Star Wars: The Role Playing Game


Coming out of hyper space the white ship stopped above orbit of a large orange planet. After staying stagnet for a few minutes the ship entered thep lanet's atmosphere, while at the same time several other white ship cameo ut of hyper space. THe ship hovered over countless sand dunes and rocky ridges. Dantooine like it's bigger sister Tatooine was a desert-like planet. The only diffrance was Dantooine wasn't populated. Which makes it idea for hiding on, but there is laso a reason for it's lack of inhabitnats. The planet itself hasn't many water sources and the few that there are have been drying up over the years. Never the less the Jedi would make this now barren plaent their new home.

The white ship landed near on a ridge overlooknig ruins. In the center of the ruisn was massive temple, that afte being in hot weather for so many many years looked rustic. Waling out unto the rocky sand, Kato overlooked the temple. He was stricten with both facination and admiration. This temple had been home to the first of Jedi, it was place of honor and to many coveited (although they would never admit it, for it was agaisn the Jedi Code). Coming up on his right a young Jedi PAdwan gazed at the temple. With grown he said "We have to live i nthat!?". Kato barking back "Sto pcomplaing padwan, this temple housed soem of greatest Jedi of the Ages, it is relic and a place to be honored, so show some respect". The PAdwan imediatly bowed and aplogized to Master Kato.

The ship slowly unloaded, and once the ship was empty the band of Jedi set out for the Temple. It wasn't easy getting down to the ruins, they had to go through several casems and they had to traverse several duens to get there. But before they reached their destiantion, something rather frightening accured. Near cave along the ridge wall came a loud statling sound. It sounded like roar (a lions roar). THe Band of Jedi lead by Kato halted and took a goodl ook at the cave. Kato urged the younglings and padwans to move on, while he nad several Jedi Knights stayed to insure that nothing dangerious or harmful came out of cave. Sunddely a beast larger than twenty foot tree emerged fro mthe cave/. It had large crest upon it's head, and below it where a set of lizardl ike eyes, and below thme was set of razar sharp eeth big enough to devour them all.

Kato reaching for hsi lightsaber shouted "It's Kyata dragon!". Imedaitly in a single movement the Jedi knights ignited their lightsabers and held defesnive stance. The beast growled as it stomped closer. Looking to it's right it saw the Kato and anothe knight were seperated fro mthe others and in quick dash the monset attakced Kato and the knight. Kato leapt foward striking the beast across the face, while the Knight stuck the belly. The Dragon hissed and gorwled, he wasn't finsihed yet. He loweredh is head and snapped at the Knight beneath his belly. Kato now by theo thers cried out "Eldar get back!". Eldar was unable to take five steps before the beast had snapped it teeth upon his uper body. In war liek cry Kato and his fellow Knights charged the drago nadn began striknig it furiously with their sabers. THe Dragon yelped as three jeedi choppedo f his limbs. KAto rising to the top of the beasts head, flipped the hilt of his un-ignited lightsaber and with swift move he ignited it and struck the beast in the head.

THe bow sedn shockwave that knocked the dragon's head to the ground. With a frown the beast's life force passed and the Jedi knight's cheered for victory. Kato now standing upon the rocky sand, lowered his head and said prayer for the fallen Knight. Despite the joy of victory, he morned for the Knight and then lead the band to the ruins. There they met up with the rest and precedded on to the Temple. Once there the Jedi band split up and examied the temple's outside. Master KAto was the first to climb the steps leading to the entance. Once inside he entered a room full of ancent statues coveredi n dust and sand. It was great circular hall, and above it was opening that let the light of two suns in. Kato marveled at the history of the Temple, he knew a few of statues from his early readings of Ancient Jedi.

it was breath taking to be in such a palce full of rich history. Kato already began to feel at home, but he knew his comrades unlike him woudl need time to adjust. Kato rallied the band of Jedi up and assigned them with tasks. Some he sent to serach the Temple for tedious things (or at least they seemed tedious) other he sent to find library or Archieve. Hopeful the old Temple still had a operational one, otherwise the only archieve left would be in the hands of the Sith. Kato also sent some Jedi, mostly wemon to find rooms in which they coudl use as private quaters. Kato himself explored the old Council chaber whixh instead of being at the top of the Temple, was at the bottom, in garden-like area. Taking a seat on a old stone chair, Kato realized that from now on he would be in charge, at least until Jedi Council Member turned up (for Kato didn't know that all the Council members we slaughterd).

