Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

Kara leaned up against the pillar but it started to fall.

Lyra run i think i see Kato there at a distance head towards him Lyra.

Kara tossed the pillar away with the Force.

Lyra: Master i won't leave you

Kara Go Lyra don't argue with me! your being a imbecile

Lyra: no i am just trying to help you Master

Kara and Lyra: ran thru the ruins and saw Kato coming closer.

Lyra: Master should we fight off the remains of the Sith cause Master Si might need our help

Kara and LYra sliced thru the remaining Sith and there group of Jedi arrived.

Sith : You think you can beat us you and your pitful little band your barley old enough to be a master.

Kara: i am the youngest master on record Stih and you can't touch me I am protected by Adonoi El shaddhi one of his powerful servents We beleve in the true nature of the Force Sith somthing you cannot understand.

Kara sliced the sith commander in half and was right on the other side of Kato

Lyra finished off one other sith Kara tossed her lishgaber at a arc and blocked the parry of a sith that was trying to hurt Lyra. When she called it back to her

LYra raised up and flipped and came behind him disarming him a sith that was coming behind her. with a flick of her wrist tossing the ligshaber on the ground.

Kara: Nice work padawan.

Lyra: Thank you Master

The stood with the other Jedi KAra had her hand on Lyra's shoulder.
Master Si versus Lord Vaden

As Kato turned he caught sight of Kara and Lyra comnig towards him, but as he too ka step foward he heard a loud humming fill his ears and suddenly he dropped to his knees. Kato felt his back burning with intense heat, and he felt unable to catch his breath. He could see the horror in the others eyes as the stood petfied. As Kato drifted off into numbness, he heard a faint voice saying "Now you didn't think I was gonig to lute you leave with out a fight, did you?". Kato twisted his body and looked upon the face of his advesary. Standing above him was a dark figure, with complexsion reconginzable, yet also changed. Kato with huff said "Karth..." "How many times must I remind you, that name no longer has any menaing to me" said Lord Vaden. "It is the name of you that you have only forgotten" said Kato as he rose to his feet. Staggering a bit Kato stood face to face with Vaden, his expression was of great sorrow and regret, for Kaot knew what he must do.

"Enough chit chat former friend, lute us finish what we began" said Darth Vaden. Kato taking his lightsaber of his belt said "As you wish...". Suddnely as if they where expecting each others movments, both combatans sprugn foward and ingited theirl gihtsabers. The blades crackled and spraked as the two repeatly exhanged blows. It was something to see them fight, it was a watching dance between warriros, both using simlar counters and both assuming simlar stances. As the duel raged on, both Kato and Vaden broke away from the traditional and common moves and moved on into more articulate and somewhat brutal manuvers. The Two held in lock up, in which neither could break way from, so they both began exhanging fists and suing the force. A shockwave eminated from their postion that shaked both sides.

The Sith army and the Jedi Band stood silent, watching with amazment as these two comabtants fought. It was as if neither could gai nan upperhand. When one exhanged a fatal blow, the other returned one. Soon both combatants were kneck and kneck psuh their sabers tightly towards each others faces. The sparks danced and skimmed across their faces. Their eyes where but an inch away from each other and in thme you coud see an instensity that would cause a normal man to colapse. Suddenly Vaden broke away from the lock up and fallowed it up with repeated heavy blows. Kato counter and spun aroudn Vaden and then with quic jab he enanged again using his Djem so. The clash of both sabers caused both combatants body's to shake. Agai nthey locked up. Vaden looking with his hellsih orange eyes hissed and said "I msut admit, you have become quitep owerful old friend". Kato sighed and replied "True power is to maintain control and to use it for the greater good". Vaden chuckled and replied "Dillussions, dillussions old friend". "True power is only found in conquering others!".

Suddenly a large shockwave eminated from vaden's bodythat threw Kato into soem ruins. Vaden wildly rushed nad began swnng his saber in an unctorble fashion. The blade passed through stone and rock, just missing Kato's body. The two entered into a set of fallen over pillars, that were braced against a old stone wall. Kato regaining his footing held on the defensive, trying best to counter when he could Vaden's blows. Waiting for oppertunity Kato finally used his powers and threw Vaden into some ruins ,their Kato leapt untop of him and reapdily hit Vaden in the face. The two rolled off into the pillars and once back on thier feet exhanged fists instead of saber blows. However isnteado f jsut normal punch mthese blows had the force behiedn them sending the person on the other end into the air and into watever laid beheind.

