Star Trek: Voyager

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Leaving Earth

Kara: Admiral forgive me for asking but why Coruceant Its not even part of the Federation yet.

Kathryn: But it soon will be Kara and your Dad recommend you for this there is some coruceant refuges that was attacked by your Cousin and he laid waist to the temple Killing younglings

Kara felt a strange sense of Deja vu she remembered her dad saying something about Anakin doing the same thing

Kara So much for the family business.(She trembled)

Harry laid his hand on Kara’s shoulder comforting her. “ Our past is catching up with us Kara. What is our mission Admiral?

Harry your mission is to get to Couchant rescue the Refugees and get them back to either Naboo or Earth defend the planet if you can try to negotiate with your cousin. Maybe see if you can get your aunt, Kara to help you out. The course is set in your log you just need to give it to your helmsman Kara once you get on board.

Kara Understood Admiral

Kara and Harry and Janeway walked to the ship.

“Kara I am sure you will like the ship.

Kara I already do Admiral will you care to Join

Kathryn: Sure i am going to accompany you on your first Voyage this ship and the name was my gift to you Kara.

Chakotay Mr. Paris I am sure you taught the helmsman all you know about your crafty flying Care to take us out of space dock.
Tom; I would love to do it, sir.

Ensign Spur got up out of his seat as tom sat down and guided Voyager out of space dock.Petra tapped her commbadge

Petra: Captain chakotay, may I see you in sickbay if possible?
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Kara and Harry Leave 8 months later

Kara Got up on the lift to go to the ship she rested her hand on her lap.

Harry Kara no need to be nervous its just a small trip almost like treip home for you.

Kara: No place is really home Harry except Naboo or wherever I am with you.

Kathryn winced

Harry : Admiral you okay

Kathryn: I think so it just this little girl likes to kick.

Kara: Admiral how far along are you?

Kathryn: 8 months just about 9.

Here we are

Ensign wildeman stood up “ Admiral and Captain on the Bridge

Kara : At Ease everyone (Kara motioned for everyone to set down) The Admiral is going to Join us on Naboo Sun’s maiden Voyage We are heading to Corcueant

Harry: Lt Wells Take us out of dry-dock and set a course for Coruceant maximum Tran warp.

Lt Wells : Yes Commander.

Chakotay Nodded

Sure Doctor Kenobi on my way.
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Petra paced back and forth in sickbay, trying to figure out what to say to chakotay. She knew she should be honest with him about her feelings, but at the same, she wouldn't tell him. She would move on with her life and if some other man stole her heart then so be it.
Chakotay and Petra

Chakotay you wanted to see me am i do for a physical Doctor i assure you i am in good health.

He playfully pulled on her braid.

I think we need to watch Janeway she is coming with Kara and Harry they are few minutes behind us. I saw a vision of her being killed. Be sure her baby survives.
Petra: no you're not due for a physical. I...Chakotay.......I mean Captain. Do you mind if I take a day to myself when we get to Coruscant? There's someplace I need to go in the Temple.
Petra; Captain, seeing that I'm underneath you as an officer I think it'd be better if I called you by rank. No there's nothing else.

Petra Skywalker Kenobi, you are such a liar.

OOC: I am too. Game closed 'til tomorrow.
OOC: Game open


Tom stood up and sat down in the Captain's chair as the Ensign sat down at the helm.

En. Spur: Sir, I don't recognize these coordinates.

Tom: That's because the planet we're headed to is located in the Delta Quadrant.

Spur turned around and looked at him. Spur: the Delta Quadrant?

Tom: yes. It's where Voyager met Captain Kim and Commander Kenobi...of other people. Is that a problem?

En. Spur: No, sir. I was just curious. He spun his chair back around, but there was little to nothing to do since the coordinates had been set. All that was left was to engage the warp engines and that was dependent on the Captain. Tom tapped his commbadge

Tom: Commander Paris to Captain Chakotay, we're ready when you are.
Chakotay's Challange

Chaktoay Tapped his comm badge "Chakotay to Bridge Tom Go Ahead and take us out Engage. I will be up shortly i am in sickbay Chakotay out.

chakotay looked at Petra "I know if you feel more comfortable with Calling me Captain But i don't mind when its just us he reached out and touched her Face if you CAll Me Chakotay. Your hiding somthing from me there is somthing else wrong I know it. I am sure you will tell me when your Ready"

Chakotay Turned to the turbolift and got in "Deck 1." HE shut the door behind him as the turbolift went up to the bridge. He walked out on the bridge he was worried about Petra and also worried about the Visoin he had of Kathryn's death by Kara's nephew.