Kato crossed his arms and thought deeply on all that had transpired. Though so many terrible things had happened he was sure something good woudl happen, that somehow they would make it thorugh this dark time. His assurity didn't come fro mhis reasoning or feelings, for both of thsi betrayed him and feel into dispare, but it came from his heart or Spirit. He relied on what Adonai had said to comofrt him, for he knew that Adonai was bigger than tragidy and bigger than the Sith and their dark ways.
A Prayer and Tragedy

Kara laid awake in her Cabin looking out at the stars flying by at Hyperspace Lyra Rang her doorbell.

Kara: Come in my young apprentice Kara patted the bed beside her Lyra jumped up.

Lyra Master Skylar two of the padawans that were my freinds died of a terrible illness Micah and Siran.

Kara: started to cry and lowered her head saying a prayer for them. They were the first two she rescued "Adonai please minster to there souls and there families let them rejoice about becoming one with the Force.

"Master Skylar will we ever be safe again." Lyra said her lower lip trembling Kara embraced her Lyra threw her arms around her master.

" We will Lyra we will I will see to it"

Harry: "Master Kara Skylar to the Bridge please we are coming up on Dantoinne"

Kara: Mr Mckinsey enter us into orbit and scan for other Jedi ships in the sector.

Mckinsey: there are no ships except maybe one small one but its landed on the planet already.

A driod ship came into orbit around them.

Kara: they are going to try to cut us off bring weapons to Bear Mr Mc kinsey and prepare to move around them.

MCkinsey: yes Ma'am Targeting the center ship.

Lyra stayed close to her masters Side.

Kara: Adonoi Guide this ship into battle and protect us and help us make the right decisions. We trust you with this.

Kara thought about What they had been thru up to this point she was hoping once they find her old friend Master Si she will be able to keep Lyra and the remainder of the padawans safe. Her primary concern was Lyra her apprentice. She knew Adonioi has protected them and helped her when she needed it but now she was not so sure.
Kara thoguht she heard somthing it sounded like her sister

Kirna we are in orbit on Dantoinne we are getting ready to engage a driod ship then land.

Mr MC kinsey target the center of the driod ship its the control center fire two proton torpedo's at it and prepare to land us not far from that other ship

Mc Kinsey : firing and direct hit the ship is disabled.

Kara: Take us down Mr Mc kinsey Lyra get your robe and your saber we are going on a hike when we land.

Lyra: Yes Master Skylar i love hikes.

Kara: let just hope this one is a safe one Mr Mckinesy

Harry : Stay with the ship i know who is going to protect you and Lyra.

Kara: Adonoi will take care of us.

Luke: Kara i will not allow you to go alone. You and Lyra need protected i am going with you.

Kara: Adonoi will take care of us Master Skywalker and i have Lyra well in hand.
Consumed he is by the Dark Side

Back on courcant Lord Vaden and his master entered a dark room. Inisde their were several red marking and i ncenter of the room was large urn. valfious taking a vile moved over the the urn and poured soem kind of mixture of powder and water into the urn. Emitting fro mthe urn was red like smoke that soon covered the room. Valfious turning to Vaden said "Now my young apprentice, are you ready to set aside your compassion and embrace hatred?" With short pause Vaden replied "Yes master, I am ready". With vile smile Valfious said "Then come over to the urn" Vaden obeyed his master and stepped up to the urn. THen with a short tone Valfious said breath in the smoke. Vaden too ka whim and his sense started to buzz. Suddenly he could no longer feel anything.

