Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

Brother Against Brother:

After passing through several corridors, Kato and his party reached the Ancient Tunnels. Stopping at the entrance, Kato peered inside checking the tunnels stability. After few minutes of analizing he turned to his group and said "Alright, this is how were going to do things". "Each of you is going to go two at a time through the tunnel". "Once you've reached the end, wait on the otherside for the others". After brief pause, the group formed a line. The Younglings in front, then Aubrie and Arya, then Izan and Erian and finally the Two Jedi Knights. After several brief pauses, the group began moving into the tunnel. Waiting at the entrance, Kato stood uneasy. One of the Jedi Knights asked "Are you alright Master Si?". Kato rubbing his chin replied "I feel a familar presence approaching". "Get inside the tunnel and hurry". The Knight paused and said "but what about you?". Kato sighed and said "Don't worry about me, just go!".

The Knight obeyed and headed into the tunnel. Kato now stood alone at the Tunnels entrance. Gripping his lightsaber handle tight, Kato moved foward. His eyes panned around the room, seraching for the slightest movment. As Kato came to halt, sweat dripped down his brow. Suddenly out of the shadows a figure leapt forth with an ignited bloodred lightsaber. Kato actiavted his saber and blocked the blow. Using a powerful stroke, the Dark figure knocked Kato back. Kato grasping his lightsaber tight, eyed the dark figure. Moving into attack the Dark figure whirled his lightsaber. The Blades crackled as they hit, showering the floor with sparks. Breaking the lock up, Kato thrusted foward and fallowed up with several powerful blows. The Dark figure halted, holding his saber to his side. Kato holding defensive stance asked "Who are you and why is your presence so familar?".

The Dark figure smiled and said "Has my appearance really changed that much?". "Or has the shadows blinded your vision?". Kato looked at the Sith with a confused expression. Circling in the shadows, the Sith stepped into the light. The Rays lite up his face, revealing the horrifying truth. Kato stood frozen, his eyes trembling. Opening his mouth Kato studered and gasped. "What's a matter my friend?". "Are you not happy to see me?". Kato blinked and then asked in deep breaths " that you?". "Yes my old friend it is I". Kato began to have trouble breathing. "My appeance troubles you?" asked Vaden. "No....". "It what feel with you" said Kato. Looking Vaden directly in the eye Kato said "I sense the Dark Side in you...". Vaden smiled and said "Yes, my new power is unmistakble". Kato catching his breath said "How could you?". "How could you betray us?".

Vaden glaring at Kato replied "It was nessary...". "The Jedi have held me back for far to long". "They betrayed us...". "They hide the true power of the Force form us...". "And for that they payed the price...". Kato shaking his head said "The Jedi where trying to protect to you". "The Dark Side is destructive, it will destroy you...". Vaden shook his head "No my friend, you are wrong". "The Dark Side has given me power beyond any Jedi". "Through it it I bring peace and justice to the galaxy". Kato restorted "You call slaughtering innocent children justice?". "Your mad!". Vaden looking Kato sternly said "I tire of arguing". "I have been sent to kill you..". "But instead I give you an offer". "Join me and together we can discover powers beyond you wildest dreams". Kato shook his head and said "No...". "I will not join you". Vaden presisted "Don't do this the hard way". "I don't want to hurt you". "Just give in to the Dark Side".

Kato raised his voice "No!". "I will never join you!". "You have become a monster". "The person I knew would have done this". "He would never harmed anyone without cause". "And would have never betrayed the Order". Vaden glared and said "The man you speak of is dead, I am all that remains". Kato sheading a tear said "If that's the truth, you leave no choice". Kato gripped his lightsaber handle and moved back. "I ask you once more, join me and together we will bring Order to galaxy as brothers" said Vaden. Kato shook his head and said "You have my answer and it is no...". Vaden frown and glared at Kato. "So this what you choose". "To side with these infidels". "Very well, you give me no choice but to kill you!". Activating his lightsaber Vaden lunged foward in great rage, attacking Kato with ferce blows. Kato parryed and began front attack. Swining his saber in cross like motion, Kato struck Vaden's blade repeatdly. Entering a lock up, Vaden use his right hand, socked Kato in the face. Stumbling from the blow to his face, Kato backed away. Vaden pressisted attacking in a rage.