Lord Vaden's Dileverance and The Redemption of Karth:

As the two continued, their faces were covered with bruses and their robes were tainted with blood. Suddenly the two rushed each other and their bodies collided. The two then reapidly slammed each other into pillars and stone structures, until at last they both colapsed. Crawling both reached for their lightsabers. However when they ignited them they relaized they had switched sabers. Making do, they continued their duel. Blow after blow the two firecly engnaged, causing the ground to be showered with sparks. Again they locked up and reahcing with thier other hands they grabbed each other's saber and began power struggle. Finally both rleased taking their rightful weapon and tumblnig to the ground. This time however both combatans took their time to rise. Bruised, beaten, and bleeding they made their way towards each other and held in place. Kato ctaching his breath said "This insn't you Karth.., I know your a good person". "You have been poisend by the dark side, but i konw deep down their is still good". Spitfully Vaden replied "The good you speak of is gone.." "Now there is only hate!"

Kato staggering a bit replied "I know that is not true.." "The man I know is still in there". Suddenly another voice came from Vaden that was demonic. "The man you speak of is dead, their is only Darth Vaden!" Kato holding firm shouted "That is a lie!, I know you a still in their Karth, and that you can still choose to do what is right". Vaden began to hiss and even growl. Kato then throwing his lightsaber aside said "I can't save you Karth, but I know who can". Kato then extending his hand said "Adonai..." Vaden began to growl and shout uncontrolably. He leapt foward and swung his saber, but the blow was haulted. Kato then placing his hand on Vaden said as he lookedi nto Vaden's eyes "Karth you can be forgiven, you can have second chance" "But first you have to be rid of this, you have to renounce the clain=m this Darkness, this Hasatan has over you". Suddnely the gorwling stopped and a soft voice spoke "It is too late for me my friend..". "That's not true Karth, that is a lie, it is never too late!" Suddenly the voice changed again and it said "He is mine!". "Mine!!!" Kato placed his hand on Karth's head and spoke several words in an unkown language. Again the soft voice came and said "Kato help me...". "Renounce this and embrace Adonai, embrace Yeshua's forgiveness". Karth shaknig uncontrolalbly shouted "I renounce the cliam, the right this devil has over me and I embrace you Yeshua enter and please forgive me!"

Suddenly a great shockwave emmited from Karth's body and loud shrieking passed. Karth's eyes suddenly were filled with gentleness. He feel to his knees and began giving praises to Adonai. But when he rose to his feet he noticed Kato's smile and joyful cheer turned to a quiet and rather saddened expression. Suddenly Kato fell to his knees and then tomppled over on his side. Karth rsuhed to the ground and shouted "Kato, Kato!". Grabbing Kato's shoulder Karth pulledh im onto his back and began shouting "Help!, someone help us!". Aubrie who had been fighting in the battle rushed to Kato and Karth. She checked Kato's vitals and said "quickly we must move him into the temple".
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Lyra's confesion and realization of Forgivness

Lyra turned around to face her master seeing Kara's face tear stained and she realized hers was too Kara hugged Lyra.

Lyra: Master What just happend will your freind be okay?

Kara: I am sure Adonai will help him heal and recover. You just saw redemption Lyra that man that was just transformed withe the power of goodness and Adonai and Yahweh my dear padawan.

Lyra: He killed so many Jedi and tried to hurt me I remember his scary face. THe look when he killed my mom and dad. He killed some of my freinds too and there families he makes me mad

Kara: He tried to kill you and your friends and your parents its okay i am sure adonoi will forgive him Dear one.

Lyra He killed my mom and Dad Master i remember his awful orange eyes. How can i forgive him for that

Kara: You have to forgive Lyra this shows you there is hope even for the darkest sith and evil knights Lyra you never go so far that its unforgivable. Even though he killed many Jedi's Lyra you have to be strong but also willing to forgive my dear. If not you will become like those dark men. Wait right her Lyra i am going to help Aubrie tend to the wounded.

