Star Trek: Voyager

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Chakotay: Kathryn what is that on your hand

I looked at my hand its bite Chakotay look you have one as well.

Kara: The ships are retreating Captain one blast was all it took
we disarmed them. But it got a micro fracture in our hull

Its pointless to negotiating with them we cannot understand them and they cannot understand us.

Harry: The sound pretty angry what is that buzzing around my head

Kara grabbed it with the Force and tossed it into a jar.

Kara We should have the doctor take a look at this i think its what bit both of you Captain and Chakotay.
Kara i suggest you and Chakotay come with me to sickbay the doc might need to take a look at this

Kara i cannot leave the bridge in a combat situtiaon

Harry: Captain this is no longer a combat situtaion the moved out of weapons and scanner range

Stand down red alert
Lt kim take the bridge

kara: Doc i want you to take a look at this. This insect came in thru the microfracture in our hull and it bit the captain and chakotay I caught it with The Force putting it in this jar. i think you should take a look at the Captain and the commander to dcide what this is or not and what to do.
Kara you have to know does the federation have anything simler to this that maybe your holographic head can cross reference. What is with the bites on the CAptain and commander's hands. It could pose a risk to the crew and the security of th ship
Doctor: I'm a doctor, not a database. it'll take time to examine the creature; but I recommend the captain and Commander to stay here behind force fields until I decide what it is.
Very well doctor we will stay

Chakotay: Kara you and Harry take care of the bridge why we are here.

Kara: Understood Doc you need me to stay here. Do you need me to assist you ? If not keep me informed
Kathryn: Lt kenobi is on the bridge she reported up there when we were attacked

Kara: Doc i will send her down when i get back up there okay. CAptain, Chakotay you take care of yourselves.

Chakotay: We will we got the doctor with us no worries I hope

Kathryn: We will Kara.
Kara walked out of sickbay

Chakotay do you have a bad feeling about this what is going to happen to us.

Chakotay: IT does not matter Kath as long as your with me Kara will take good care of the ship her and Tuvok and Kim will do a good job.

Doctor any ideas yet

On the bridge

Kara walked onto the bridge and over to Lt Kenobi Hands on hips

Petra your assistance is needed in sickbay the Captain and Chakotay are in force fields and the doctor is working on it trying to study the bug and bites to see if anything can be done.
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