His blows, caused Kato arms to swell and surge with pain. Holding in lock up, Vaden looked Kato in the eye. His eyes burned like hot embers, and his face was as pale as the white floor beneath them. Vaden gripping tightly, pushed against Kato with great force. Kato countered, using his strength to hold him back. Unfortunatly it wasn't enough. Vaden pushed Kato into a wall, and grabbed Kato's handle. Pushing the sabers with all his strength, Vaden moved the blades closer to Kato's face. Gripping Vaden's handle, Kato pushed back. The Two struggled, as they tried to overpower each other. Finally they broke away and began a new. Vaden swung furiously, cutting through colums and walls. Kato kept a defensive stance, saving all his energy. Blocking Vaden's blow, Kato held in a lock up. As the two eyed one another, the lossed there grip from there sabers and extened there hands foward. A Surge of the force, caused there hands to shake and bounce back. Finally they released, sending both them flying across opposite sides of the hall.

Vaden quickly raised to his feet and lunged foward. Kato dodged Vaden's strike and began parrying the rest of his moves. Breaking from another lock up, Kato and Vaden stood at a distance. breathing heavily Kato said "You don't have to do this Karth". "Lute go of you hate". Leaping foward Vaden shouted "Never!!!". There sabers clashed, causing them to hold in lock up postion. Breaking the lock up, Vaden knocked Kato back with powerful blow and then fallowed that up with several swift strokes. Kato blocked and backed into one of the corridors. Holding a stance, Kato counterd Vaden's attacks and began going on the offensive. Using a mix if quick presice thrusts and powerful strokes Kato knocked Vaden against a wal. With a swift stroke Kato sliced Vaden's shoulder. Growling in anger Vaden attacked in furious rage. Kato held off the brunt of his attacks and tried his best to hold steady.
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Kara was still going down the hall they came to the tunnels Kara stopped and collapesd

Luke ran over to her "Kara are you okay"

"I am really tired Luke can we stop here and rest a minute before I fall apart."

"We really should wait on Kato and the othere to show up Kara I say we take a rest" Luke leaned aginst the wall taking his robe off and draping it over Kara and Kara took her robe and draped it over Sairen and took a long rest. Kara rested soundly and all the other younglins gathered around Kara and Luke and Kirna was on the other side of Luke. Five of the Jedi's kara healed were with them and stood guard why Luke and KAra rested.
Kirna help with healing she look up at her sister with a smile.
" I for give you sis what you did back there," she said putting her hands over the young ones.
Kara smiled at Kirna

"Thank you Kirna I am glad you did I think we are all tired and weary with this Jedi Purge going on so our tempers are bound to surface one way or the other the good way or the bad way The impotent thing is to stand together The moment we are divieded the enemy will find his way in and have the advantage then if we lose it would be our own fault.

"and we would hurt the ones cloest to us" Luke finished for KAra
Kara rested aginst the wall with her arm around Sarin wondring if the purge would ever end and if the Jedi would be defeated and destroyed for good or how they would go into excile and who would make it and who would not.

Luke touched Kara's arm and head Find peace my dearest daughter luke let the healing and comfort energy of the Force go into Kara and she leaned aginst him and fell fast asleep.
Brother Against Brother Part II:

Blocking Vaden's blows, Kato backed towards the wall. Lunging foward Vaden locked sabers with Kato. Relasing his right hand, he preformed Force Grip. Counter the move Kato caused them both to raise into the air. Both gasping for air released, sending them flying across opposite sides of the corridor. Landing next to a set of pillar Vaden rose to his feet gasping for air. Leaning against the pillar he eyed Kato who was still on the floor. Turning his gaze to the pillar he grinned. Gripping his lightsaber Vaden cut the pillar in two and using the Force he rolled towards Kato. Raising to his feet Kato eyed the approaching pillar. With a smile he waited. Finally the pillar reach him, and with fancy leap he landed on the pillar and then jumped into the air. Soaring high above, Kato gripped his lightsaber and landed next to Vaden. There blades clashed send a array of sparks on there robes. Holding in the lock up, Vaden grabbed Kato by the neck and slammed him into the wall.

