Star Trek: Voyager

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Kara looked around the Doc was deactivated and they were alone.

Harry I would like that to go out to dinner again and i wanted to tell you about a a dream i had last night. Kara traced her finger down Harry's face and chest and pulled him close to her.

Harry: Really ( Harry grabbed Kara's hand and placed it by his side and around his waist and pulled Kara close and kissed her )I think i would like to know more about this dream dear. When are you off duty>

Kara: Not for awhile i need to help the Captain on the bridge. MY shift in sickbay is done.

Harry: I guess i will go up to the bridge with you.
Kara no Harry go up before me i will meet you up there.

Harry: Ok Kara i don't know why you want to hide this the Captain knows about us already.

Janeway Left Chaktoay in his quarters and walked up and out to the Bridge Report.

Bridge To Commander Skylar come to the bridge.

Kara: On my Way Captain.

occ: This game is closed until Petra or I return.
Kara (walked up to the bridge)Sorry Captain I was preoccupied.

I noticed harry slipping behind me and i nodded at him.
Sickbay can get busy i am sure But i think there was somthing else involved.

Kara: I can explain he came down at his own accord

I raised my hand up dismissively Don't explain Commander i will leave at that for now. I can understand Chakotay and i exchanged a look Just don't let it happen again Your the senior officer Commander

Kara: Understood Captain.
Kara: I think Petra is right in this one with all do respect Captain I did not do anything wrong don't patronize me Captain or assume

Kathryn: Commander Kara Skylar don't your are coming close to crossing the line.

Harry wanted to defend Kara but only she would be bold enough of blatantly say something like that to Janeway.
I looked at Petra then at Kara. Is this true this is not your fault at all commander?

Kara: Let me Explain Captain I was in sickbay finished up with Chakotay and cleaning up Harry walked in and asked me if i want to go to dinner tonight with him. I told him i had to do my shift on the bridge First before i went to dinner with him. Harry came down at his own accord no prompting from me.

I nodded Very well Commander i respect your honesty and your dedciation to you work and me.
Ensign Kim come to my office you as well Kara.

Kara: not right now CAptain long range sensors are picking up ship of unknown origin i sense hostitlies from it

Mr paris do you see anything
I think its your imagination Kara Relax before you break something.

Kara Just trust me they are closing on our starboard side you will think again if they hit us

Kathryn: Kara your a hard person to not be convincing Raise shields yellow alert
The ship jolted i stabilized myself on my chair. Red alert fire phasers
Kara looks like you were right Commander

Harry: direct hit to our starboard shield Captain.

Reinforce shields evasive maneuvers MR Paris now Do it
Kara launch torpedoes Do it

Kara: torpedoes away Captain direct hit to there aft shield

Harry: Nice shot Kara I don't know how you did it you took out there shields. Must have been luck Kar.

Kara: Its not luck Harry its the Force

Target there propulsion and weapons think the Force can guide you two times in a row. Do it!

Kara: No doubt Captain and gladly.
Stay close Ensign Kenobi we might if these guys put up a fight.
Mr Paris status how far are they from us .

I leaned on Paris's console and set down my coffee and placed one hand on my hip

"Report Tom. were those torpedoes effective"
Captains log 100075.9 i am getting very tired of close calls in the delta quadrant or near missed ways to get home this is the second time we were attacked by unknown ship and they fled
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