Lyra: Yes Master (Lyra was shaking and cold and sad)
Recovery & Revelation:

Laying on a stone-like bench Kato remaining unconcious as Aubrie Wyn mended his wounds, It was tough work trying to heal the deep scaring and loss of tissue in Master Si's back. Several hours passed and still Aubrie was hard at work reparing the damaged tissue. However deep within his own conciousness Kato reamianed content for he was in presence of The Almighty. Kato found himself surrounded by light and glittering that was undisrcibable. Amongst the brightening light he saw three figures. One he noticed looked as a man and was seated on thel eft (right parallel to the middle throne) and seated in the middle was another figure that bared the image of a man. On the right was the third figure whom was them ost paculaalr. It was only discribable by saying it was bird-like. Amonsgt thme Kato got on his knees. Suddenly a voice spoke from the middle figure that asked for soemthing.

The Figure on the left (his right) handed him a book. The Middle figure took the book and lookedi n it. Then after a brief pasued it closed the book and saud "Kato son of Arion, do you not believe in thy Adonai and thy Yeshua?". Kato lowering his head in reverance repleid softtly "Aye LORD, I believe in thee". The Voice continued by saying "But I beith a Trinity, Three but one". Kato raised his head and looked at the three figures and starred plainly. "I see and beleiveth thy words, that thee are Three seperate but one God". The Voice stayed silent and igure to pose a question kato asked "Thy LORD what be thy third's name?" The Voice tembling but softly replied "Eshi". Kato lowered his head and then said "THen I believeth in Adonai, Yeshua, and Eshi three seperate but one God". Thought the vocie did nto directly say so it sounded pleased.

Kato curiously asked "Thy LORD why hath thy allwoed me in to thy presence and revealed thy nature?" The Voice replied "Doth thy not already know?" "Thee is to share thy Truth to all...". "THat thy art the LORD Adonai, Yeshua, and Eshi God of the Universe, creator, Savior, and power". "I hath given thee this vision to share, not keep in solitude". "Thee msut reveal thy truths to thy people". Kato understanding replied "Then I am to be a messagner LORD?" "Aye son, thy art to share what thy hath learned". Kato somewhat overwhelemd asked in doubt "What if they don't believe me?". "What am I to do?" "Thou art to nly share the Good News, not enforce upon thy peopel to believeth". "Aye shall comisson Eshi to convict the hearts of my people and through my Son only shall they be allowed into my presence". "For only by thy Son are thee saved from death and damnation".

The Almighty contineud to explain things in moderate deatil, for it is only natural that the creation not know everything or every detail. Kato feelnig the warmth of embrace and love was begginingg to wish it would never end. He now wished that it wouldn't end and that he coudl stay. Bu the Almighty Trinity made it clear that he must pass on what he has learned. But before he left the Presence of the Almighty he was told that not all woudl believe and that in the end people has choice to believe or not. THat he hath given freedom to his people, for he loved them so much. Kato suddenly came back to conciousness, which at first alamred Aubrie who at them oment had been finsihing mending his wound. Kato stopping her said "Their is no need for that, I am fine". Aubrie half smilnig said "Fine.., fine.. you had your back nearly splite open and your spine has several fractures and slices". "You are anything but fine" said Aubrie. "The outside maybe damaged or broken, but within I am nto only healed but free and at peace".

Aubrie was baffled by hsi words and the feelnig she got aorund him was odd, but in a good way. Soemthing about him drew her to think he was either crazy or what he was saing was true...
Kara was watching Aubrie and Kato Lyra Appeared beside her

Master What is she doing

Kara: Lyra i told you to stay where you were why did you come this way? Aubrie is trying to help Kato heal up and is talking to her.

Lyra: Master i want to learn how to heal too. Are you concrned about him

Kara: Yes i am in time Lyra just watch and learn you don't know if your destined to be a healer yet or not its still early for your call yet. i know you want to learn to heal i will keep that in mind. Now be a good girl and go where i told you okay.

Lyra: Why can't i stay here with you?

