Sir Godfrey
Pelegrin Crucis
Brother Against Brother:
After passing through several corridors, Kato and his party reached the Ancient Tunnels. Stopping at the entrance, Kato peered inside checking the tunnels stability. After few minutes of analizing he turned to his group and said "Alright, this is how were going to do things". "Each of you is going to go two at a time through the tunnel". "Once you've reached the end, wait on the otherside for the others". After brief pause, the group formed a line. The Younglings in front, then Aubrie and Arya, then Izan and Erian and finally the Two Jedi Knights. After several brief pauses, the group began moving into the tunnel. Waiting at the entrance, Kato stood uneasy. One of the Jedi Knights asked "Are you alright Master Si?". Kato rubbing his chin replied "I feel a familar presence approaching". "Get inside the tunnel and hurry". The Knight paused and said "but what about you?". Kato sighed and said "Don't worry about me, just go!".
The Knight obeyed and headed into the tunnel. Kato now stood alone at the Tunnels entrance. Gripping his lightsaber handle tight, Kato moved foward. His eyes panned around the room, seraching for the slightest movment. As Kato came to halt, sweat dripped down his brow. Suddenly out of the shadows a figure leapt forth with an ignited bloodred lightsaber. Kato actiavted his saber and blocked the blow. Using a powerful stroke, the Dark figure knocked Kato back. Kato grasping his lightsaber tight, eyed the dark figure. Moving into attack the Dark figure whirled his lightsaber. The Blades crackled as they hit, showering the floor with sparks. Breaking the lock up, Kato thrusted foward and fallowed up with several powerful blows. The Dark figure halted, holding his saber to his side. Kato holding defensive stance asked "Who are you and why is your presence so familar?".
The Dark figure smiled and said "Has my appearance really changed that much?". "Or has the shadows blinded your vision?". Kato looked at the Sith with a confused expression. Circling in the shadows, the Sith stepped into the light. The Rays lite up his face, revealing the horrifying truth. Kato stood frozen, his eyes trembling. Opening his mouth Kato studered and gasped. "What's a matter my friend?". "Are you not happy to see me?". Kato blinked and then asked in deep breaths " that you?". "Yes my old friend it is I". Kato began to have trouble breathing. "My appeance troubles you?" asked Vaden. "No....". "It what feel with you" said Kato. Looking Vaden directly in the eye Kato said "I sense the Dark Side in you...". Vaden smiled and said "Yes, my new power is unmistakble". Kato catching his breath said "How could you?". "How could you betray us?".
Vaden glaring at Kato replied "It was nessary...". "The Jedi have held me back for far to long". "They betrayed us...". "They hide the true power of the Force form us...". "And for that they payed the price...". Kato shaking his head said "The Jedi where trying to protect to you". "The Dark Side is destructive, it will destroy you...". Vaden shook his head "No my friend, you are wrong". "The Dark Side has given me power beyond any Jedi". "Through it it I bring peace and justice to the galaxy". Kato restorted "You call slaughtering innocent children justice?". "Your mad!". Vaden looking Kato sternly said "I tire of arguing". "I have been sent to kill you..". "But instead I give you an offer". "Join me and together we can discover powers beyond you wildest dreams". Kato shook his head and said "No...". "I will not join you". Vaden presisted "Don't do this the hard way". "I don't want to hurt you". "Just give in to the Dark Side".
Kato raised his voice "No!". "I will never join you!". "You have become a monster". "The person I knew would have done this". "He would never harmed anyone without cause". "And would have never betrayed the Order". Vaden glared and said "The man you speak of is dead, I am all that remains". Kato sheading a tear said "If that's the truth, you leave no choice". Kato gripped his lightsaber handle and moved back. "I ask you once more, join me and together we will bring Order to galaxy as brothers" said Vaden. Kato shook his head and said "You have my answer and it is no...". Vaden frown and glared at Kato. "So this what you choose". "To side with these infidels". "Very well, you give me no choice but to kill you!". Activating his lightsaber Vaden lunged foward in great rage, attacking Kato with ferce blows. Kato parryed and began front attack. Swining his saber in cross like motion, Kato struck Vaden's blade repeatdly. Entering a lock up, Vaden use his right hand, socked Kato in the face. Stumbling from the blow to his face, Kato backed away. Vaden pressisted attacking in a rage.
