Star Trek: Voyager

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*Obi-Wan saw the look in Petra's face as she got up.*

Obi-Wan: you're irritating a cut, you know.

Petra: sometimes it's fun.

*she walks to janeway's table.*

No, I won't change my mind; I also decided that my children needed me more than this ship and crew did. My husband and I hardly ever get to see each other anymore; the only time we're together is mainly during meals and when I'm sleeping.
Understood Petra i can see why very well i am glad your priorities are stright and i am sorry you thought we butted heads alot most of the time people can work thru them.

Kara: So when do i start.

Talk to Chakotay so he can set you up a schedule.

Janeway walked away leaving the coffee pot on the table.

Harry: walked over to Petra is the Captain okay she hardly ever touched her coffee that is not like her.

Kara: She is taking this hard she thinks (looks over at petra then over at harrry)
Harry: (Walkos over)

Kara (stops him) Harry its not worth it

Harry; She cannot do anything to me she resigned
PETra i hope your proud of yourself the Capatian found you a good friend and allie i understand your family comes first I am sure the captain meant what she said most of the time with respect and trying to help you. But this is nothing to be childish about grow up. There is such a think as respecting authority.

Kara: Your out of line Ensign.

Harry; Sorry i had to say it i forget I was a ensign for a couple of minutes.
Petra: No, Commander he's right. *Petra had never referred to Kara by her rank.* I stand corrected by Ensign Kim. Never condemn someone if they tell the truth.
Kara walked away she knew she said something wrong to Harry she went to talk to Chakotay.

Harry: I just felt like i had to say it Mrs Kenobi
Harry walked after Kara.

Kara (turns around:) Petra i am sorry if my brashness and attitude hurt you but Harry was right there. I should not have called him down like that somtimes my rank carries me away. I don"T want our friendship that developed under your nephew to be jeopardized cause of this.
Kara nodded and took the coffee pot back up to neelix after pouring herself a cup.
Chakotay passed Kara in the hallway

Commander skylar Can i see you in my office for a second

Kara: Yes Sir. (Kara followed chakotay to his office)

Chakotay; Kathryn told me you were switching to sickbay from the bridge

Kara: Yes Commander I request the sickbay shift in the morning i prefer the bridge in the evening

Chakotay: of course i will hand you your duty roster in the morning Dismissed Commander

Kara : Yes Sir and thank you
Petra: computer, locate Captain Janeway

computer: Captain janeway is on deck 1

Petra: *sighing and saying to Obi-Wan* I think that maybe I was a little hasty in my decision.

Obi-Wan: I told you to give it a day or so.

Petra: I was hurried by teh Captain; I'll be back in a few minutes hopefully.

Obi-Wan: *kissing her on the cheek* good luck.

*Petra walks to the turbolift.* deck 1

*she arrives on the bridge and walks to the door of teh ready room, not seeing Janeway in her chair. she rang the chimes.*
Petra: I'd like to say I'm sorry for what happened. I was being childish and petty over something that was ridiculous. and...I know I have no right to ask you, but...*she shifts nervously*
And Go ahead Mrs Kenobi,* I leaned forward * Relax and just tell me Petra Janeway softens her tone she said it more harshly then she intended.

Chakotay: Chakotay to Janeway

Janeway here hold on Commander I am in a meeting

Chakotay: Yes Captain
Very well Petra I will not give you your full rank back unless i feel you deserve it I am giving you your rank as Ensign and you will start in Sickbay i will tell Chakotay to reinstate the roster i feel you are best suited as a healer you healed my concussion and my ribs quite Quick and i was short with you and i am sorry. Welcome bakc Ensign Kenobi and i won't make you wear you uniform if you dislike it that well.
Kathryn Very well(taps her badge) Janeway to Chakotay what was it you needed to say to me.

Chakotoay: i am outside the ready room now

Kathryn: Come in

Chakotay The roster is oh hello Petra (Chakotay notices her holding a uniform) your back Welcome back Ensign.

Kathryn: You have to update the roster Petra is returning to sickbay.

Chakotay: Yes ma'am I will have them do split shifts then.

Kathryn: Be sure its okay with both of them Commander

occ: Game is closed for now.
Petra I am glad that is fine with you welcome back again your dismissed Ensign.

Chakotay: Kathryn you took her back quickly

Kathryn; She had a change of heart. I think i know who we can thank for that.

Chakotay: Probably Ensign Kim or Kara one they have been a good influcnce on each other. What are we going to tell Kara She might wonder what happened.

Kara rang the Chime for the ready room

Kathryn: Come in

Kara: Captain the duty roster is fine with me i will work the early evening shift and that way Petra can have that time to have dinner with her husband and her family is that acceptable Commander (Kara stood at attention waiting for the response.

Kathryn: At ease Commander that is fine with me if it alright with the Commander.

Chakotay: Its fine for me Kathryn and Kara.
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