HE loves Petra but he also realized as he lokoed at his hand where he put on his wedding band. He is previouly committed to Janeway. In a way if this is KAthryn's Death it will free him to pursue Petra. But then if his child finds out he was married after Kathryn died would she blame Petra for her death.

He Sighed and walked out on the Bridge

"Ensign Take us out engage Transwarp drive for Coruceant."
Ensign spur: aye sir. He ran his hands over the controls and engaged the new transwarp drive.

Petra sighed and sat back down in the office. She too had concerns about the mission on Coruscant. She didn't want anything to happen to Janeway because of her own selfish feelings. The reason she wanted to go back to the Temple was because she and Obi-Wan had left some things in their quarters that she wanted back. Things she hoped were still there.
the journey to Corcueant

Kara and Harry set on the Bridge

ensign o connell "Captain we are being hailed it Captain chakotay

Kara stood up and crossed her arms " Mr o connell put him thru"

Chakotay: hey Kara ironic isn't it we left here with you after we met you and now we are back"

Kara rested her hand on her hip and the other on her lighsaber. "Things come full circle chakotay we are right behind you status ?

" There are ships that are identified as enemy fightrse and there is one star destroyer called the Anakin Solo"

Kara exchanged looks with Harry "Chakotay that is JAcen's flag ship"

Harry I don'e like this Captain

Kara : Red alert

bring us out of transwarp ensign o connell and slow to impulse
Jacen won't move on us unless he senses a threat.

o connell "Yes Captain slowing down now"

Harry Ensign Beckett arm phaserse and prton torpedos and raise shields

Kara: Belay that Beckett run silent and keep our shields lowered

Harry: But Captain we should be prpared

Kara : Harry if we do Jacen might attack the ADmrial said to try to negoatite"

Harry Kara he isn't your nephew anymroe he is Cadeus lord of the Sith when he fately injured Mara he rose to that postion. Neogoatoin is not a option Captain with all do respect."
Petra shuddered involuntarily. All her Jedi training and her senses were now on full alert because she sensed the former Jacen's dark presence. She tapped her commbadge

Petra: Captain, I suggest we do the same as Kara is doing. Jacen will wait on us to make the first move. Unless he senses my presence and the other jedi's presences.
power down and Cadeus's Discovery

Chakotay tapped his commbadge " Captain Chaktoay Here Petra I agree Commander, He turned to Tactical Ensign Arturo Power down shields and go to Grey power mode and keep the phasers and torpedoes unarmed.

Tom any other ideas you want to add don't you and torres have a date later?

Chakoty paced the bridge

Jacen/Cadeus was alone is his quarters he sensed familer presesnses It Can't Be Kara and Luke and My Grandfathers Sister

He thumbed the Bridge

"Lord Cadeus to the Bridge"

"Admiral Tiett identify those two ships that cme into our space out of transwarp I think i might know two or maybe three of them"

"Admiral Tiette Here My Lord the First ship is a intreipid Class Voyager and the other is a intripeid Class as well Naboo Sun"

" Identify the Commanders of those ships"

The commander of the Naboon Sun is Kara Jade Kim and her first officer is Harry Kim."

"Kara Kim my Aunt What about the other ship and who is the cmo of Voyager?"

" The Cmo is Petra Skywalker Kenobi and the Captain is Chakotay"

"Petra Skywalker Kenobi my Grandfathers sister "
Petra paced back and forth anxiously. She was a liability but she couldn't abandon her post. What did Obi-Wan always tell her to do? She thought hard for a minute then it occurred to her. She closed her eyes and buried her Force presence, hoping it would make it harder for Jacen\Caedus to find her. She knew he had already sensed her presence but should his target be the Jedi, she was safe for the moment. If safe was really the word....
Jacen/Cadeus Attacks

Cadeus looked at one of his officers Admiral Tiett Fire on the smaller ship The Naboo Sun show them not to mess with Cadeus.

Kara paced the Bridge Harry touched her arm

Kara worrying will get you nowhere Plus he won't fire on us unless he knows who we are.

Lt Eylar called from Tactical Captain i suggest you raised shields there is a blaster bolt coming right for us

Sheilds Up Now

Kara braced for the impact the blaster fire racked and deflected off the shields.

"Harry Safe Bet Kara he knows who you are at least.

"No kidding Kim" Kara snapped

Chakotay : Ensign Spur move to flank position on the Naboo we won't let them take Kara down without a fight.
Spur: aye sir. *he tapped some buttons on the console and moved alongside the naboo sun*

Petra: Kenobi to bridge, did Kara's ship get hit?

Tom: yeah but they didnt' sustain much damage. Do you know who's firing on them?

Petra; unfortunately. Something tells me he'll try to get away with one of the Jedi. maybe even me *she muttered* keep me informed; kenobi out.
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