Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

Kara's concerns

Kara was happy that Master Skywalker was back with her and she was upset cause Kato left so quickley as well as concerned IT is not like her freind to leave so quickley.

She wondered where he went and why he took off as quick as he did She said a quick prayer for his safety and then was concerned why Kirna suddenly mistrusts her and her most trusted confident and Master that was liek a father to her are suddenly not thereselves around her now.
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Narrow Escape:

Deep within the confinds of the Jedi Temple, Master Aubrie and her Apprentice Arya were helping organize the evacuation. Several Younglings were under Aubrie athroity. And all of there faces where painted with fear. Heading down the hall, Aubrie lead her Padwan and the Younglings. As the reached the end, a door broke open, flying across the hall and landing infront of them. A Jedi fell to the floor, his faces scared and his body deformed. Standing at the large breech was cloaked figure. Steeping out into the light, the Figure eyed the moning Jedi. With twist of his hand, the Jedi gasped and loud snapping sound echoed through the room. Aubrie standing infront of the Younglings slowly backed up. Turning his gaze towards them, Darth Vaden procceded foward. His lava like eyes fixated on the Aubrie and younglings. Gripping his lightsaber, he slwoly krept closer towards them. His movments were unatural, almost wraith like.

Aubrie continued to back away, leading the Younglings back down the end of the corridor. Though Aubrie and her group where a good distance away from Vaden, she didn't feel secure. Any moment she expected him to pounce foward like snake. Suddenly a door opened from behiend. Entering the hallway was Master Kato and two Jedi Knights. Aubrie turned around looking at Kato with joyful eyes. Kato holding his activated lightsaber said "This way, hurry!". Aubrie speaking in a soft tone said "Go young ones, fallow Master Kato". The Youngling obeyed flooding into the room behiend Kato and the two other Knights. Looking at Kato with greatful expression, Aubrie entered the room. Kato stood in the hall, watching the dark figure kreep foward. Using the Force, Kato caused several colums to colapse near the figure. But lifting his hands, Darth Vaden stopped the colums and raised them into the air.

Extending his hand foward, Vaden tossed the colums towards Kato. Kato quickly extended his hands and stopped the colums with the Force. The Two then began power struggle, causingg the colums to shake and crumble. Invitably Vaden overpowered Kato and threw the colums foward. Kato dashing backward, entered the room and with a wave of his hand, sealed the door. Vaden stopped at the door and glared. With a few movments of his hand, he caused the door the buckle. But despite his efforts it wouldn't budge, for on the other side Kato, Aubrie, and the Two Jedi Knight kept it sealed using the Force. Vaden infuriated, turned to his right and headed down a long narrow corridor. Inside the room, Kato gasped and asked "Is everyone alright?". Aubrie taking a lot at the Younglings said "Everyone is fine, thanks to you". Kato smiling slightly said "Just doing my duty".
Kara the healer

Healer Kara

She considered trying to find some other Jedi to help heal. She streched out her Force sense and came to a couple Jedi that were wounded she toucehd the wounded shoulder of some older Jedi and other wounded and a group that were evacuated and healed the ones that could be healed she set up a mini triage unit in the room she found herself in. This was the worst part of being a healer choosing who lives and who dies and who she can save and who she cannot She wonder how her mom did it in the Med Unit she was in.

A youngling girl came over to her "Master Skylar what shall we do I am afreaid and some of my freinds are hurt. Kara walked over to the younglings and stood with them healing the ones that were hurt and that she could save. Tears stingnig her eyes when a couple she could not save. She wrapped her arm around the girl youngling that came to her "Stay with me sweetie I will protect you and your freinds. That is a promise what is your name sweetie my name is Kara"

"My name is Sarin I am seven Will we be okay Kara" The younging said

"I wish I knew Sarin all I can do for you and your friends is protect you here"
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Something Familiar:

As they waited in the confined room, Kato walked over to the window. Stroking his chin he stared. Approching him Aubrie said "Is something troubling you Master Kato?". Breaking his daze Kato replied "Huh?, oh sorry". "I was just pondering something". Aubrie crossing her arms and asked "Would you like to talk about it?". Kato smiled and said "No.., that's ok". "It was nothing". Though Kato's words seemed true, his heart spoke diffrent. Inside he felt something rather strange. Something pulling at his insides. As Kato stood aside drifting in and out of a daze, the face of the Sith in the hall haunted him. Kato had felt his presence and had become rather confused. For some reason he felt he had met that Sith before. And that he knew him well. The more Kato dwelled on it, the more confused he got. Who was this Sith? and why was he familar? After pondering this a while, Kato was intrupted by one of the Jedi Knights. "Master Si, shall we procced with the evacuation?".

