I walked over to neelix and took a large pot of coffee and set down opposite the window
The mess hall doors opened and Kara's reddish blond hair bounced as she was arm in arm with Harry.
Harry I will only be a minute The Captain needs to talk to me. Go ahead over and set down.

pulls Kara to the side) Look who is right near the captain's table if she is going to talk to you about what i think she is going to look who is over there in civilian clothes.
Kara: Petra will get over she is so childish somtimes.
Harry: Kara be nice you have known her longer then any of us cut her a break.
Kara : I will think about it harry dear. Kara: (Walks over to Janeway) Captain you wanted to see me
Janeway: Kara want some coffee we might be here a while.
Kara: Captain what is it you look stressed.
Janeway: Petra handed me her resignation this morning and Chaktoay and tried to talk to her to get her to calm down so we might need to replace her unless she changne her mind would you be willing to tell me yes or no if you could help out in sickbay and do tactical some.
Kara: Sure um (looks questioningly over at Petra) You might want to keep your voice down Captain Petra and obi are over at the other table.
Kathryn: Thanks i did not even know they were.
Kara: Yes I would Captain you know i would help you with anything you ask me too. Drops to a whisper Do you think she will chagne her mind?
Kathryn: I don't know.