Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

skyla sue said:
"Okay Girls that was a close call at least we are safe now"

"Master Luke what happened to the other five Jedis that were with us"

"Kara they were killed by that shadow that almost killed us if we would not have stopped it now I feel bad that I was short with them now we rest I will set a couse for corucant and meet the rest of the fleet there" Just before luke punched the hyperspace button after the ship was raised and in the atmosphere the ship would not move

"artoo get us going here what is wrong" Luke looked at the display

"Blast it girls the hyperspace drive is broken we are stuck here for right now until i can get it fixed Artoo come here little friend and assist me"

"Kara try to raise corucant or someone to help us here I do not know if I can get this working"

"Will do master"

"Jedi shadow to courcant This is Kara Skyler Master Skywalker's padawn we are down send assitence to corllia anyone who here me tell me what your twenty is"

Kara I will try the Jedi temple Luke pulled out his communcator "Master Skywalker to the Jedi temple the shadow is down I am trying to fix it send assitence"

Luke Thru off his robe in the cockpit and pulled trying to get the engine open Artoo beeped and was able to lock into the hyperdrive Luke opened the engine door

"It was disabled when we landed artoo what can you do with it"

Artoo twittered and beeped Luke saw burn marks where torpedos and blaster from a enemy ship attacked them

"Kara Kirna when we were in battle trying to get to the planet to land we were hit by proton torpedos and blaster fire from a enemy ship artoo think he can get it working. If not I hope help comes soon.

" yes Sir main whole I'm go in the ship to contick some one is that ok Sir" she hold her hands tight
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Lady Chloe said:
What?! Wait a minute are we talking about the Corucant that you told us not to start?

Yup, I say fire away. But Kato Si, Darth Raven, Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker, Kirna and Kara won't be joinnig the battle tell a sometime later.
Luke Skywalker out

Good night everyone Skywalker out btw I will not be on as much thru the week I have a busy week so no one bother with Kara or Master Skywalker till i get back unless you want to help fix the ship :D :p ;)

Master Skywalker

The Battle of Courcant is about to begin. Note: Kato, Darth Raven, Mara Jade, Luke skywalker, Kirna and Kara won't be joining it tell way late. Also note that The Jedi and Maldor will be agianst VCorrun and his fleet. And in the edn the Jedi prevail and win...
Hey everyone great job and thanks....

Note: That if you plan to make a big change in the stoiy, starting a huge battle, or etc please PM me and post it before going on.
after defeating the priates corrun now having a fleet of 1000 ships thanks to correlia ship yards was preparing to jump to light speed idril now on borad with her strike team jumped to hyperspace and set for corsuanct when they arrived a large fleet of jedi star ships and ship that where mandalorian MALDOR that tratior i shall eradctied him my self with the jedi and maldors fleet combined it was 1200 ships
sir godfrey did you get my pm
Rules and Terms:

1: The Stories, ideas, and characters must be Star Wars related.

2: When planing to change the story, control other characters or etc you must obtian premission from the palyers and Adminstrator (me).

3: Respect other players opinnons and ideas.

4: Remember to respect Policy NO. 1

Policy NO. 1:

For now on lutes make it policy that if your in a story and playing with others, to wait for them to return. That way no one gets left behind. The only exception will be if your telling your own story or your by yourself, then your free to write as much as you want. Also make it a point to always tell everyone when your leaving. Another exception is if someone goes on vacation or is gone a long time, then we can move on with the story. But please notify me if you plan to be gone a while or are going on vacation.
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