Kato gather his thoughts and nodded. Stepping infont of the the Younglins Kato spoke "Were going to play a game". "It's called don't get caught and run away". "The object is not to be seen, however if you spotted I want you to form a group and run". "And whatever you do, don't stop". "Undesrtood?" asked Kato. The Younglings nodded there heads and replied all at once "Yes Master Si". With a smile Kato turned around to face the door. Using the Force he released the safe gaurds and opened it. Stepping into the hall, Kato looked down both corridors. Seeing nothing in either direction he turned toward the group and signaled them to fallow. Heading down the hall, they formed a line. Kato infont, the Younglings in the middle with the Two Knights on both sides and Aubrie and Arya at the rear. Passing through the corridors, they headed for the stairs. Quietly they desended down a large spiral stair case. The steps where made of a white marble and they shined like perals.

Hearing footsteps echoe from below, Kato signaled for the group to hault. Kato turning to the Younglings said "Shhh!" as he held finger to his mouth. Quitly desended down the stairs, Kato saw two hooded figures. Activating his lightsaber, he leapt down behiend them and prepared to strike. The Two figures spu naround igniting two green lightsabers. Kato paused and said "Izan and Erian?". The two figures took off there hoods and said "Kato?, is that you?". Kato with sigh of releif de activated his lightsaber. Embracing them both with hugs Kato said "Boy am I glad to see you". "I thought you two might have been trapped deeper in the Temple". "We would have been, if not for my good friend here who decided to head to the Archieves instead of the training grounds". "Who knows what shape we would have been in, if we had gone there". Kato looking at Izan and Erain asked "Are the Archieves sucure?".

Izan looked at Erian and sighed. "The Archieves have been destroyed" said Erian. Kato's eyes widened. "What's left of the library lays in pieces". Kato lowered his head and took a deep breath. After some more talk, Kato lead Izan and Erian to the group. And after a few greetings, they continued down the stair case. Kato walked along side Izan and Erian and asked "Have most of the escape tunnels been left un touched?". Looking at Kato Izan said "The Sith were smart, they blew most of the tunnels so no one could escape". "I don't understand how they knew every step we were going to make". Kato looking a little puzzled asked "What do you mean?". Erian turned to Kato and said "Most of the Sith entered through the secret doors". Kato shaking his head said "How can that be?". "Only Jedi have acess to the security overid". Erian eyed Izan and then turned his gaze toward Kato again. "We think there another traitor".

"An ocomplice who aided the Dark Lord in this attack" said Erian. Kato lowering his eyes said "But who?". Erian shook his head and said "We don't know". "But whoever he is, he sure knew the best ways to inflitrated the Temple". The three of them continued talking, mostly about how to find a secure exit. At last Izan proposed an idea. "Most of west wing tunnels have been shut, but if were fotunate the Triator may have undermind the East tunnels". Erian looking at Izan sternly asked "But arn't the old and unstable?". Izan nodded "That's exactly why it's only chance". "I doubt the Sith would use them or bother trying to seal them". After brief pause in the corridor, Kato said "Well it's a plan". "And we don't have many options". "Lutes do it" said Kato. Izan smerked and Erian crossed his arms. Looking Kato face to face Erian said "Are you sure this is a wise idea?". Kato shook his idea and said "No.., but it's best bet". "Besides Izan probably right, I doubt the Sith will bother us there".

After turning from Erian Kato spoke With Aubrie, Arya, and the Two Knighta informing them of the plan. And after moments pause Aubrie instructed the children. With coperation, they moved on.
Final Orders:

Procceded threw the hallway, Darth Vaden entered a small chamber on the higher levels. Standing with his arms crossed, Lord Valfious turned and greeted Vaden. "It is done my lord" said Darth Vaden. "Most of the Jedi have fled the temple, and the remaining Jedi have been taken care of". With vile smerk Valfious said "good...". "You done well Lord Vaden". Vaden stepping to Valfious' side, lowered his head. Turning towards Vaden Valfious asked "What torubles you my apprentice?". Karth lifting his head up, looked Valfious in the eye and said "When I was in one of the corridors, I came face to face with an old friend". Valfious looking rather troubled said "Mmm Master Kato...". Vaden nodded his head and said "Yes..". Turning away from the window and walked towards the center of the room, Valfious paused. "This Kato has become a dangerious threat" said Valfious. "I trust you were unable to kill him..". Vaden lowering his head nodded.

