Star Trek: Voyager

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Kara walked down to her quarters Harry was setting on her couch looking at book she had laying on her desk.

Harry: (Walked over and embraced her) What took you so long Kara?

Kara"Janeway had me do somethings before she would let me take the night off. What were you reading?

A book about Jedi history

Kara: That is fine anything you need to borrow feel free to
Let me go change quickly.

Kara ran into her bedroom and changed out of her uniform into a dress that was blue and bought out her eyes.

Harry: My my you look lovely my dear.
Obi-Wan: maybe we should start dating again.

Petra: no thanks.

Obi-Wan: it could be fun.

Paris: I have several holodeck programs if you want them.

Obi-Wan: good idea.

Petra: not a good idea.
Petra: *raising a questioning eyebrow at Janeway and Chakotay* with all due respect, Captain, I don't think that's any of your concern; and if Obi-Wan had kept his big mouth shut..*she shakes her head*
Just a suggestion Petra Sorry

ChakotaY: Kathryn maybe we should have not commented on that.

Harry and Kara were in the holodeck sharing a cozy dinner

Harry: Kara can i ask you something( reaching out to touch her hand)

Kara(Flipped a stray strand of hair out of her face) Sure Harry what?

HarrY: If i asked you to marry me would you say yes. I know this is sudden but i was just wondering

KarA: Harry we just started dating!
Harry: Kara well what is your answer

Kara: OF course i would but its a bit too soon

Bridge to Commander Kim

Kara: Kara here what is it Captain the

data stream is missing a link and its encoded can you or harry come and decode it

Kara CAptain we are a bit busy right now can it wait

Commander Kim don;t make me make that a order
Petra: just slightly. *she gasped and whispered to herself* I just had a wonderful idea.

Obi-Wan: Petra, what's up?

Petra: get down to the mess hall and get dinner for two ready; candlelight and everything.

Obi-Wan: for us or someone else?

PEtra: just go do it.
Kara and harry walked to the bridge Kara almost ran into obi wan

Kara: OBi wan what are you doing in such a hurry excuse me

Harry: He is up to something Kara i know it

Kara: looks at Petra i think your right Harry.
Harry: Go Kara i got this

Janeway looked

Harry is Petra up to something

Harry: I don't know Captain let me take a look its a old republic code Harry tapped a few buttons that should do it

THey are no different then us Harry there shield matrix is our old one and there weapons are no match for ours we also got some of there command Codes WE have the advantage now

Harry: Kara and Luke are very versitale

*Obi-Wan adn Kara arrived in teh mess hall; Petra talked to Obi through teh Force*

Obi-WAn, this is for the Captain adn Chakotay; get Kara to help you get one or both down there.

Obi-Wan: alright dear Kara, this idea of Petra's is to apparently to get the Captain and Chakotay on a dinner date. She needs you to get them down here.
Kara: I shall try obi wan let me try Chakotay first if i know the Captain she won't leave the bridge for nothing
Taps comm badge) Commander Skylar to Chakotay.

Chakotay: Chakotay here what is it Kara something wrong?

I watched chakotay and Harry someone is up to something i thought Why did Kara leave so fast.

Petra what is going on i think your up to somthing. I crossed my arms and glared at her
Obi-Wan: I'll try teh Captain.

PEtra: I'm not up to anything, Captain. *she smiled innocently.*

Obi-Wan: Obi-WAn to Petra; medical emergency in the mess hall; neelix is injured; I think the Captain should come.

(She knew his voice well enough to know he was joking)

PEtra: on our way; Kenobi out.
Chakotay: Where are you Kara you sound like something is wrong is ever hying okay

Kara: Just get down here I am in the mess hall I would rather explain in person I will explain later(Kara laughed at herself she was sounding just like Janeway)

Chakotay: On my way

Kathryn: obi wan i am on my way in a minute
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