Kara: I might need to help get more Jedi inside the temple.
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Karth & Aubrie:

Aubrie took in what Kato and Kara had said as she exited the medical sation. Her mind was buzzing with questions, questions she hoped their were answers to. As she dwelled on these thoughts, she noticed Karth standing in hallway. After soem hesitation she apporched Karth. As she drew nearer, shen oticed a toruble expression on his face. With a gesture she asked "Are you feelnig alright?" Karth turned and looked Aubrie in the eye and said "To tell the true no". "Would you like to tell me what's bothering you?" "Afterall I am a healer" smiled Aubrie. With a slight smile Karth replied "The wounds I bare I don't think anyone can heal." Ushering her hand Aubrie said "Not all wounds heal easily, some take time, while others remain to remind us". Karth with puzzled look asked "To remind us of what?" "Oh I don't know for sure, prehapes to remind us of are mistakes".

Karth sighed and said "Trust me, I will never be able to forget my mistakes". "They are forver embedded inside me". Aubrie leading Karth down the hallway said "So that is what is troublnig you". "Bad choices?". Karth nodded and said with some trouble "I have done horrible things.., things that I should never be forgiven for". "I have caused pain in so many lives, I have stolen life itself from others". "In truth I don't know why Kato didn't just kill me". "Ptehapes it woudl have been better, that way everyone would be happy". Aubrie interuppting said "Don't say that.." "Many would be sad if you died". "Including me.." Karth stopped for am oment andl ooked Aubrie in the eye. Their was scneeserity in her eyes, a genuwn care. Karth felt half unworthy of her feelings, while at the same time he want to embrace her. However he constained himself and contineud to talk with her.
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Kara: Lyra we really should continue your training we don't know what we will be in for next. I think Aubrie has it under control here Lyra: But Master i have came so far with my lighsaber skills. Kara : That one of the most basic skills to learn form III is the one that you picked i use that plus the djam so Lyra: Master what else is there to learn. Kara: you have only scratched the surface my dear we still have far to go i would like us to go off some seculded place on this planet that we can study.
A Weapon To Destory the Jedi:

Across the stars, above Moons of Bala several large black cruisers assemble. Suddnely a green energy began emitting from the crusiers towards the Moon's surface. A large crator began to amass and after several more shots the crusiers ended their volly. Amassing from the crator was large structure, the size of a space station. It was covered in obsidion platting and at it's core was an energy source fueled by crystals. The Crusiers then firing cords towards the device. The cords latched and with reverse thrusters the Crusiers with combined motion pulled the device from the crator. As the Crusiers moved the Device, a large black ship the size of eight crusiers emerged and on board was Lord Mordred. Lord Mordred watching the device be transported sighed and said "What is the status of the device?" "Is it's energy content holding?". Looking at power levels on a small screen a pilot said "My lord the energy levels are stable and holding".

Modred taking few steps toward the screen said "Good, however keep a constant reading on them, we don't want any fluxiations". "Yes Lord Modred" said the Pilot. Modred then stepping away from the screen said "I will be in my quaters, keep me posted". "As you wish" replied the Pilot. Exiting the bridge Lord Modred headed down long hall and to his right he entered his quaters. Inside he heard the low blip of incomming transmission. Taking a seat Modred pressed the switch activating the transmitter. A blue light flashed and suddenly the image of Lord Valfious appeared. "Lord Valfious.." said Modred. "Lord Modred, how goes the transporting of the package?" asked Valfious with stern and deathl ike expression. "The process is gonig well, however because cannot risk going into hyperspace, it shall takes many months to reach our destination".

To be Concluded
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Kara and Lyra's Training

Kara and Lyra walked thru the Forest on the Far side of the temple Kara felt something disconcerting.

Lyra go practice your Saber i need a minute

Yahweh what should i do with Kara and i just feel something bad is going to happen soon/

Kara my child don't worry yourself Just worry about training your Padawan everything will fall into place don't worry about the future it will worry about itself just worry about my will at the moment and that is training your Padawan my Daughter.

Yahweh i hear and Understand.

Lyra: Kara i want to learn some telkenes like what i see you and Master Si do.