"Like I told you before, never hesitate and show no mercy" said Valfious. "You have lute a dangerious threat get away". Vaden looking Valfious in th eye said "Kato is strong, but no more powerful than any ordnary Jedi Master". Valfious glared and said "There is were your wrong". "This Kato has learned an ancient power". "One that few Jedi have abtained". "He mustin be aloud to escape". Valfious then gave Vaden a very bad look and said "I can't believe you just lute him get away". Vaden's eyes burned with anger as he spouted "I didn't lute him get away!, he fled". "I was unable to fallow". Valfious stepping closer to Vaden and said "Well then.., go and find him". Vaden protested "You want me to search the Temple for one mere Jedi?". Valfious turning in anger and said "You act as you defend him...". Vaden denied the remark "I am not defending him, I just don't see the logic in this..".

"It matters not, Kato is a threat and he must be dealt with" said Valfious. "Now go and finish it...". With a sigh Vaden bowed and said "Yes my master...". Turning toward Vaden Valfious asked "Is anything more to report?". "No my Master...". "Very well, go and do the will of the Force" said Valfious. "Oh and Vaden...". Vaden stopped in his tracks and turned towards Valfious. "Remeber show no mercy..". Raven nodded and said "Yes my Master". Turnig around Darth Vaden headed into the hall. Procceding to his right, he sighed. Despite what he had become, he still cared for Kato. And as he pondered walking down the hallways a thought accured to him 'If he could be turned, he wouldn't have to kill him'. Vaden's spirit began to lighten up and with smeark he procceded towards the lift.
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Kirna was with her brother for awhile. She didn't know what to do right then her sister was some where she didn't have a clue and didn't worry about her. She heald Zog hand she was getting tired of every thing been going on with her Sister. Zog wasn't awake yet and she was getting scared all she could do was wait for her sister to come back while she was doing that she was Shadow Sparring herself.Her blue eyes turn to gray by crying.
A Family Lost

Sorry...but I just wanted to post this little bit, since I didnt do it last night

Mara was still possisioned over Raven, her head bent and tears streaming down. She repeated the same words, over and over again. "Im sorry...Im so sorry" The words came out with pain each time. She believed it was her fault. She had lost her one and only family...her best friend... Why did this happen? Why couldnt she have stopped it. Finally she rose and touched Raven's forhead," I promise I will see you again" she said through clenched teeth. Then she left him. She felt if she cried again, the tears wouldnt stop falling. Walking out of the room, Mara walked to the lift and went to the main level. Horor filled her eye's as she saw a sea of dead Jedi. She stood in aw of the death filling her eyes. She made her way through the bodies and ended up at the main entrance. She had lost everything since she had come. Her friend....and her family. She had lost her family. Tear's slowly formed in her eye's.
The Spirit of Raven:

As Mara procceded down the hall, she wiped away the countless tears from her cheeks. Stopping at dead end, she eyed the colapsed pillars. Lowering her head she sighed. Suddenly amidest all the silence, a faint voice echoed throughout the hall. Mara rose her head and looked in both directions. Panning around the hall, her eyes focused a black door. Suddenly the door opened. Mara looking to both of her sides, cautiously entered the room. As she stepped into the lite, the door slided shut behiend her. Mara turned around and eyed the door. Out of the silence, the faint voice spoke "Mara..., Mara!". Mara paused in the center of the room, her body trembling. Again a voice cried "Mara!". Taking a deep breath Mara replied "Yes?..". In the silence, Mara felt the room grow cold. And in the midist of the darkness, a bright glow appeared. Mara backed off, gripping his lightsaber tight.