Falling ot the floor Vaden tried to crawl away, but his body was paralized. Then after a longing silence came a terrfying voice that said "Student of darkenss, the tiem has come to lute go of all the qaulities you hgavel earned". "Lute go of your compassion, your love, and you kind heartedness". "Lute go of sadness, pain, and heart ache". "Lute go of trust, virtue. and loyaity". "But embrace fear, anger, hatred, and lust". "Lute yourself drift into madness, for this is the only way to bring balence". "Embrace thoughts of revenge and murder". "Lute the hate swell in you..." Vaden felt hsi mind begin to overshaodw, these words began to fill his head, until they became all that he felt. Vaden rose to his feet and in a outburst he threw the urn across the room.

His eyes flared a burning orange and his voice sounded dsitorted "I hate them!!!" "All of them!" "Especially that isolent and incompent fool Kato!". Valfious just smiled as he watched his apprentice be consumed by this intense feelings. Finally after it had passed, Vaden calmed himself and tunred to his master. "Master..". "Yes my young apprentice" repleid Valfious. "I am ready to finish my task..." "And what taks is that?" asked Valfious. "The task of elimating the Jedi.." replied Vaden. "Are you sure you ready?" askerd Valfious. Vaden turned to look his master in the eye. A deep hate swelled in Vaden's eyes as he said "I am ready..."

Thus Lord Vaden has completed his journey towards the Dark side.
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Lyra Shudders and held Kara hand. Master i feel something terrible has happened.

Kara The Dark Side just got more powerful i have a feeling

Luke: then all the more reason You and Lyra should not be out there alone Kara.

Kara: We will be fine Luke with all do respect Master Skywalker i know what i am capable of. Your not my father.

Luke: But i am your mentor Kara

Lyra: Master Skylar maybe Master Skywalker is right
We really should not go down there alone i just don't like the feeling i get from this place.

Kara: Okay Luke my padawan is right maybe we should go down there together.

Luke: blaster fire just came on the Bridge. Kara you and Lyra stay here.

Lyra Buried her face in Kara's Robe. Kara hugged her close.

Luke: Kara Harry Mc kinsey was shot. Luke said as he walked back down to them. The medics are looking at him.

Driod soldiers came towards them.

Kara: Lyra run we are getting out of here.

They ran down the steps off the shadow Kara and Luke deflected the blaster bolts back Lyra pulled hers out and waved it. deflecting a few more back.

Kara: Lyra how did you know how to do that?

Lyra: I watched you do it Master and the ones in the temple.

Luke: Smart Girl You have there Kara. Now come on i think i might know where the others are.

Kara and Lyra walked in the woods towards where Luke lead them
Assembly of Darkness

After a short discussion Darth Vaden parted from his master and headed to the lower levels. There he gave orders to Sith army to assemble. Vaden then procedded to the hanger bay where he boarded hsi shuttle. Once in his seat he took the controls and plotted a course for Dantooine. The shuttle took to the sky and once above orbit it entered hyper space.

Back on Courcant the Sith Army assembled, large black ships the size of skyscapers landed near the Jedi temple. Exiting one of the ships was Darth Arion who hadd asked for audince with Valfious. Making his way to the temple's higher levels, Darth Arion entered the Council Chambers. Isnideh e foudn Valfious eyeing the large black ships and the army. "My lord, I have returned from the Moons of Balaa". "The weapon is operational and ready for pacement". Valfious turning his gaze from the glass window smiled and replied "that is good news". "Dispatch the device at once". "Have it brought here". "Yes my lord" replied Darth Arion. "Also before I forget Lord Mordred sends his regards and has asked if he may head the operation".

"Relay to Modred that he has my premssion to head the operation and that I am relying on him to be sucessful" said Valfious. "Of course, I will relay the message to Modred at once, my lord" replied Arion. Thus the plans were in place, and Sith's victory near. But still hope remains for the Jedi for with thme is more than the Force.
Kara Luke that is the wrong way The ship readings are coming from the other direction. Plus i know someone is near here i know.

Lyra: Look some jedi came thru here We are safe,

Kara: Don't be so sure Lyra those cuts are precise lighsaber ones of course. It looks like there was a battle here.

