and replied "Well he at last is getting his revenge...". Suddenly the horrible face of the symbiote began to retract revealing Vincent's face. "Hello Flash!". Flash's face was filled with horror. "You....". "It's time to pay for what you've done..." said Vincent. "Listen Vincent, I'm sorry, I was a bad guy back then..." said Flash. "Just give a chance...". Vincent hissed as the black goo covered his face. "It's too late for forgiveness Flash" said Vincent. Vincent then raised his fist. "Wait, don't do this.. Vincent!" shouted Flash. "Vincent!". Pausing Vincent replied "Vincent isn't hear right now, there is only Venom!".

Flash's eyes widened, as Venom punched him in the face. The blow knocked Flash's head into the wall knocking him unconcious. Hissing Venom threw him aside and said "There... now were even...". Venom then disspeared into the shadows leaving Flash to his fate...
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Mj Leaned into pete with a kiss and hugged him everyhing to her was perfect in that moment She was with the man she loved cooking him dinner and spending time with him. She just wondered if this was all to perfect. She loved both parts of this man the fearless superhero and the Nerd smart scneice Guy that was her best freind and next door neighbor that she has always taken care of and watched out for and always enjoyed being with this person. This man she always shows him a little piece of her heart each time she talks to him now he will know her whole heart.
As Peter stared into Mary Jane's eyes, his breath was taken away. He remember those years when he held the love for her in secret. He remembered when he wanted to touch her but couldn't, he remembed when he wanted to hold her but he wasn't allowed. He remembered when he had to lie about his love for her, so that he could protect her. He remembered when he almost lost her for good, by his own actions. He remebered not knowing if he would ever be able to kiss her again. He remembered the thoughts of losing her were worse then death, and now at last he was going to be able to do the thing he had dreamed of since he was a child. At last he was going to marry the women of his dreams, the girl next door...
Mj Smiles at Peter as she puts the dinner on teh table

"You Know Pete I cannot think of anyone I would rather celebrate with then you my best friend and fiancee and the Man I am goign to marry the lead role and my agent said they loved me! I like to see the press faces with this one.
Average Day, Unusal change...

Peter smiled as he listen to MJ talk about her new play. After dinner, Pete picked up the dishs and put them away in the sink. THen turning to MJ, he smiled and said "Well it's getting late". "I better head home". MJ nodded and approached Pete. After a kiss she said "You be careful, try not to get into too much trouble before are wedding". Pete smiling said "I'll try". After another kiss, Pete headed out the door. Stopping he turned around and eyed MJ, with a smile he said "Goodnight MJ". MJ holding the door open replied "Goodnight Tiger".

Turning around Pete headed to the stair case. Now outside, Pete headed down the sidewalk. It was chilly night, and it would take at least half an hour tp reach his apartment on foot. Turning into a ally, Peter changed into his Spidey suite. Then pushing of the brick wall, Spidey leapt into the air and began swinging home. On his way, Spider-Man noticed several cop cars and abilence by a nearby ally. Filled with consern, Spidey swung over to the site. There he landed and approached an office. "What happend here?" asked Spider-Man. The Officer turned and said "Looks like it was a mugging". "Except whoever did it, left the victim terribly wounded". Moving over to the ambulence, Spider-Man gazed at the man. 'Who would have done this' thought Spidey.

Turning to the ally, Spidey began looking for any evidence left behiend by the purpatrator. As he examied the ally, he noticed large scratch marks on the wall. After fallowing a few dead ends, Spidey left the scene and headed home. After a short swing, Spidey landed in nearby ally. After changing he headed into the apartments. Up in his room, Pete sat quietly on his bed. He continued to ponder about the strange scratchs on the wall. The more he thought about it, the more confused he got. Finally after some struggle, Pete fell asleep.

The next morning Peter got up and quickly headed to school. Racing to his class, he bumped into someone. "Watch it!" shouted the guy. Peter trying to pick up his books said "I apologize". Looking up Pete saw Vincent hold out his hand. Helping up Pete Vincent said "You really should be more careful Parker". "You don't bump into the wrong person". Pete nodded and then looked at Vince. Squinting his eyes Peter asked "Are you feeling alright?". Vincent chuckled and replied "Yeah, never been better". "Why do you ask?". Peter paused and then replied "I don't know, you just seem diffrent...". Vincent putting his hand on Pete's shoulder said "Well maybe it's just because in great mood". "Prehapes..." replied Peter who seemed unconvinced.

Together Peter and Vincent headed to Science class. And after long hours in lab work, Pete met up with Vincent. "He Vince". "Yeah?". "I forgot to ask how your lab experment went" said Peter. With a creepy smile Vincent replied "It went great.., better than expected". Peter smiling said "That's good to hear, I'm glad everything worked out well". "Yeah..well I gotta go Pete, see you tomorrow". "Alright, bye Vince" said Peter. As Vincent walked away, Peter felt a terrible pain in his gut. He don't what, but something was deffently diffrent about Vincent.
MJ was smiling as she let Pete out she changed into her nighclothes and laid down for a bit then she got up and looked at the clock as her alarm sounded seh turned it off and thought about her day. This was goign to be a long day first she has rehersals during the day then at night she has to work Late at the Jazz club.