Releasing him, Vaden prepared to strike. Kato turned and parryed. With several powerful strokes Kato knocked Vaden back. Then twirling his saber he lock up with Vaden. With swift manuver Kato broke the lock up and kicked Vaden in the chest, knocking him against another pillar. Kato gripping hisl ightsaber threw it, causing it to spin and cut the pillar. Snapping the pillar fell on Vaden, who was still stunned by Kato's attack. Raising his hands, Kato used the force to lift more pillars. Moving his hands foward, he commanded them towards Vaden. Arising out of the rubble, Vaden extended his right hand, stopping several of the pillars. With an angry glare he redirected them towards Kato. Kato gripping his lightsaber sliced throught them, sending the large remains past his sides. Glaring at Vaden, Kato leapt forth swining his saber. Parrying the blow, Vaden locked his saber with Kato. Trying to overpower each other, both began grabbing each other and slamming one another into objects and walls. Vaden grabbing Kato's neck, began preforming Force Grip.

Kato releasing his lightsaber grabbed ahold of Vaden's neck. The two now weaponless, began to squeze each's neck with brutal strength. Both gasped as there lips bleed. Nudging his foward, Kato knocked his head against Vaden's. Shaking his head Vaden lossened his grip. With another headbud, Kato knocked Vaden backward. Vaden holding steady, gripped his head and clintched his teeth. His eyes simmered with anger. Kato rubbed his head, and then turned to look at the floor. Using the Force he grabbed his lightsaber and leapt towards Vaden igniting it. Vaden extending his hand, leviated hisl lightsaber into his grasp. Gripping it he ignited it and blocked Kato's strike just in time. Eyeing Kato with distaste Vaden psun his saber wildly and thrusted foward. Kato blocked and then engaged. The Two combatants exhanged several powerful blows, leaving them drained. Breathing heavily Kato spoke "Karth it doesn't have to be this way". "Valfious has posioned your mind". "He's evil!".

Vaden glared and replied "From my point of view the Jedi are evil!". Kato shook his head and said "Then your lost!". Standing infont of Kato and glaring Vaden said "This is the end for you my friend...". "Now witness the Ultimate power of the Dark Side of the Force". Extending his hand, Vaden emitted bolts of lightning. The bolts cross the distance and struck Kato. Feeling the blots surge through him, Kato held his hand close to his heart. Suddenly the bolts began striking Kato's hand. And with extension of his hand Kato redirected the lightning towards Vaden. Vaden blocked the lightning and then send several more bolts towards Kato. Gripping the bolts in his hand, Kato made them disspear. Eyeing Vaden Kato said "Much to learn you still have". Vaden sneered and moved into stance. Kato gripping his lightsaber, pressed the de-activation switch. Clipping his lightsaber Kato eyed Vaden with a sad expression. Vaden stood, confusion painted across his face.

As Kato lifted his hands, a bright blue glow began to surround him. As his eyes became sapphires burning like fire he said "You powers are nothing compared to his!". Vaden eyed Kato with a awestruck look. And extending his hands foward, a bright blue burst struck Vaden thowing him across the corrdior and into a wall. As his body hit the wall, it colpased. Two pillars at the sides of the wall fell over and broke in half. Kato standing at the other end of the corridor, eyed the rubble. Taking several steps, Kato stopped several feet infont of the colapsed wall. As he lowered his head, he felt a faint tremor. Breaking out of the rubble, Vaden landed infont of Kato. His body covered in bloodred glow. His eyes where blacks as shadows, his face grey as stone and his teeth unaturally sharp. Shouting out, Vaden extending his hands. Several red flames struck Kato, knocking him back. Kato holding steady, eyed Vaden with troubled expression. Speaking in a demonic tone Vaden said "Your power is impressive". "But it is nothing compared to mine!".

