*Petra taps her badge* Petra to Torres.
b'Elanna: Torres here.
PEtra: I need your help with the Doctor's subroutines; one of them has malfunctioned and I had to shut him down.
B'Elanna: Understood. Torres out.
*Obi-Wan was on the table and running a fever; Jessa was beside him on a smaller biobed.*
Obi-WAn: Petra...
Petra: B'Elanna is going to help fix the doctor; we'll have him up and running in no time. HOw are you doing?
Obi-WAn: you can't tell?
PEtra: I guess I can...just sleep and you'll feel better.
*B'Elanna arrived.*
B'Elanna: what seems to be the problem?
PEtra: I don't know; I'm not an engineer, maybe you can figure it out. He was not functioning right.
B'Elanna: his matrix probably just needs re-adjusting. it won't take very long.
*she tinkers with teh computer a few minutes*
B'Elanna: that should do it. computer, activate the EMH.
EMH: please state the nature of the medical emergency.
Petra: so far so good.
EMH: Lt, what seems to be the problem?
Petra: you have patients.
EMH: well why didn't you say so in the first place?
Petra: you didn't...oh never mind.