Star Trek: Voyager

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Kara: I will trust you on that Petra you are quite smart most of the time. Sure Captain i will be there in one minute.

Kathryn: Now Commander I have something important to discuss with you about ships protocol.

Kara Stood at attention Yes Captain.

Kathryn : First thing Commander i don't mind you having dinner or coffee with one of my officers and i will inform harry of this too the bridge is for ship business only that is the command center of the Ship but i don't want you and the Jedi;s to think your free on this ships there is certain rules i expect you to follow is that clear Commander. This is a starfleet ran ship Chaktoay and i decided on that a few days ago.

Kara: Yes Captain that is clear and i will be sure that when i am on the bridge rather harry is there or not i will be professional at all times. I will follow your rules as well Captain but i am not use to being told what to do I am the commanding officer of my own ship i have commanded in battles as well.

Kathryn: I am aware of that Commander but i was just letting you know where i stand I am willing to let you be in the command structure of this ship only if you prove yourself.
Tom: something tells me the Cmdr. is getting a run-down of Starfleet protocol.

Petra: and why not? If she becomes part of the crew, she should be given a run-down of the rules. It's not as if she's in trouble.

*Tom started to say something, but Petra shot him a look that said, "don't even think about it" and he turned back to helm.*
Kara nods at the Captain finished her recitation
I will abide by those Captain now if you excuse me I have some business to attend to on my ship.

Katrhyn: No i want you to stay on the bridge so you can get familer with it.

Kara: Yes Maam

Mrs Kenobi familiarize ms Skylar with the controls of the brige starting with tactical

Kara: With all do resepct Command i do not need a review.

Janeway glares at Kara

Kara: On the second thought i am not familer with Fedration technolgy.

Kathryn" That is what i thought Do i t Lt Kenobi
Petra: Yes ma'am. *She walks over to tactical.* Kara, Lt. Tuvok will show you how to do tactical. He's also our chief security officer. Run her through the security protocol as well, Lt.

*Petra walked over to Ops.* Harry, I dare say your station is next on the list. Run her through Ops and whatever else it is that you do.

*She smiles and winks at him as she walks back to her chair.*
Petra: Yes ma'am. *She walks over to tactical.* Kara, Lt. Tuvok will show you how to do tactical. He's also our chief security officer. Run her through the security protocol as well, Lt.

*Petra walked over to Ops.* Harry, I dare say your station is next on the list. Run her through Ops and whatever else it is that you do.

*She smiles and winks at him as she walks back to her chair.*

Tuvok: firing weapons and photon torpedoes here is the targeting scanners you can use them for Phasers or torpedoes and the security protocols are quite simple keep the Captain and the ship safe. And somtimes i do this or harry does this is to open the hailing frequencies.

Kara: Thank you Mr Tuvok.
Hello Harry how are you

Harry saw Kara walking towards him and he was nervous he hit the wrong button and sounded the red alert.

Kathryn: Harry why the alert. Janeway looked at him then exchanged a smile with Petra

Harry" What did i do oh nothing to be alarmed about Captain. Just hit the wrong button. Kara This is the operations station I control the ships sensors and all the ships operations i can tell if the transporter or anything else is broken down this is the schematic of the whole ship behind us. I can monitor all decks from here. Here is the warp breech alarm and i can use this to operate the viewer and the communications. and the shields modulation and all the ships controls are here Engines and warp control are handled at the helm. Harry dropped his voice down to a whisper What time do you go off duty Kara want to dinner tonight? Harry touched Kara's shoulder he just wanted to grab her and kiss her right there he stroked her hair and face savoring this moment of closeness.

Kara: I go off duty at 1600 How does that sound.

Harry: 600 that sounds good

Kathryn: (cleared her throat as Kara and harry separated quickly) That is quite good Ensign. LT Paris i believe your next.
*Petra and Tom exchanged a look.*

Tom: yes ma'am. And I'll try not to sound red alert.

*He grinned at Harry*

*He pointed to several buttons* this is the sequence I use to go to warp; different speeds, but we can only go as fast as warp 9...the threshold has never been crossed before. And these control the thrusters, navigational charts, etc...
Harry shot a I am going to kill you later look at Tom and regreteully watched Kara go down to his best freinds station I hope he does not treat her like a meat market. Harry thought to himself Tom thinks he is all that with women he better just stay away from her.

Kara laughed at the jealous feeling Kim was feeling at Tom at that moment.

So warp 9 is maximum warp is it Lt Paris. I thought 9.9 was my ship can go a little faster then that but i am sure you intend to break the threshold somehow. This must be the dirctional and navigations functions and star charts here. I am a pilot to you know and a good one at that i think i am better then you Mr Paris. The best pilot in the jedi fleet next to my master Luke skywalker.

Kara was provoke tom to test if harry is really feeling what she senses from him.
*Tom shot his friend an innocent look; this time he had no intention of getting in the way*

Tom: I resent that Commander. I'd like to see you prove it.
Kara whirled and shot a glare at tom

Are you challenging me to a race or a piloting compitation LT.

Chakotay: This is no time for freindly comptation Lt and Commander we are in a uncharted part of the galaxy and i don't think Captain Janeway would approve of it Would you Captain. Chaktloay said turning to face Janeway

I stood up "Chaktoay is right i don't approve of this it would be different if we were in the Alpha Quadrant in unknown space commander Skylar i don't want you to risk your ships especially just after you repaired it.

Harry smiled at Tom then at Kara. Kara knew right where to get him riled up.
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Kara: Very well Mr Paris i will keep that in mind.

Harry" Captain sensors are picking up two ships and a supernova about 2.3 light years away.

On screen Mr Kim.

The ships are not charging weapons or hailing us

Kara: that ship is a corrilain vessel.

Excuse me Kara what is that ?

A humanoid life form captain explores like us. They would be allies advise you don't engage them there weapsons are very powerful
Kara: Petra, I am quite sure that its true But if they are they would hail us and not just ignore us.

Kathryn I agree its to easy and seems to much like a trap to me. Yellow alert. You think there power can outlast and out gun a Intriped class starship Then you might be mistaken Kara Voyager is state of the art and the Best there is. The best in the fleet.

Occ: Janeway out for the night the game is closed till tomorrow.
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OOC: game open.

IC: Petra: but it's...oh never mind. *Obi-Wan came to the bridge and kissed Petra on the cheek.* Obi-Wan, not when I'm on duty.

Obi-Wan: sorry.

Petra: Is there something you needed?

Obi-Wan: *whispering* Only to see you.

*Petra rolled her eyes and whispered back.*

Petra: you're going to get me in trouble.

Obi-Wan: I haven't done anything.

Petra: *eyeing him* not yet at least.
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kara: Petra continue with what you were saying

Janewy turns around and saw obii wan and petra kissing on the bridge and clears her throat Not on the Bridge Lt and Obi wan
We should trust Kara this time even though i would like to see if they will fire on us.
Petra: It's not important what I was going to say. Captain, we weren't kissing. It was Obi-Wan's fault, but I stopped him before he went any further.

*she glared at him*
Kathryn: Very well Lt and Commander Kara i will trust you with what you say. Tuvok raise shields just in case.

Tuvok: It would be logical and prudent that we do Captain.

Harry: They are scanning us captain there weapons are powering up.
Tuvok Looked at Janeway and raised eyebrow

Chaktoay: Captain i think Petra is right we should do the same I don't like being a setting Duck

The ship shuddered as the shields took fire.

Janeawy Agreed Commander Tuvok raise shields and fire. Red Alert

Harry: our sheilds are still holding
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