Suddenly a large array of red beams emitted from Vaden's finger tips, striking Kato. Falling to his knees, Kato felt his very life force drain. Smiling above him, Vaden continued to emitt the beams. Clutching his fists, Kato bowed his head. Vaden mocked and said "That's it.. bow before me..". Several more words came out of Vaden's mouth, but Kato was unable to understand them. Cuffing his hands Kato spoke aloud "Adonai, Yeshewa!". "Several Unkown words". Suddenly a bright light surrounded Kato and rasing to his feet, Kato blocked the red beams and held steady. Pressing through Vaden's barriers, Kato created a massive shockwave that threw both of them off there feet. Flipping wildly in the air Vaden slammed into the wall. Kato halted himself as his back gently hit the side of tunnel entrance. Almost colapsing Kato braced himself against the wall. Taking several deep breaths, Kato noticed the tunnel beginning to shake. His eyes grew wide, as the cieling began to waver. Using what was left of his strength, Kato moved into the tunnel.

Seeing Kato fleeing, Vaden rose to his feet and using the Force he ran towards the tunnel. Covered in cuts and burns Vaden stopped before th entrance. Glaring at Kato he procceded inside. But as he reached Kato, a large mass of Rocks colapsed landing between them. The tunnel was quickly filled, putting a large gap between them. Shouting at the top of his lungs Karth* said "Kato!!!". "Kato!!!". Standing behiend the mass of rocks, Kato sighed and turned away. Walking away slowly, he could here the sound of a saber's blade cutting through rock and the faint shouts of his friend, now enemy...

*This is a brief moment when the part of him that is still Karth manifests.
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Separete ways

Kara woke with a start the Force alerted her to somthing. The tunnel was collapsing Luke woke shortly after that when he felt Kara move Sarin woke up at Kara's elbow.

"Masters what is going on" Sarin asked scared grabbing on to Kara's tunic

"The tunnel we took shelter in is collapsing must be some heavy fighting above us causing the tunnel to collapes in on itself" Kara said

"Kara go and take the younglings I will take kirna with me I will use the Force to give you headway into another tunnel we will meet you at a rendevous point on the other side of the tunnel"

"Yes Master"

Kara grabbed the younglings and took off with Sarin "Sarin try to keep a mentle Force link on the other youglings a meld. I will intiate it and follow my voice so you don't get lost each one of you grab the persons hand in front of you and behind you " Kara linked with each of the younglings and she felt each one of there presence in the Force Sarin the storngest then the others. Kara ignited her lighsaber as a light thru the tunnels.

Luke held off the tunnel collapsing and grabbed Kirna by the hand and took of in another tunnel. that ran parallel to Kara and the younglings . The tunnel collapsed behind him as he ran with Kirna.
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Sorrow in the Shadows:

Heading through the tunnel, Kato began to breath irruglarly. Inside his stomech boiled like hot magma. His heat pulsed wildly, leaving him feeling light headed. Bracing himself against the wall, Kato halted. He clutched his chest and clintched his teeth. Pain surged through his body. The pain came from a unseen wound. Inside he felt the bitter pain of betrayel and terrible heat ach. Numerious questions haunted Kato's mind, not allowing him any rest. Unable to control himself Kato shouted out in rage. How could he do this? How could he betray me? . Tears rolled down Kato's face, as he covered his eyes with his hands. The feeling of betray turned his soul to rot. The man he trusted, the man he loved as a brother had turned against him. He had betrayed the Jedi Order and Forsaken the Force. Consumed in sorrow, Kato looked out into the darkness. Far ahead of him was a faint light, shining in all the darknes. Glancing at it he wiped his tears away. For waiting just beyond all the darkness, was people who needed him. After a breif pause Kato headed through the dark tunnel. His eyes panned around, catching the faint light ahead of him. At last he reached the end of the tunnel, where he was greeted by warm familar faces. Stepping into the light, Kato greeted everyone. After some short discussion, the group began boarding the shuttle.