She walked over to the playhouse and saw her name being put up in the Marquis and smiled to herself as she walked in

"Hey Mary jane " some of her co starts in the play smiled at her.

She walked over the rehersals went quite normal this time though her voice cracked on a couple of notes.

"We will work on that MJ" The voice coach said

She nodded at him and ran thru the lines with her co star.

"Dress rehersal in two weeks work on your voice a bit mj"

"Okay i will" Mj bit back tears her big chance to redeem herself and she missed two nots off key she new this was to good to bet true. She hailed a cab after she changed into her unifrom and as she was catching a cab she felt somthing was wrong she got into the cab and told the cabbie where to take her to/ She walked in and sung a song. But she could not escape a eerie feeling that was plaguing her about stuff being to perfect.
The director told her
Mj got out of the Cab and saw her freind Ali walking towards the club when a dark shadow came over them it seemed to be coming from the Cab a black web snapped at them. Ali and Mj Ran into the club and shut the door.

She tried not to screamMJ was shaking and there boss caome up to them.
she jumped a bit.

"You ladies okay"

"Yeah just a slight scare it was just a shadow you know ny at night just shadows enough to scare you" Mj said with a nervous smile.

Okay Ladies Mj you got the counter tonight. Alisha you got The tables along the wall by the stage be sure your drawer balances tonight mj you were short partilallly the other night"

"Ok I get it I will do better next time"

Mj cleaned off the counter and set up the drinks and her tickets for the night and she wondered if that was just a shadow that she saw with Ali or if it was somthing else.
I am worried about Pete Ali and that black thing that came out of the taxi cab and the slimy black web thing what did it want with us It did nto touch you did it. We got inside just in time Ali before it got us but it still scared me and I have had a bad feeling all week that everything is just to perfect and somthing is going to go wrong is all. "

A customer walked up and mj made him his drink and got him his food and set it down in front of him and walked towards the other end of the counter where her freind was

"What do you think it was Ali ? "
she shook her head.
" don't know Mj but I know it wasn't Peter I mean ah," she said with a puse, she look down for awhile then back at Mj.
Ali I was not referring to Pete at all just in genral a dark feeling that has seem to be following me and it was just a shadow probably nothing She took the bill from the customer rang him up and gave him his change.
She bussed the table and cleaned it off.
She look down.
" yes I know but all I'm say is every thing be all right Mj don't worry so much," she said with a sigh she was cleaning up her last table.
Spider-Man vs. Venom: Duel of Webs

As the sunset, Peter snapped his last shot of a crime scene and headed back top the Bugle. Turning in his photos to J. Jameson, Pete was like everytime critcized for his work. Once finished at the Bugle, Peter headed into a ally to change. Putting on his suite, Spidey swung into the air, ready for his daily rounds. Unlike most days, this day was pretty uneventful. A few thug busts, and one minor rubbery. Landing on building, Spidey took a deep breath. It was now nightime, when most crime activity is at it's highest. Pawling above the building Spidey caught sight of a possible perpatrator. Fallowing him, Spidey swung across the street, landed on a rooftop. Tracking the man, Spidey stop at a nearby ally. The supecious man was meeting with a group of men, all who were waring black coats.

Watching them, Spidey noticed one of them hand the man he was tracking a small case. After a moment, the suspecious man broke off from the group and walked away. Fallowing the man, Spider-Man zip-lined over to nearest building. Finally the man stopped in back ally. Spidey using his web-line, dropped down and said "Hey you!". The man stood perfectly still, keeping him back to Spider-Man. Then like bullet, he took off. Spidey leapt foward swinng after him. But after circling through a few streets and allyies, Spider-Man lost him. Standing still, Spidey scratched his head. "How did lose him?" he said. Suddenly Spidey was knocked of his feet and pulled into ally. Slamming into a brick wall, Spidey fell to the ground.

Slowly raising to his feet, Spider-Man groaned. Looking around, Spidey heard a faint hiss and then a voice "At last we meet...". "I've heard so much about you, the one who saves those in distress". "Who are you?" asked Spider-Man. Chuckling the voice replied "I am a shadow...". "I am a plague that has come to judge those who are wrong and to make those who deserve to suffer, suffer!". Spider-Man panned around, his spider-sense was in-active, which conserned him. "Show yourself!" shouted Spider-Man. Then leaping out of the darkness, a black figure with razor sharp teeth faced Spider-Man. Standing motionless Spider-Man gasped. Horrified by the sight, Spidey backed away. Smiling Venom crept foward. "Eddie?". Smiling vilely, Venom replied "Guess again!". THen leaping foward Venom clashed with Spidey. KNocking him into a wall.