Luke: it looks like it was some sort of dragon.

Lyra: there is some people up ahead.

Kara and Luke pulled out there lighsabers

Kara: Lyra Get behind me.

Blaster fire came after. Then Luke and Kara and Lyra ducked behind some trees.

Luke: I will go you stay with Lyra.

Kara: Luke Lyra needs to learn too i can't shelter her forever. Luke and Kara faught off some of the men and Kara thought she saw someone but still kept hidden as she disengaged her lighsaber and pushed Lyra Behind her back.
Kirna kept walking she didn't have a clue were she was at that time.
" She well be here I hope," She said to herself,
She pulled out her double lightsaber making sure no one well get to her.
" Sis please be cafeful," She told her sister in the force.
Council Affairs

While sitting in the Council chambers Kato was approched by a small band of Jedi. Mostly Jedi Knights to be exact. "Master Si, we have ergant matters that must be adressed". Kato raising to his feet replied "Please take a seat". The Jedi Knights didn't move. "Is something wrong?" asked Kato. "Master Si, those seats are reserved for Council members only, we would not fill right sitting on them". "Very well, then standing were you are, please tell me of the matters you with to discuss". After expressing some tedious needs, the Knights expressed their consern about the Sith. "After all how do we know they haven't rracked are wereabouts and are already on their way here?" said Knight. "I think what my comrade is trying to express is we need to preapre for the worst, afterall if the Sith have found are wereabouts then we are all in grave danger".

Kato kept silent for moment and then replied "I hear your conserns and I fidn thme just". "I am in a agreement that measures need to be taken to ensure are safty here". "And since it was you and your comrades that pointed it out, I suggest you be theo ne to head security prosudres". "Infact I am making you the personal overseer of this entire operation". The Jedi KNight took in a deep breath and replied "I am honored Master Si and I assure you that me and my comardes will do the best we can to ensure the protection of are comrades". With a smiel Kato replied "Very good, and if their is nothing esle to address, I suggest you get right to it". "Yes Master Si" said the Jedi Knight as he signaled the others to leave. But before Knight left the Council Chamber Kato said "Wait knight". The Jedi Knight stopped and turned to Master Kato. "Yes master?" "What is your name?" asked Kato. "It's Alam Hensui".

"It was a pleasure making your aquantance Alam, May the Force be with you" said Kato. "And may the Force be with you as well Master Kato". With a bow Alam left the Council chamber to preform his new duties. Kato stayed in his seat in circular garden. he cuffed his hands and began to think on all that hand happenddi nthe past few days. He thoguht heavily on the current situation. He knew now that he was in charge and with his new postion he had great responsibilities. And altohugh he hoped their woudl bem ore Masters alive to tkae his palce, deep down he was beginning to realize that he could be the last Master left in the Jedi Order. This both troubled him and overwhelemd him. Thus Kato began to pray and ask Adonai for guidance and grace.
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Luke: Stepped forward "Lyra Kara someone is in the garden"

Kara's heart Leaped

"Its master si Master Skywalker go back to the ship i want to be sure Mc kinsey is buried properly and contact your order and tell them that I decided to take a padwan and the others were safe

Lyra: Who is Master Si ?

Kara: Lyra he is a old friend and mentor of Mine Lyra. He is very wise in many ways. I thought he didn't make it after the purge.

Lyra: Is that when all those bad men attacked the temple Lyra's eyes glistened over with tears.

Kara: Yes IT was Dear don't worry yourself with it.

Luke: Okay I will be fine will you and Lyra Be fine ?

Kara: See if your order can come to aid i get the feeling something bad is on its way.

Luke walked back to the ship Kara and Lyra moved slowly towards the garden

Kara: Master Si

Luke: Jedi shadow to Yavin Stations come in please there was no response What if i am to late.

Another Jedi came to the radio Master Skywalker

Kara and I are on DAntoinne a safe haven where the original jedi order was founded Kara went to find another Master she was freinds with and Master Skylar has a padawn so i am letting her go. The padawan' s name is Lyra a 9 year old she rescued.