Waiting outside, Kato stared at the temple. The face of Karth painted in his mind. With sigh, Kato turned around and headed inside the shuttle. Sitting down, he took a deep breath. Approaching him Aubrie, sat to his side. With plain expression she asked "Are you alright?". Kato turned to her and asked " do you mean Physically or mentaly?". Aubrie replied "Both". Kato frowned and said "Pyshically I'm ok, but mentally...". "Mentally I'm suffering". Aubrie looking with sinser face asked "Do you want to talk about it?". Kato turned to Aubrie and said "Actually.., yes I would". Kato began telling Aubrie of his duel with Karth. He told her of his new found alligance and that it was he who had betrayed the Jedi Order. After going on a bit, Kato paused and said with shivering voice "He was like a brother to me.., and now...". "Now he's my enemy...". As Kato leaned his head back against the wall, Aubrie put her hand on his shoulder. Speaking in a soft voice she said "Even though it may not seem like it..". "Everything will turn out alright". Kato turned to Aubrie and smiled. Maybe she was right he thought.
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Master Kara where is Master Skywlker and your sister

I don know Sarin

Kara kept pushing thru but she couldn't shake the fact that she thought that her and the younglings were being followed and why the one tunnel seem to collapes on them quickely Three other Jedi's made it out with them into the other tunnel. They joined Kara's mind link

"I wish I could shake this feeling"

"You feeling your uncle Jedi kara aren't you"

"Yes I am Micah"

"Your uncle is a bad man isn't he master" one of the younglngs said to her thru the mind link

"Will he try to hurt you kara" Sarin asked a tear in her voice

"Yes he would Sarin but I feel stronger now Now that I rested
We are almost out of this tunnel I see a light a bit ahead."
Golden Memories:

After talking with Aubrie, Kato sat in the cockpit and buckled up. As the thrusters heated up, Kato stared out the window. Fixating on the Temple, Kato sighed. What was once his home, now was in ruins. As the shuttle hovered into the air, Kato took one final glance at the Temple. With a slight bow he said "Fair Well". After brief pause the shuttle blasted off, soaring into the sky. As they entered space, Kato took several faint breaths. Rolling around in his mind, was images of Karth and of old memories. With a smile Kato remebered the first day he met Karth.

15 years ago...

Standing in the middle of the main sancutary, Kato waited impatiently. His Master had asked him to wait in the santuary until he return. After several long dragging hours, Master Kendi returned and with him was youngling. With a smile Master Kendi said "Kato, come over here". "I want you to meet someone". Kato approched looking rather timid. "Kato this is Karth, he's new to the Temple". "I was hoping you could show him around". With irritated look Kato said "Do I really have to?". Kendi glared at Kato. With growl Kato said "Fine...". Shrugging Kato said "Come on, fallow me". As Karth fallowed Kato, Master Kendi smiled. Walking with a irritated expression Kato turned to Karth and asked "So, what would you like to see first?". "The Boring archieves, the countless statues, or the amazing halls of the Temple?". Karth snicker and said "None". Kato looking with a rather surpised expression asked "Then what do you want to do?". Karth smearking said "How about we explore the higher levels".

Kato bursting out in laughter said "hahaha.., you are new". "No one is allowed in the higher levels except Jedi Knights and Masters". With a vile smeark Karth said "So?". Kato looking serious said "If we get caught, we will be punished". Karth looking mechievious said "So who cares". "Think about how much fun will have". Kato looking in deep thought said "I don't know...". Karth elbowing Kato said "Come on...". "You know you want too". After brief pause Kato said "I still think it's to risky". Karth smearking said "What's a matter.., you scared?". Kato shook his head and said "Of course not..". "I just...". Karth rolling his eyes said "Yup your scared". "Your Bantha Enego". Kato flaring up said "I am not!". Karth smearking said "Are too!". Kato looking steamed said "I am not and I will prove it". "I'll go to the higher levels myself!". Crossing his arms Kato bit his lip. Karth grinning, grabbed Kato's arm and said "Good.., then what are we waiting for". Kato be taken off gaurd said "Hey!". "Wait!".

