Master Si versus Lord Vaden
As Kato turned he caught sight of Kara and Lyra comnig towards him, but as he too ka step foward he heard a loud humming fill his ears and suddenly he dropped to his knees. Kato felt his back burning with intense heat, and he felt unable to catch his breath. He could see the horror in the others eyes as the stood petfied. As Kato drifted off into numbness, he heard a faint voice saying "Now you didn't think I was gonig to lute you leave with out a fight, did you?". Kato twisted his body and looked upon the face of his advesary. Standing above him was a dark figure, with complexsion reconginzable, yet also changed. Kato with huff said "Karth..." "How many times must I remind you, that name no longer has any menaing to me" said Lord Vaden. "It is the name of you that you have only forgotten" said Kato as he rose to his feet. Staggering a bit Kato stood face to face with Vaden, his expression was of great sorrow and regret, for Kaot knew what he must do.
"Enough chit chat former friend, lute us finish what we began" said Darth Vaden. Kato taking his lightsaber of his belt said "As you wish...". Suddnely as if they where expecting each others movments, both combatans sprugn foward and ingited theirl gihtsabers. The blades crackled and spraked as the two repeatly exhanged blows. It was something to see them fight, it was a watching dance between warriros, both using simlar counters and both assuming simlar stances. As the duel raged on, both Kato and Vaden broke away from the traditional and common moves and moved on into more articulate and somewhat brutal manuvers. The Two held in lock up, in which neither could break way from, so they both began exhanging fists and suing the force. A shockwave eminated from their postion that shaked both sides.
The Sith army and the Jedi Band stood silent, watching with amazment as these two comabtants fought. It was as if neither could gai nan upperhand. When one exhanged a fatal blow, the other returned one. Soon both combatants were kneck and kneck psuh their sabers tightly towards each others faces. The sparks danced and skimmed across their faces. Their eyes where but an inch away from each other and in thme you coud see an instensity that would cause a normal man to colapse. Suddenly Vaden broke away from the lock up and fallowed it up with repeated heavy blows. Kato counter and spun aroudn Vaden and then with quic jab he enanged again using his Djem so. The clash of both sabers caused both combatants body's to shake. Agai nthey locked up. Vaden looking with his hellsih orange eyes hissed and said "I msut admit, you have become quitep owerful old friend". Kato sighed and replied "True power is to maintain control and to use it for the greater good". Vaden chuckled and replied "Dillussions, dillussions old friend". "True power is only found in conquering others!".
Suddenly a large shockwave eminated from vaden's bodythat threw Kato into soem ruins. Vaden wildly rushed nad began swnng his saber in an unctorble fashion. The blade passed through stone and rock, just missing Kato's body. The two entered into a set of fallen over pillars, that were braced against a old stone wall. Kato regaining his footing held on the defensive, trying best to counter when he could Vaden's blows. Waiting for oppertunity Kato finally used his powers and threw Vaden into some ruins ,their Kato leapt untop of him and reapdily hit Vaden in the face. The two rolled off into the pillars and once back on thier feet exhanged fists instead of saber blows. However isnteado f jsut normal punch mthese blows had the force behiedn them sending the person on the other end into the air and into watever laid beheind.
Lord Vaden's Dileverance and The Redemption of Karth:
As the two continued, their faces were covered with bruses and their robes were tainted with blood. Suddenly the two rushed each other and their bodies collided. The two then reapidly slammed each other into pillars and stone structures, until at last they both colapsed. Crawling both reached for their lightsabers. However when they ignited them they relaized they had switched sabers. Making do, they continued their duel. Blow after blow the two firecly engnaged, causing the ground to be showered with sparks. Again they locked up and reahcing with thier other hands they grabbed each other's saber and began power struggle. Finally both rleased taking their rightful weapon and tumblnig to the ground. This time however both combatans took their time to rise. Bruised, beaten, and bleeding they made their way towards each other and held in place. Kato ctaching his breath said "This insn't you Karth.., I know your a good person". "You have been poisend by the dark side, but i konw deep down their is still good". Spitfully Vaden replied "The good you speak of is gone.." "Now there is only hate!"
Kato staggering a bit replied "I know that is not true.." "The man I know is still in there". Suddenly another voice came from Vaden that was demonic. "The man you speak of is dead, their is only Darth Vaden!" Kato holding firm shouted "That is a lie!, I know you a still in their Karth, and that you can still choose to do what is right". Vaden began to hiss and even growl. Kato then throwing his lightsaber aside said "I can't save you Karth, but I know who can". Kato then extending his hand said "Adonai..." Vaden began to growl and shout uncontrolably. He leapt foward and swung his saber, but the blow was haulted. Kato then placing his hand on Vaden said as he lookedi nto Vaden's eyes "Karth you can be forgiven, you can have second chance" "But first you have to be rid of this, you have to renounce the clain=m this Darkness, this Hasatan has over you". Suddnely the gorwling stopped and a soft voice spoke "It is too late for me my friend..". "That's not true Karth, that is a lie, it is never too late!" Suddenly the voice changed again and it said "He is mine!". "Mine!!!" Kato placed his hand on Karth's head and spoke several words in an unkown language. Again the soft voice came and said "Kato help me...". "Renounce this and embrace Adonai, embrace Yeshua's forgiveness". Karth shaknig uncontrolalbly shouted "I renounce the cliam, the right this devil has over me and I embrace you Yeshua enter and please forgive me!"
Suddenly a great shockwave emmited from Karth's body and loud shrieking passed. Karth's eyes suddenly were filled with gentleness. He feel to his knees and began giving praises to Adonai. But when he rose to his feet he noticed Kato's smile and joyful cheer turned to a quiet and rather saddened expression. Suddenly Kato fell to his knees and then tomppled over on his side. Karth rsuhed to the ground and shouted "Kato, Kato!". Grabbing Kato's shoulder Karth pulledh im onto his back and began shouting "Help!, someone help us!". Aubrie who had been fighting in the battle rushed to Kato and Karth. She checked Kato's vitals and said "quickly we must move him into the temple".