We will send aid Yavin home base out.
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Coming out of deep thought Kato turned and saw a face he thought he would never see. Kato rose to his feet and embraced Kara with hug. "I am so happy to see that you are safe" said Kato. "How are you and who is this?" asked Kato as hel ooekd upon a small girl holding tightly on Kara's robe.
Kara embraced Master Si : Kato I thought i would never see you again Master after i lost you in the old temple, i thought you were done for as well as myself. But i thank Adonoi that he helped me and helped me find this little Girl. She draped her arm around Lyra. Lyra come out and not be shy. This is Lyra her pareents were killed in the Jedi Purge and she is quite a little powerhouse i decided to take her on as my Padawan Learner. Say hi to Master Si

Lyra: Hello Master Si i have l heard alot about you. ( She shook his hand strongly with a strong grip)

Kara set down by Kato "We have alot to talk about and catch up on Don't we.
Lord Vaden Arrives

Comingo ut of hyperspace, the dark starfighter thrusted towards the planet Dantooine's surface. THe fighter cruised above sand dunes and canyons at high speeds. Finally after crossing another canyon the ruins and Ancient temple came into sight. Vaden taped one of the control, causing the fighter to cloak aand come to slow. Piloting the fighter, Vadne set down on ridge overlooknig the ruins. Exiting he steped out on to the sandy soil. Looking upon the ancient ruins and temple Vaden took notice of several Jedi setting premeiter around the outside of the temple. Pulling comlink from his pocket Vaden transmitted to Courcant. "My lord I have found the Jedi's hiding place." "It is a ancient temple amongst ruins" said Lord Vaden. "Well done my young apprentice, wait until the Sith army arrives before you stike". Vaden replied "Yes master.."

Standing on the risge Vaden eyed the Jedi as the placed sensors and other equipment around the temple. Below one of Jedi Knights (Almar) took notice of something on ridge. Curious he parted form other and took a route around the ridge. Alamr reached the took of the ridge at nightfall only to find ntohing there. Although his eyes saw nothing Alam sensed something was lurking abaout. Suddenly spring from underneath the sand Lord Vaden holding his ingited lightsaber attacked Alam. The two sabers clashed sending sparks into the air. vaden twisted hsi wrist breaking free from the lock up. He then fallowed it up with several powerful blows that sent Alam tumbling down sand dunes. Vaden prusude Alam slowly, as if he was a hunter stocking his prey.

Alam was trying to make desperat attempt to warn the others, but before he reached the bottom of the risge, he was thrown against some bolders. Hitting the large bolders Alam dropped his saber in the sand. Lord Vaden approching at slow pace lifted is hand, causing Alam to raise into the air. He then began using Force Choke to sufficate Alam. As Alam grasped his neck in effort to release the grip, he looked into Vaden's fire-like eyes. With smerk Vaden dropped Alam and stepted foward to strike. Seeing his lightsaber in the snad Alam reached with his hand and with aid of Force he grabbed it and ignited it. Turning swiftly he blocked Vaden's blow and rose to hsi feet. the two exhanged several blows, until they reached the top of the ridge.

Therei t became power struggle to throw each other off the ridge. The two got into a force lock up, where two tried to psuh each other in the opposite direction. Alam held his ground for sometime, but after using his power for so intensly he began to weaken and with thrust of hsi hands Vaden sent Alam flying into the air. Alam's body soared above the temple and landed beyond the ruins. Vaden turning his lightsaber off, shouted in furious rage. His voice carried like an echo across the open space.
Lyra shuddered and her grip on Kato's hand weakened as she looked towards her master. "Master Skylar someone is here i think its one of the bad Jedi's"

Kara: I knew something was on its way Ignite your saber my padawan and watch and learn. Keep your eyes and your Force senses open trust your feelings Lyra. Kara ignited her Silver Green blade. Lyra activated her blue one.

Luke sensed what Kara and Lyra did Jedis get off this ship and run towards the temple you will be safe there.

Luke abandoned the ship and ran into the wood where one of the other Jedis from his order were he wandered into the wood and saw and sensed he was to late.