After dragging Kato to the lift, Karth and Kato entered the lift. Kato crossed his arms and stared to the side. Karth nudging him said "Oh come on, stop being a little scardy brat". "Have a little fun". Kato turned and said "If we get caught I'm blamming you". Karth smiled and said "Fine, I don't care". "I'm the new guy". Trying hard to stay mad, Kato caved in and smiled. Karth nudging Kato said "That's it...". "Enjoy yourself". As the lift came to a halt, Kato and Karth exited. They where standing in enormus hall filled with all kinds of statues. As the headed down the hall, Kato and Karth stared at the scuptures. The statues where of valient Jedi Knights who had foughten and died to protect the Order. At last the reached the end of the hall. Standing before them was large door that lead to the Council Chambers. Kato looking up at the high door handle said "Great now what?". After a loud bang, Kato turned and saw Karth pulling a vent shaft off. "What are you doing?" asked Kato.

Karth taking a breath said "Finding a way in, of course". Kato rolled his eyes and fallowed Karth into the shaft. Crawling through the ducts, Kato huffed and complained. As they reached another vent, Karth said "Shhh!". Grabbing the sides, Karth took the vent shaft off. Stepping out into the room, Karth said in a whisper "Come on...". Kato crawled out of the duct and dusted himself off. "Where are we?" asked Karth. Kato looking annoyed said "How should I know?". Looking around Karth looked down both hallways. After brief pause Karth procceded to there right. As they headed down the hallway, a door ahead of them opened. Karth dashed into the shadows, leaving Kato in theo pen. Kato looked around "Karth?". Suddenly Kato was pulled into the shadows. "What are doing!?" asked Kato. "Shhh!.., shut up!" said Karth. "Someone's coming". Kato covered his mouth and inched further into the shadows. Passing them where two Jedi Masters, discussing grown up matters. Once it was clear, Karth stepped out into the hall.

Looking both ways, Karth signaled for Kato to come out of the shadows. Fallowing Karth, Kato headed to the nearest door. Suddenly the door opened, and standing before them was Master Kendi. Kato stood frozen with fear. Kendi's unplesant eyes pirecing his flesh like beams. Crossing his arms Master Kendi said "Well, well". "What do we have here?". Kato gulped and pointed to Karth "It's his fault!". "It was whole idea". Kendi looking rather displeased said "Come now, Kato you know better". "These higher levels are reserved Knights and Masters". Kato lowered his head and said "Yes Master..". "I know". "You know what must be done" said Master Kendi. Kato nodded his head and said "I must recieve my punishment". Kendi looking at Kato's sadened face said "Wait...". "Instead I'm going lute you off with a warning". Kato raised his head, looking directly into Master Kendi's eyes. "Afterall, there was no harm done".

Kato bowed and said "Thank you Master". "I most greatful for your desicion". Putting his hands on Kato and Karth's backs Master Kendi said "Now come, I you have duties to attend to". Taking Kato and Karth to the lift, Master Kendi took them to the lower levels. After grulling day of hard training, Kato and Karth stood face to face in the main sancuray. "So what do want to do tommorrow?" asked Kato. Karth smiled and said "I don't know, lute me think about it over night". Kato shook his head and said "Oh no, more trouble". Karth chuckled and said "Trouble is my middle name". Kato looking at the sun set said "Well until tommorrow my friend". Karth stood paralized. His breaths slowed. "Friend?" he muttered. Kato smiled and said "Yeah.., where friends now". With a bow Kato turned and walked over to his Master's side. As the two faded in the distance Karth smiled and thought "Friend".