His blows, caused Kato arms to swell and surge with pain. Holding in lock up, Vaden looked Kato in the eye. His eyes burned like hot embers, and his face was as pale as the white floor beneath them. Vaden gripping tightly, pushed against Kato with great force. Kato countered, using his strength to hold him back. Unfortunatly it wasn't enough. Vaden pushed Kato into a wall, and grabbed Kato's handle. Pushing the sabers with all his strength, Vaden moved the blades closer to Kato's face. Gripping Vaden's handle, Kato pushed back. The Two struggled, as they tried to overpower each other. Finally they broke away and began a new. Vaden swung furiously, cutting through colums and walls. Kato kept a defensive stance, saving all his energy. Blocking Vaden's blow, Kato held in a lock up. As the two eyed one another, the lossed there grip from there sabers and extened there hands foward. A Surge of the force, caused there hands to shake and bounce back. Finally they released, sending both them flying across opposite sides of the hall.
Vaden quickly raised to his feet and lunged foward. Kato dodged Vaden's strike and began parrying the rest of his moves. Breaking from another lock up, Kato and Vaden stood at a distance. breathing heavily Kato said "You don't have to do this Karth". "Lute go of you hate". Leaping foward Vaden shouted "Never!!!". There sabers clashed, causing them to hold in lock up postion. Breaking the lock up, Vaden knocked Kato back with powerful blow and then fallowed that up with several swift strokes. Kato blocked and backed into one of the corridors. Holding a stance, Kato counterd Vaden's attacks and began going on the offensive. Using a mix if quick presice thrusts and powerful strokes Kato knocked Vaden against a wal. With a swift stroke Kato sliced Vaden's shoulder. Growling in anger Vaden attacked in furious rage. Kato held off the brunt of his attacks and tried his best to hold steady.
After passing through several corridors, Kato and his party reached the Ancient Tunnels. Stopping at the entrance, Kato peered inside checking the tunnels stability. After few minutes of analizing he turned to his group and said "Alright, this is how were going to do things". "Each of you is going to go two at a time through the tunnel". "Once you've reached the end, wait on the otherside for the others". After brief pause, the group formed a line. The Younglings in front, then Aubrie and Arya, then Izan and Erian and finally the Two Jedi Knights. After several brief pauses, the group began moving into the tunnel. Waiting at the entrance, Kato stood uneasy. One of the Jedi Knights asked "Are you alright Master Si?". Kato rubbing his chin replied "I feel a familar presence approaching". "Get inside the tunnel and hurry". The Knight paused and said "but what about you?". Kato sighed and said "Don't worry about me, just go!".
The Knight obeyed and headed into the tunnel. Kato now stood alone at the Tunnels entrance. Gripping his lightsaber handle tight, Kato moved foward. His eyes panned around the room, seraching for the slightest movment. As Kato came to halt, sweat dripped down his brow. Suddenly out of the shadows a figure leapt forth with an ignited bloodred lightsaber. Kato actiavted his saber and blocked the blow. Using a powerful stroke, the Dark figure knocked Kato back. Kato grasping his lightsaber tight, eyed the dark figure. Moving into attack the Dark figure whirled his lightsaber. The Blades crackled as they hit, showering the floor with sparks. Breaking the lock up, Kato thrusted foward and fallowed up with several powerful blows. The Dark figure halted, holding his saber to his side. Kato holding defensive stance asked "Who are you and why is your presence so familar?".
