Petra: *she clenched her fists.* sorry Commander.
Chaktoay: IT s okay Petra i was just kidding with you I would not do that to you.
Kathryn: Chakotay now will you go to sickbay and let her work on you.
chakotay: Yes Ma'am
He walks with Petra and Kara's help to the Turbolift.
Kara your temporarily my first officer Tuvok is a little indisposed right now. After you treat Chakotay you need to return to the bridge
Kara: Yes Captain
Kara helped Chakotay to sickbay. she used the Force to raise him to the boibed. She runs her hands over his arm and Head trying to pinpoint where the injury was. She gently touched his arms a greenish light emanates from her hands and Chakotay feels warmth in his arm
Chakotay: That feels good
Kara: Now Rest your arm don't make any sudden moves and relax your head aginst the pillow.
Kathryn: Janeway to sickbay Kara can i come down with him i want to be sure he is fine
Kara: Sure Captain
I walked to the turbolift and then I come walking into sickbay and stands by Chakotay. Chakotay turns his head to face Kathryn/
Janeawy: how are you feeling commander
Chakotay My arem is fine Kara healed it
Kara: Chakotay Move your head to face me so i can get a clear look
Chakotay:yes Ma'am
I walk over and take Chakotay's good hand and held it.
I whisper to him Stay with me Chaktoay you will be fine
Kara: There you go now stay there for a few minutes why i get the regenerators for that Cut on your forehead. I picked up the regenarotr and run it over Chaktoay;s head and it clears up
Chakotay: Thanks Kara
Kara take the bridge i want a few minutes with him
Kara: Your welcome i will be on the bridge if you need me. No to long Captain he needs his rest to recoup and be better.
Kara smiles and looks at Kathryn and Chakotay. She has a feeling that those two will become a family of there own someday.