Sitting in his seat Kato smiled as a tear ran down his cheak. If only things could be as they were he thought. And as he drifted off into a daze, the pilot plotted a course for there destination on Dantooine. And after a pause, the ship went into hyper space.
The RPG is Closed:

The RPG is closed for the week (Including the weekend). I will be very busy with my academic studies and Battlecry. If the RPG is opened during this week, it is only for a brief period of time. Note: I am not trying to seize control over your posting, I merely wish not to be left behiend. Also if you have to post then go ahead. Otherwise please either keep it tell the RPG opens again or post it in Star Wars: RPG Central [Located in the Dawn Treader Thread]. In conlusion I would like to thank all of you who have been participating in this RPG. Each of your posts and ideas are valuble. Without you this RPG would have died long ago. The RPG will be re-open offically on March 12th. Until then God bless and May the Force be with you...
The End:

Thought this RPg has been great and I have made life long relationships. I am closing it for good. I have recently changed my life around. For so long I had been consumed by Star Wars, and not spending time with God. After returning from Battlecry I am ready to get serious. I know SW will hinder me, because it has in the past. Infact I question a lot of the teachings. Anyways I close this with fond fairwell and God bless to all who participated. I hope you too will open your eyes or maybe you are balenced, if so go for you.

-God bless, Sir Godfrey.
In the Presence of Adonai

Aboard the frieghter leaving Courcant's orbit, Kato Si along with few remainng Jedi sit together in bunchs. Their facers look worn and depressed. With good reason, not had they only lost a home but also comardes and friends. After so much heart ache it is hard for anyone to crack a smile. Rising from his seat Kato exited cargo area and headed up to private room. Inside he got on his knees and clsoed his eyes. As he began to muble something tears rolled down his eyes and visions of his now fallen brother filled his head. Suddenly the silecne was broklen by a voice that said "Morn not my child, for all transpires as I have forseen". "Take heart for out of this darkness I shall shine my light". Kato colapsing to the floor said in a saddened tone "My LORD my hope is broken and my faith shaken". "How in all this evil can good emerge?".

After a breif pasue the Voice said "Do not question my will, rather submit to it". Cryingo ut ion anger Kato shouted "Is it you will for good people to die and evil to reigen!?" Suddenly the room began to shake, until at last it stopped tembling and the Voice replied "Kato..., I have not premitted evil, I merely have not withheld it". "I make no one submit unwillnigly, for I am jsut and I bleeive all creation deserves a choice". "Those who do evil, choose to do vil and do not interfer". "But I promise you one day the wicked hearted shall be punished and evil shall be jughed". "Unti lthen all creatio nmust choose, to either fallwo me and do good or to fallwo the path of ther flesh and death".

As Kato lsitend he began to calm down and he realized what the Almighty was saying was true. He was trully God and he would not force people to do good, they must choose. Kato then lowering his head said with a sigh "I apologize for my out burst Adonai, I see that you are right and just, as you always are". "But still Father I morn for my friend.." "Ah yes Karth, he hath fallen into deep darkness" said the Voice. "How can I bring him back to the Light my Adonai?" "Their is only one way that he can be redeemd from threshholds of darkness". "And what is that Adonai (LORD)?" asked Kato. "He msut hear my voice, feel my presence and choose to fallow me..." said the Voice. "Only when he has done this shall he break free from snares of Fallen One Hasatan".

Kato paused for moment and asked "Adonai, I've been meaning to ask who is Hasatan?" THe Voice was silent but only for moment. "He is adversay to my Will, he is the one who fell fro mthe heavens, who dared to claim himself worthy of my equel, he is source behiend the Dark Side, he is a fallen angel". For a moment Kato was tempted to ask what an angel was, but before he did antoher question popped into his head that seemed more important. "THen Valfiosu himself is controlled by this Hasatan?" The Voice replied "Not exactly, Valfious chooses to be under his control". Kato then suddenly felt his stoemch turn to rought as he asked "Does that mean Karth too is under this Hastan?" The Voice earnestly replied "I'm afriad so, Karth has made a covenant with the Fallen One". As Kato began to dispare, the Voice encourgaed him "However that covenant can be broken, if only Karth renounces his ties with Fallen One and turns to me and fallows me".