Kara: First we have to work on your strength Lyra with the Force lifting things and moving things are secondary. The strength of clearing your mind and not thinking 95% Is instinct Lyra.

Lyra: but master i always wnat to try to figure otu things.

Kara: Trust your instincts Lyra they have not failed you before
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The Past: The Good and the Bad and the Ugly

A long time ago...

Desending from the foggy clouds above the city, a ratherl arge silver ship made it's way into the heart of the city. As it contineud to desend it passed a large tower and then tilting slighty it made it's way to a hangar bay below it. Making it's approch the ship was hailed by frequencey that said "Welcome home brothers". The Silver ship landed in the bay and exiting it once the clasps took ahold of it were several men cothed in brown and tan robes, but one oddly wore black. He quickly parted form the others and was greeted by beautiful robbed women who's hair was red like blood and eyes were like sapphires. she embraced him with overwhelemd joy and both expressed affection with a kiss. "Modred, oh Modred it is good to have you home" said the Women. Touching her face and leaning in for kiss Modred replied "It's good to be home.., I've missed you so Elise".

Taking Modred's hands Elsie said with cheerful tone "I have something to tell you Modred". "Something very important". Modred with excited but also worriedl ook asked "What is it?". With smile Elise said "I'm pregnant!". Modred's eyes widend and he nearly fell off his feet. After long pause Elsie asked "are you not happy?". "Happy, happy! I'm beyond happy, I'm the happiest man alive!" Modred took Elise into his arms and kissed her. Their joy and news quickly overcame them and both couldn't help but express their happiness. As the months dragged on, it was discovered that Elise was having twins. The couple's joy bursted as they imagiend too little ones palying and gowing together. Within another month Elise gave birth to two baby boys. Holding one of the boys in her arms while laying on cushioend seat Elsie asked "What shall we name them darling?". "Modred holding the other child said "I like Kato, yes Kato".

"What about the other what shall we call him?" asked Elise as she rocked the young infant back and forith. "Well.. I truthfully can't think of anything". Elise looked down at the little one and said "Waht about Karth? I liek the name Karth". Without any hesitation Modred said "Karth sounds great.., Kato and Karth ". Modred smiled as he looked at Elise and Karth, he walknig over to them laided Kato next to Karth to rest and as he kissed both their heads he said "My two sons.."

Years Later...

Over a period of time Modred started to become very busy with his duties as a Jedi and it was during one of his missions that something terrible started to sprout. It was while he was inflitrating a Sith Colony on Daboria. He job was to earn the Dark Lord Scion trust and then when the timing was right bring capture him or kill him. Which ever came first. However as Modred spent time amongst the Sith, he felt his gaurd begin to lower and his ideals of lgiht and dark begin to blur. Modred foudn himself become intrigued and emersed in the ways of the Sith. He found their ancient holocons on the old wars and formations of Sith most intresting. The more time he spent with them, them ore he began to fit in. To the point when it came time to complete hism ission Modred was feeling conflicted inside and was unable to complete his mission. As a result he became greatly consumed by the Dark Side and upon his return to the Temple, he was confronted by the Jeid Elders, who took upon themsleves to try and restore Modred to Light.

However the intervention ended brutally when Modred killed all seven of twelve Elders. Modred afterwards rushed to his Wife Elise and sons KAto and KArth and preapred to take them away from the Temple. But when Elise began to question Modred, he became enraged and told her "Just do as I say!". Elise responded "Your not actingl iek yourself, what's going on?". "Nothing, jsut do as I say ok?" replied Modred. Obeying her husband Elise took young Kato and Karth headed to the hangar bay, Where they were met by several Jedi Knights ando ne master. Modred in harsh tone shouted "Get out of are way!". "Where are you taking your family Modred?" asked the Master. "None of your Business Jedi!" replied Modred. "Jedi? Why do speak as if you are not as I?". "arn't you yourself a Jedi?" asked the MAster. "I was..." whispered Modred. The Jedi MAster and KNgihts became attentive and the Master said "Elise please come here". "Um.. Master I think.." replied Elise. "For your safety come over here Elise!" said the Master.