The Dark figure smiled and said "Has my appearance really changed that much?". "Or has the shadows blinded your vision?". Kato looked at the Sith with a confused expression. Circling in the shadows, the Sith stepped into the light. The Rays lite up his face, revealing the horrifying truth. Kato stood frozen, his eyes trembling. Opening his mouth Kato studered and gasped. "What's a matter my friend?". "Are you not happy to see me?". Kato blinked and then asked in deep breaths " that you?". "Yes my old friend it is I". Kato began to have trouble breathing. "My appeance troubles you?" asked Vaden. "No....". "It what feel with you" said Kato. Looking Vaden directly in the eye Kato said "I sense the Dark Side in you...". Vaden smiled and said "Yes, my new power is unmistakble". Kato catching his breath said "How could you?". "How could you betray us?".
Vaden glaring at Kato replied "It was nessary...". "The Jedi have held me back for far to long". "They betrayed us...". "They hide the true power of the Force form us...". "And for that they payed the price...". Kato shaking his head said "The Jedi where trying to protect to you". "The Dark Side is destructive, it will destroy you...". Vaden shook his head "No my friend, you are wrong". "The Dark Side has given me power beyond any Jedi". "Through it it I bring peace and justice to the galaxy". Kato restorted "You call slaughtering innocent children justice?". "Your mad!". Vaden looking Kato sternly said "I tire of arguing". "I have been sent to kill you..". "But instead I give you an offer". "Join me and together we can discover powers beyond you wildest dreams". Kato shook his head and said "No...". "I will not join you". Vaden presisted "Don't do this the hard way". "I don't want to hurt you". "Just give in to the Dark Side".
Kato raised his voice "No!". "I will never join you!". "You have become a monster". "The person I knew would have done this". "He would never harmed anyone without cause". "And would have never betrayed the Order". Vaden glared and said "The man you speak of is dead, I am all that remains". Kato sheading a tear said "If that's the truth, you leave no choice". Kato gripped his lightsaber handle and moved back. "I ask you once more, join me and together we will bring Order to galaxy as brothers" said Vaden. Kato shook his head and said "You have my answer and it is no...". Vaden frown and glared at Kato. "So this what you choose". "To side with these infidels". "Very well, you give me no choice but to kill you!". Activating his lightsaber Vaden lunged foward in great rage, attacking Kato with ferce blows. Kato parryed and began front attack. Swining his saber in cross like motion, Kato struck Vaden's blade repeatdly. Entering a lock up, Vaden use his right hand, socked Kato in the face. Stumbling from the blow to his face, Kato backed away. Vaden pressisted attacking in a rage.
His blows, caused Kato arms to swell and surge with pain. Holding in lock up, Vaden looked Kato in the eye. His eyes burned like hot embers, and his face was as pale as the white floor beneath them. Vaden gripping tightly, pushed against Kato with great force. Kato countered, using his strength to hold him back. Unfortunatly it wasn't enough. Vaden pushed Kato into a wall, and grabbed Kato's handle. Pushing the sabers with all his strength, Vaden moved the blades closer to Kato's face. Gripping Vaden's handle, Kato pushed back. The Two struggled, as they tried to overpower each other. Finally they broke away and began a new. Vaden swung furiously, cutting through colums and walls. Kato kept a defensive stance, saving all his energy. Blocking Vaden's blow, Kato held in a lock up. As the two eyed one another, the lossed there grip from there sabers and extened there hands foward. A Surge of the force, caused there hands to shake and bounce back. Finally they released, sending both them flying across opposite sides of the hall.
Vaden quickly raised to his feet and lunged foward. Kato dodged Vaden's strike and began parrying the rest of his moves. Breaking from another lock up, Kato and Vaden stood at a distance. breathing heavily Kato said "You don't have to do this Karth". "Lute go of you hate". Leaping foward Vaden shouted "Never!!!". There sabers clashed, causing them to hold in lock up postion. Breaking the lock up, Vaden knocked Kato back with powerful blow and then fallowed that up with several swift strokes. Kato blocked and backed into one of the corridors. Holding a stance, Kato counterd Vaden's attacks and began going on the offensive. Using a mix if quick presice thrusts and powerful strokes Kato knocked Vaden against a wal. With a swift stroke Kato sliced Vaden's shoulder. Growling in anger Vaden attacked in furious rage. Kato held off the brunt of his attacks and tried his best to hold steady.
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