As the myst cleared, a bright blue glowing figure stood before her. His figure was inmistakable. The White mask, the long dark robes, and the soft gentle voice. "Mara.., do not be frightened". Mara began to shake, her eyes widened and her face pale and cover with shock. With a gasp Mara asked "How can this be?". Raven moved towards her and said "It is diffuclut to explain, and in time I will tell you". "But right now your safety is of the utter importance". Tears rolled down Mara's cheeks, she could have belifef what she was seeing. Stepping closer to Mara, Raven wiped the tears away. "Cry no more for me, my daughter". "For I have reached a better place". Mara closed her eyes and smiled as Raven put his glowing arms around her. Releasing Raven looked into her deep green eyes and said "It is dangerious for you here". "I have come to lead you to safety". Taking Mara's hand, Raven lead her towards the door.

As it opened, Raven lead her into the hallway. After passing several dead ends, they reach a stair well. Desending down the several flights of stairs they reached the lower levels. Directing Mara down several corridors, they reach a tunnel Stopping there, Raven said "There is you way out". "There is your path of Safety". Mara looking at Raven with a sower expression said "You not coming with me, are you?". Raven shook his head. Mara lowering her head said "I don't want to seperated again..". Raven grabbing Mara's chin, lifted her face to eye level. "We will never be seperated, I am with you always". Mara smiled and hugged Raven. After releasing Mara asked "Will I see you again?". Raven nodded and said "Yes and soon...". Mara stepping to side and smiled. With the nudge of his head Raven said "Now go...". Mara began walking down the tunnel, She looked back and watched as Raven's figure faded.

Deep inside she felt deep relief and great peace. Her tears where no longer of sorrow, but of joy...
Luke scanned thru the hallway and saw Kara and a group of younglings Kara looked confident and was holding tightly to a seven year old girl. He felt Kara's strenth wavering from all the ones she healed and the fighting she has been doing.

"Kara what are you doing you have these younglings in danger keeping them on the main Level the Sith are all around here Your weaking Your selflessness has made you strong but also weak Kara your only humen your not all powerful."

"I know Master but these younglings need protected My sister and Kato and these younglings and I are the only hope for the Jedi Order"

"Then come with me to the lower levels I know a way follow me : Do you trust me my daughter: Luke sent to her thru the Force

:Yes I do Father: She took Sarin's hand and waved for the other ones to come behind her.

The other younglings followed Kara and Luke. Luke and Kara felt a strong dark presense above them and a group of Sith lead by Lord Vaden came thru and were slashing Jedi in there pathway where they Just were. "Blast that was close Kirna we need to find her" Kara said to Luke

"Kara just keep the younglings goign down the stairwell I will find your sister and take Vaden if I need too"

"Luke Thank you and May the Force be with you"

"And you Kara"

Kara took off down the stairwell with the youglings trying not to cry She had a feeling she might not see her Master or Kirna again.

"Where is Master SKywalker going Kara ?" Sarin asked her

"He is giong to find my sister and he will meet with us in the lower levels"
Kirna was still with her brother she was not likeing this one bit but she had to be brave what ever happen she well be stong not matter what she look at her brother's deep blue eyes for awhile her's still where Gray.
Luke reached out to Kirna in the Force :Kirna its Master Luke where are you Kara is in the lower levels with the younglings please come to safety help me find you :

Luke as he was walking thru the upper hallways slashing thru sith he kept his force senses open to be sure lord Vaden would not find him.
The Hunt Begins:

Exiting the lift, Karth headed down the hall. In the shadows a faint presence was felt. Vaden just kept walking foward, ignoring it. As he procceded down the hall, he heard foot steps. Vaden smiled as he continued further down the hall. Leaping out of the shadows, a Jedi weidling a green lightsaber thrusted towards Vaden's backside. Vaden spun around extedning his hand. The Jedi stopped in mid air and began to choak. Eyeing the Jedi Vaden smearked. twisting his hand, he tossed the Jedi into a colum. Then with another twist of his hand, he threw the Jedi into a wall. Vaden reapeated this several times and then released the Jedi. Laying on the floor beaten terribly, the Jedi tried to get up. His body was covered with bruses and aprazions. Lifting his hand upward, Vaden lifted the Jedi into the air.