In a thuderious tone Modred said "Shut up!". Grabbing Elises' arm Modred said "You arn't splitting us up Master Jedi". "Not ever!". Consumed by anger Madred never didn't notice Elise expressing that he was hurting her. Suddenly Elsie fell to her knees. THe Jedi KNights rushed foward igniting their lightsabers. Modredl utting go of his grip on Elise charged foward and enggaed the kngihts. Elise being embraced by her children said "Kato and Karth fallw mommy". Elise lead the two young boys to the hangar entrance and said "Head inside and keeping running". "Don't turn back whatever happens". "But moma.." said Kato. "Just do as I say son" said Elise with urgencey in her tone. Both boys after hugging their mother did as she said and began rusing away from the hangar through the corridor. As they fled tears rolled down their cheaks. THey ran until they bumpted into a Jedi Knight who said "Hello boys, what are you two doing running at such a fast pace?". Kato grabbed the knight's leg and sad "Master sir are mother sent us back in here to be safe.." said Kato. "Safe from what?" asked Knight. Then looknig down the coridor the Knight saw the sparks and humming of lightsabers. As he looking palinly he saw as Elsie blew as kiss to her sons and the doors closed.

The two boys cried out "Mommy!". The Jedi KNight cuaght the boys as they tried to blot and he carried them away adn sealed the door. After soem struggling he got the boys to fallow him deep within the temple were they woudl be safe. Locking themin a room the Jedi Knight said "I must warn the other MAsters". "Wait don't leave sir, were scared" said the both Kato and Karth at once. "Don't worry I will be right back" said Knight. After some calming words the Jedi Kngiht headed to thel ift and fro mthere he entered the Council chambers where alerted the remainnig Elders. Without hesitation the Elders decided to act. One of the Elders, a senior Elder said "Knight Kendu you are charged with keeping the children safe, do you understand?" Kendu replied "Yes I understand,i nfact I had planned to return to them rgardless of your premission".

The Five Elders alogn with several Master and Knights made their way to hanager, meanwhile Kendu returned to the boys and comforted them. Mordred having slain the last Jedi turned to Elise and asked "Where are out boys!?" "I sent them back into the temple" replied Elise with troubled look. "You did what!". "They need to be protected.." said Elise. "We are their parents, we are charged to protect them.." replied Modred sharply. "They need to be protected from you.." replied Elise with sorrowful tone. "You have changed Modred.. changed from the Man I loved into a monster.." Stepping toward Modred Elise embraced him and said "Give yourself up and submit yourself to the trials". "That is the only way to change all of this.." In a rage Modred pushed Elise backward agaisnt soem debris and shouted "You traitor!". "You've sided with them!" "You have stolen my children from me and alligned yourself with the enemy!". "I Hate you!" shouted Modred as he began coaking her with the Force.

Suddenly the Jedi Hord; Elders, Masters, and KNgihts poutedi nto the hangar bay. Modred relased hsi gripe and turned his attention the Jedi. Using his powers hel ifted one of shuttles and flugn it towards them. Whiel they evadded Modred boarded a small fighter and took off. Elise laying on the floor, whispered "I love you.." as she watched the ship asend in the corner of her eye.
Lyra and Kara were standing by a tree.

"Master i want to know How to fight"

"Lyra i want you to close your eyes and concentrate the strength you have is only by the Force you can do it you can see things past present and future. Lyra You have to focus and concentrate.

Lyra Close her eyes and mediated on what her master told her

Adonei I can't train her she is to stubborn.

Kara Dear one You have to believe in yourself you were stubborn and always thinking ahead wanting to fight when you were being trained you just have to learn how to handle this will be test for you as well as her my daughter.

Lyra :Master Kara i feel somethings i am starting to see beyond what the eyes show me.

Now i want you to visualize and quiet your mind be aware of everything around you. Adonai is all around you he is all you need

Lyra: I am concentrating clearing my mind of all negative thoughts Master Kara

Kara: Lyra don't tell me just Do it.

Lyra first cleared the negative thoughts about seeing her parents and freinds murdered

Kara: You have to put that aside Lyra about your parents as soon as your enemies pick up that your a target for the Dark side.

