I was taken aback Don't raise your voice at Me Lt I never thought you could not handle it Why do you think i left you in control of my Bridge i would not let just anyone set in that chair its a privilege to set there.
I sensed iciness in my tone I did not mean it. I lowered My hands to my side and tried to keep her voice even as I said the nest sentence.
I just thought stuff was to quiet i just feel like those aliens Kara can sense will be back for another pass soon, I suggest we go to yellow alert. Just a gut feeling i have anything on scanners Chakotay? I said suddenly business like again
Chakotay: I don't see anything Captain. Not on long range or short range sensors Captain.
Chaktoay was amazed how quick as soon as Janeway stepped on that bridge its like there dinner and the kiss they shared never happened.
Petra: *she rolls her eyes and walks to the turbolift* fine. I wasn't asked to be put on bridge duty. *to herself* I guess Obi-Wan and I can have that date after all.
Obi-Wan: tell you what: I have some replicator rations we can use; how about we have a romantic candlelight dinner and just enjoy each other tonight, alright?
Harry and Kara were walking around old parking lot
Kara: Harry What is this place
Harry: Their is out car come on Kara (Harry grabs Kara's hand He opens Kara's door and she gets in to a old covertable car) IT a old earth custom Kara a drive in movie theater you set in your car and here the movie thru your car radio The movie they are showing tonight is the Indiana Jones series about a archaeologist
Ineresting most people find this romantic setting in a car watching a movie
Chakotay: Captain look at this it just showed up a s a blip on long range sensors
I walked over and leaned over Chakotay's shoulder slightly touching his broad shoulder not intentionality. It Looks like our freinds are back just like i thought Bridge to all hands Red alert All senior officers to the bridge.
Harry was holding Kara against him and had his arms around her and Kara was leaning into him and he kissed her Harry suddenly set bolt upright.
Harry: Kara did you here that
Kara: Its the radio Harry the movie is loud
Harry: Something is up i thought i heard Janeway call a red alert.
Kara: Suddenly stood up its them the aliens they are coming back again.
Harry: Computer End program
Harry and Kara got out of the holodeck and got into the turbolift
Hary: Bridge Why does our dates always get interrupted Harry muttered as he walked onto the bridge and took his station.
Chakotay nodded as he saw Petra come onto the bridge.
Chakotay: That is a understatement and her two pets she is ripping into them
For starters when I call a red alert Commander and LT I suspect you two to respond immediately or as soon as you can Your senior officers I think you should set the example and your should never go without your comm badges
Kara: Captain i am not a mind reader
Save it commander
Harry: If you please ma'am this was my fault
I cut him off Apparently consider your holodeck privileges revoked for seven days and yours as well Ms Skylar or should i say Mrs Kim you will be that soon enough. Dismissed.
Chakotay: It went quite well Petra Kathryn and i really hit it off we were holding hands about halfway thru the date.
I walked out on the bride and stood behind the bridge rail in between Kara and Harry I walked over to Kara and leaned on her console with one hand on my hip.
Kara bring the modification's on line the shields and the weapons this time we will be ready for them Fire at Will as soon as you have the Target maybe they will talk this time if we outwit them