Star Trek: Voyager

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Kara walked around and informed the crew
She informed the bridge crew last

Kara: The captain and Chakotay are going to beam down in pods and remain on the planet until the doc and her can find a clue on how to treat and heal them it might take a long time as of now myself and Harry are in command of this vessel and are charged to get us home we will stay in orbit a week then we will see if anything has happened+

Harry blinked back tears he did not like leaving janeawy and chakotay there

Kara: enginnering did you here that Torres?

occ: Janeway out for the night i have thunderstorm
OOC: I think your thunderstorm came our way, hit about 3:30 this morning.

IC: Torres: I heard, Commander.

Petra: *to the Doc* how long will this take?

Doc: it's hard to tell...could be a week, a month, maybe more.
occ:nice we have a sever one called for tonight later

Kara: Commander skylar to engineering torres could you see if you can fix this micro fracture so more of this will not happen
Kara:VEry well blanna . Doc when you feel its time prepare he pods and be ready to beam them down Kara said with a finality in her tone she wished was not there. Kara blinked back tears the CAptain and her have become great freinds and she respects chakotay very much.

doc still let me do research at least. i raised a eyebrow
Harry: initiating transport the pods are down there Captain, Chakotay best of luck to you and i hope everything goes okay.

Kathryn: Doctor then beam us down and keep us informed if i find anything i will be sure to let you know.
When Chakotay and Kathryn arrived on the planet they stepped out of the pods Janeway to Voyager

Voyager was my first command I will not forget any of you. You have made a great team for the the two years i have known you and you have helped me as well thank you for all you have done your a fine crew and I am sure Commander Skylar Ensign Kim and Commender Tuvok will see to it that you get home safely. Janeway out.

harry: started to cry Kara placed her arm around him and blinked back tears herself.

Harry: With all do respect Commander Skylar we cannot just leave them.

Harry: Captain do you have all that you need.

Kathrny: Yes we do Harry stay strong and tell Kara to as well.
*Petra blinked back tears as she turned to the Doctor*

Petra: I think we should start trying to find a cure immediately

Doc: agreed.
Kathryn I will go set up the insect traps and you start building the shelter Commander

Harry" (walked over to kara ) Commander can i talk to you i have a bit of plan that might help them recover quicker
Kara: Harry Sure come with me into the Captain's ready room.

its seems odd And empty to her not seeing captain janeway with a cup of coffee setting behind the desk

Harry: You miss her too don;t you Kar

kara: yes i do what is your idea harry Kara perches herself on the captain's desk moves her computer to the side with a nudge with the force

Harry: there was this race that did reserch on things by harvesing organs of other beings

Kara: (Kara rolled her eyes) oh lovely i have encounter them before the vidians

Harry: Yes them they might have some sort of way to cure them

kara: Yeah for a few lungs and things. somehow i don't think the Captain would like that to well harry.

Harry: But tis worth the chance run it by the doc see what he thinks,

Kara: Commander Skylar to sickbay;

Chaktoay: walked around building up the shelter and the Captain sat the traps up. There we are all set captain.

kathryn: Well commander nice job now just to wait the rest of our lives.
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