Lyra was conentrating on that she was moving a few rocks and tossing them into the water
Kirna close her eyes thinking about her father for awhile treas came running down her cheek like rain. She reopen them she was still in the cold cave with her arms wrap around her knees still thinking about her father and how he tried to save her.
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Lyra was alone in her thoughts and visions

The rocks suddenly dropped as Lyra had a flashback of her parents being murdered.

Lyra walked nto the room and saw a couple of dark robed men Storming the temple. Lyra ran to her mom and DAd.

Mommy Daddy what is going on No don't leave me. don't leave me all alone.

Marlina: Lyra get to safety trust the Jedis to keep you safe.

Lyra: Mom i don't want to leave you and let those bad men take you.

Aiden: Lyra just get to safety as her dad said that She saw Karth bring his blood red saber down and slashed her father in half and he just acsened into the Force.

Lyra: Daddy NoOOOOOOOOO Lyra buried her face in her mom's shirt

The blood red saber came close to hitting Lyra but Marlina stepped in front of Lyra

Marlina: Lyra Complete your training don't let this influenced you don't let my husband your Dad's and my death be in vain Lyra saw her mother disparate and felt a slight brush of air on her cheek and ruffling her hair as Lyra felt her mom's hand go cold and fade into the Force.

Lyra felt strong arms around her and she saw Kara where she caught her and remembered a bright light as Karth was wounded with a shove that didn't come from her or The arms holding her.

Lyra's stoned dropped with a thud and Lyra collapsed her small body racked with Sobs and she set down on the cold ground.

Kara: Lyra you saw the past didn't you. Kara cuddled Lyra's body to hers. I will not let your mom's promise and Legacy die Lyra now be strong and try to toss those stones again. I will complete your training and i will not let you fall. I can help you not fall but the decision is up to you. You will become a Jedi i promise you.

Lyra: I know Master i really do. But

Kara: Sometimes Lyra there are things in our past that shape who we are you seeing your parents death spurred you on to become a Jedi you might not understand now but as you grow into a teen and young women you will understand as soon as you get more aware and confident in the force it will be revealed to you. But that only comes with practice and learning how to control it.
Kara and Lyra's Training

Lyra: After reliving that Master i don't know if i could concentrate and control it
Kara Rocked Lyra in a Hug and stroked her reddish blond Hair. Then she helped braid it back in tighter.

Kara: pulled her own unruly hair back and combed it with her fingers. pulling it back in its makeshift twist. She toyed with thought of leaving it down. She shook it out and let it flow down her back.

LYra: You have beautiful hair Master.

Kara: Lyra thanks. I will have to teach you control though cause if you don't it will be the first thing the Dark Sith will notice.

Set your lighsaber on the rock with mine we are going to toss some objects and i want you to concentrate or lifting them and blocking them without your lighsaber. Your Force abilities are out of this world Kara your mother and father must have been powerful.

Lyra: not powerful enough

The wind started blowing around them teasing Kara's Hair and Lyra's bangs a storm is coming Lyra we should get in the cave. Kara grabbed both lighsabers with the Force and they ran into the cave.

Kara pulled a blaster out of her belt and put it on the lowest setting and heated the rocks.

Kara laid her blaster the lighsabers she looked at a ring her Dad gave her and another ring she kept hidden that a old friend of hers gave her. she smiled at the memory.

Lyra set here with me lay down however your comfortable don't try to see the objects try moving them out of order then back into the order you see them in now not with your eyes but with your head and the Force Clear your mind of can't be done or any anger or aggression or Fear. Your a little powerhouse Lyra let me see it. Kara set in mediative pose

Lyra: closed her eyes pushing her hair out of her face and behind her ear she saw the two rings the lighsabers and the rocks in a small medium and large and very large increment she lifted them and moved them around slowing her breathing mediating. she calmed herself moving the stones around in the order then the lighsabers then the rings. Back to How Kara had them.