Holding the enormus arms back, Spidey kicked Venom off. Leaping above, Spidey landed on rooftop and panned around looking for Venom. Unable to find him, Spidey began to sweat. Suddenly from behined, Spider-Man was grabbed and spun around. Hissing Venom, threw Spidey into bill-baord sign. Sparks emiited, as Spider-Man's body collided. Creeping foward Venom snarled, ready to punce on hbis prey. Spider-Man shaking off the pain, rose to his feet. Looking to his left and right, Spidey quickly shoot two opposite web strands that latched to two fragment pierces of debris. Retracting his arms, Spidey lunched the pieces of debris toward Venom. Ripping through the debris, Venom screeched and leapt forward. Acting quickly, Spider-Man dodged and swung away.

But it wasn't long before Venom caught up and knocked Spidey out of the sky. Landing on taxi cap in the middle of the street, Spidey rolled off into the street. Traffic holted, and several people exited there cars to watch. Trying to regain a his balence, Spidey warned the people to get inside there homes and to get away. Suddenly Spidey was slugged in the face, throwing him into a buidling. Droping to the ground, Spidey moaned, his head felt like someone had taken a hammer to it. And without even a chance to rest, Spider-Man was pulled by two black webs towards Venom. Grabbing Spider-Man by the neck Venom hissed and said "What's a matter little spider, tired?". "Do you want me to give moment to lick you wounds?". Looking Venom in the face Spidey kept silent. Pyshically Spider-Man was drained, he barely could breath, neverthless reply.

Hissing Venom tossed Spidey into a car. "I'm wasting my time, afterall your not on my list". Raising his head Spider-Man said "I don't know who you are, but I must warn you". "If you continue allow ware that suite, you will lose yourself". "It will take over and make you into something you not". "Before it's too late, take it off!" said Spider-Man. Hissing Venom krept towards Spidey. "You don't understand, I like feeling like this and I'm not willing to lute it go" said Venom as he gripped Spider-Man's neck. Coughing Spider-Man said "I know what it's like, the power, it feels good...". "But it will destroy you". Hissing Venom asked "How would you know?". Gasping Spider-Man replied "because It once was mine". Venom lossened his grip and listened. "I once allowed it to take over". "And I almost lost everything, including myslef.."

"You see, it wants to consume you, it wants to take over" said Spider-Man. "Don't lute it...". Hissing Venom tightened his grip and said "No..., I won't lute it go, I can't!". "Don't give in.., fight it!" said Spider-Man. " No!!!!" shouted Venom as he slammed Spidey into the car. THen with furious rage, Venom attacked, smashing the car with his large arms. Spidey leapt out of the way just in time. And with the last amount of his strength, Spidey shot his webs unto a nearby car and flung it at Venom. Turning in rage, Venom was caught by surpise. Colliding with the car, Venom flew into the wall of a building. Venom laying in the rubble, was motionless. Taking advantage of the moment, Spidey took off, swinging away. Once at a safe distance, Spidey dropped down into a ally and changed.

Walking out of the ally, Peter rubbed his shoulder. His body was covered with bruises and cuts. Worn out, Pete headed home. Meanwhile Venom arose out the rubble with a shriek. Looking around he realized Spider-Man had fled. "Just you wait little spider, until we meet again" said Venom. "For as of now, you are on the top of my list!". With a shriek, Venom lunged into the air and swung away into the dark night.
Mj cleanened up the last spill of a drink when a newscast caught her eye a dark suit and she saw spidey fighting someone she went to get some change from Ali's register and she saw someone lese come up to the counter "Hi what can i get for you today.
Alisha jump on the stange to sing she kept her eye on her friend for awhile with a smile.
" you not fully dress with out a smile," she sing while her friend ask the strange prson a qution.
Approaching the counter Vincent smiled and said "Hey MJ". Mary Jane paused for moment and then asked "Vincent? is that you?". "Yup it's me..." replied Vincent. MJ smiled and said "For moment I didn't recognize you". "You look diffrent". Grinning Vincent replied "Yeah I've been getting that a lot lately". "How's Pete?".
"He is doing fine last time I saw him I have not seen him for a day or so now What can I get you vincent Our special today is beer battered fish with fries and slaw Can I get you something to drink Vince How are your classes going? Mj asked.
All Jazzed up:

Vincent smiled and said "Oh thanks MJ, but I have to go". " I just wanted to stop by and say hello". "Tell Peter I said hi and that won't be in class tomorrow". Mj smiled and replied "I'll tell him". "Oh and thanks for coming by". "Don't mention it" said Vincent. "Well goodbye MJ". Mj waving her hand replied "Goodbye Vince". Exiting the club Vincent turned down the street and disspeared out of sight.

Meanwhile Peter had woken up from a nightmare. Heading into the hall, Pete entered the bathroom and washed his face in the sink. After drying his face, Pete put on some warm cloths and headed outside. Hoping to catch MJ at the end of her shift, Pete headed to the Jazz club. After walking about eight city blocks, Peter reached the Jazz club. Entering he caught sight of MJ on the stag singing. Walking foward Pete took a seat up front. As MJ sang she noticed Peter and smiled. After she was done, Pete greeted MJ with a hung and a kiss. Holding her in his arms, Pete took a deep breath. Then pulling back he looked into MJ's eyes.