Eyeing the Jedi Vaden asked "Where are your Jedi brethren?". The Jed ignored Vaden's question, keeping his eyes low. Clutching his hand Vaden asked again "Tell me where are they..". The Jedi just stared at Vaden and said nothing. Clitching his teeth Vaden began to crush the Jedi as he shouted "Tell me now!". Feeling the life force of Jedi leave, Vaden tossed the Jedi aside. He then turned and headed down the hall. After passing through several corridors, he stopped next to a Sith gaurd. With a bow the Sith Captian said "Lord Vaden". Vaden eyeing the small group of Sith asked "Have nay Jedi come through here recentley?". The Sith Captian shook his head and said "No...". "However there was a report of Jedi in the East wing". Vaden's eyes lighted up as he listened intently. "But it hasn't been confirmed" said the Sith Captian.

Vaden stood and pondered. Thinking out loud Vaden said "The east wing...". "That's were the acient tunnels are located". Like a spark from a match Vaden's eyes lite up. Turning from the Sith Captian he moved on. Headed threw several corridors, he reached large spiral stair case. Walking down the steps at a swift pace, he reached the bottom in minutes. Passing through several corridors, Vaden stopped. Infront of him was a large mass of rubble. Using the Force, Vaden moved the rubble out of his way. Once he had cleared the hall enough, he moved on. Using his senses to guide him, Vaden turned to his right and continued on threw another corridor.
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Kirna's rescue

Luke saw Kirna waving at him "Kirna get back they will know your here I am here to rescue you and take you to your sister" Luke hissed he grabbed her arm and took off running down the hall towards the staircase where Kara walked thru with him and the youngliings earlier. He saw Kara at the bottom of the stpes her fire read hair and deep set green eyes "Kirna is here now lets go."

"Agreed" Master Skywalker, Kara and the others walked deeper into the tunnels
Shadows and Secrets:

High above the dark clouds of Courcant, a dark shuttle desends towards the main city. Flying towards the Jedi Temple, the shuttle lands on landing palteform. Exiting the shuttle, a cloaked figure escorted by two Sith gaurds headed across the long catawalk. Stopping infront of the entrance, two Sith potrals checked out the new arrivals. After varfying the Sith Commander said "Welcome Lord Arion". With a frown Lord Arion and his two Sith Gaurds headed inside. Passing through large hallway, Lord Arion and his gaurds entered a lift. After pressing the control panel, the lift asended. Waiting in the lift, Arion took a deep breath. His face painted with agrivation. At last the lift came to a stop and they exited. Heading down a narrow hall they stopped infront of a door. Arion waving his hand, ordered the two gaurds to stay outside. Entering the room Arion stood before desk and bowed.

Turning in his chair Lord Valfious said "Lord Arion, I've been expecting you..". Raising his head Arion stood with his arms crossed. "How goes the progress?" asked Valfious. With a pause Arion said "Slow...". "The device requires large amounts of energy". "Amounts we just can't supply". Valfious smiling, rose to his feet and said "Do not worry, I have plans to speed up the proccess". Arion nodded and then looked around the room. "I can't beleive it.." said Arion. "You plan worked, you have taken the Jedi Temple". Valfious grinned and said "It was an easy task". "The Jedi were too blind and foolish to suspect anything". "Now there Order is in ruins...". Arion taking a seat smearked and asked "Now what was it you wanted to talk to me about?". Valfious walked over to his chair and sat down. "I have found the perfect source energy that we need". Arion looking intrigued said "oh....". "And what is that?". Valfious smiled and said "Not what.., but who...".
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Kara's and Luke's suspican

Kara stopped in her tracks and froze "He is here" Kara whispered taking her lighsaber off her belt and gripping it tight in both hands.

Luke walked up to stand beside her "Who is here Kara tell me"

Sairan came up beside her opposite of Luke "Are you okay Kara"

"MY uncle the sith Lord is here he is either after me or somone else I am not sure who" Kara gathered herself Where is Kato he should have rendevous with us by now.

"Kara we are safe down here no one will get thru that door its sealed tight once I got Kirna down here I sealed it with the Force no sith are going to get thru here they don't even know where we are. Your concerned about Master Si aren't you Kara"

"Yes I am Master Skywalker him and I became very close freinds why you were gone with Zan He has taught me so much about the Force that I did not even know about it"

"These new Force powers to be honest with you Kara I don't understand how you can weild them I knew you were powerful. Its like your powers have doubled. I think in a duel now you would beat me or at least match my skill it was amazing that show of power on the main level that you did But I don't agree with it"

"When I dueled Master Si I matched his skill and you know how powerful he is"

"Kara don't get prideful that will be the worst thing you can do."
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