OcC After this post this game is closed until Sir Godfrey or myself open it up again
Thanks Kath

The Jedi Council Reborn:

Maknig hsi way through the halls of the ancient temple, Karth reached the centre where he found Kato speaking with number of Jedi. After overhearing a just of their conversation, Karth entered and greeted his friend. "Greetings my friend, forgive me for intruding on your discussion". With a smile Kato replied "It's ok, long as it's only once". Kato then chuckled and said with the gesture of his hand "Please my friend be seated". Karth took a seat, but became uneasy for he had never sat in Council members chair before. And afterall he had done, he felt a little unworthy of the honor. After discussing countless peity or rather unimportant matters, Kato made an annoucement. "Before you noble Knights, I make this announcement". As you very well know we haven't a Council anymore, and it has been diffcult taking on the burden of making the majority of the decisions". "Thus I prepose, we begin selecting a new Council".

The Jedi Knights standing before Kato began cheer. "I believe with a new Council we can begin rebuilding the foundations and principles of the Jedi Order". "Therefore I'm am going to choose fro among all of you, six Council meembers". Kato went down the list, naming one after the other and presenting them. Finally when it came to name the final Council member, Kato turned to Karth. "And for my final choice for the position of seventh Council Member I elect Karth". Karth turned in both amazment and terror as he heard Kato's words. The band of Jedi Kngihts began to argue and present claims to why Karth would not be a good choice. But Kato had made his desision.

Afterwards when the Council had be ajourned, Karth approached Kato and took him by the arm and said sternly "Are you crazy!". "I don't know how to be a Council member! I hardly know how to think for myself. Kato with smile took Karth's hand and lowered it "Don't worry, It's easy". "All you have to do is state your opinion, you've alwasy been good at that". Karth took grip of KAto's shoulder and haulted him from moving. "But what about what I've done?". "Afterall it is because of me the original Council members are dead". "How can I make any diffrance after what I've done?". "That's just it" said Kato. "This is your chance to make a diffrance, to redeem yourself". "You have always been wise my friend and I have always trusted your judgement". "Now others will learn to trust you, as I have."

With pat on the shoulder Kato departed. KArth stood in Council chamber. light from the skylight cascaded down onto his figure, making him appear golden. Karth began to doubt himself and feel unworthy. But then a gentle voice spoke to his mind that said "Do not doubt your Call, instead embrace it..." Karth suddenly began to feel comforted and he was able to get out of his doubtful thoughts. Karth then began to ponder the voice he had heard. He had heard it speak to him before, only to his heart. With a mind full of questions, Karth left the Council Chamber.
Kirna walk around for awhile wondering about her sister She didn't know were she was or any one at the matter she hald her lightsaber close to her side just encase someone came behind her. She close her eyes to contack her sister in the force but no one answer her. She shook her head she didn't know were to go at the point.
A Plot to Capture Karth

Meanwhile on Courcant, at the top of the Temple's spire, Lord Valfious stood in the shadow of the night pondering. As he watched the lights of the city dance and ships pass by, he lowered his gaze and caught sight of black ship porting at the hangar. Valfious stepping back fro mthe edge of the spire,, returned to the inside were he sat at hi desk. After a few moments a Sith Lord entered his qaurters and took a bow. "My lord, I ahve the information you requested". Valfious eyed the Sith Lord and said "Speak.." "Your premontions were correct, Lord Vaden has betrayed us and rejoined the Jedi" said the Sith Lord. Valfious' face grew dark and grave. An expression of deep dispoitment resounded from him.

After a long pause Valfious said "Have you located his position?" "Yes my lord, he is on Dantooine, along with the remanants of the Jedi" replied the Sith Lord. Standing up Valfious walk to and fro. He then stopped and turned towards the Sith Lord. "I want to send your most loyal servants to reclaim him..." said Valfious. "Better yet, I want you go and head the mission". "My Lord?". "Bring Lord Vaden back here unspoiled, so that he may face his punishment" said Valfious. "But my lord, what if Jedi discover us?" asked the Sith Lord. "Don't worry about the Jedi, just get Vaden back here!" said Valfious with a harsh tone. The Sith Lord bowed and said "Yes my lord, it shall be done".

The Sith Lord Exited while Valfious walked over to hsi balcony. Staring out at the heart of city Valfious uttered "And when return my apprentice, you shall reap the fruit of your treachery!"
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