"Adonai when shall the oppurtinity come that Karth may choose to fallow you?" asked Kato. "That I cannot say, but I wil lsay that deep within Karth remains the man you know and love (like a brother)". With those conforting words Kato arose and said "Thank you my LORD And my God, you have given me great hope in hopless times". The Voice only responded "Remeber I am with you laways and I shall never leave thee or foraske thee". With a bow Kato exited the room. His whole coutence was diffrent, and aroudn him was light (not an actaul light, but somethig emenating from within). As he entered the eating chambers of ship, everyoen in the room took noticeo f him. Their faces look perplexed to his happiness. THey muttered amogn thmselves "What's with him ,why is he so happy?" "Why is he smiling?" and "Something about him is diffrent, but what?"

Taknig a seat Kato with soft smiel lloked out othe stars. He crossed hsi arms and thought "Even though so much bad has happend, I know that thigns can turn around for the best". "Because Adonai is o nare side"...
Kara awoke holding the little girl in her arms a bright light shown around her
and the Child she pulled her arms around protecting the child.

Master Kara Skylar fear not you and the child are not in danger your under my protection Your sister and Master Skywalker will be fine we will see you safe to dantoinne listen to my voice and you will be protected

Kara: Adanoi my savior how will my master know this peace and how will my uncle not find us.

Peace my Child your quesions will be answered in time Master Si will see you safely there.

The light faded around her
In the Grip of Darkness

At the top of Jedi Temple, standing out on blacony a dark figure peers into the shadows of the city. Approching the dark figure is another figure who coutence seemed rather low for such a sucessful day. Turning to the figure Valfious said "Greetings my old friend.., eh are you alright my young apprentice?" Darth Vaden met his master's eyes and replied "The Jedi I hunted have escaped my lord". "I have failed you.." Vaden bowed before Valfious and lowered hsi head. With expression of suppsoed comapssion Valfiosu put his hand of Vaden and said in soft words "It is alright my young apprentice, I suspected a few Jedi would escape". "Don't bother with thinknig of it anymore, we have succeded in Purging the Jedi from the Temple and we have taken oen step closer to bring peace to the galaxy".

Despite Valfious effrots to cheer Lord Vaden, vaden couldn't help but feel anguish and pain. His thoughts were clouded with visons of Kato and the feeling of now having to possibly hunt him down and kill him was unbarable. Valfious sensed Vaden's troubled mind and helping him to his feet Valfious said "Do not trouble yourself with thoughts of him Vaden". "He has betrayed you and is no longer consider youe friend". "You must isntead ofl utting grief overcome you, lute hate swell in your heart". "Use this new betray to fuel you power and allow it to take fold and manifest to it's true nature". Listening to his master Vaden only replied "Yes master". valfiosu began leading vaden into a darkened chamber, where he found himself surrounded by ancient Sith Artifacts. "You must learn to lute go of your compassio nfor him, you must replace it with anger adn rage". "Lute your thoguhts of him turn from sadness to hatred, lute him become you enemy and at last you shall be free".

"Free to become what you are destined to be.." said Valfious. "And what is that master?". "A true Sith..." uttered Valfious. "Only by lutting the hatred completely consume you, wll you finally be ready for the more advanced and more powerful powers that await you". Vaden's thoguhts then shifted, his lsut for power had gained new strength and with out hesitation he asked "Can you show me how to aquire these new powers, can you show me how to become consumed by this hatred?" valfious smiled as he put his hand on Vaden's shoulder and said "Yes my young apprentice, I will show you how to purge your weakness like comapssion and in time you will learn how to replace them with anger, rage, and hatred". "But first you msut become one with your darker nature, and to do that you will need more thna anger". "Come this way" said Valfiosu as he lead Vaden into a dark chamber.
Kara made it to her ship the Jedi shadow Where she looked up and Saw Luke

"Master Skywlker About time you got here You time is impleccable Thank Adonai that your here

Luke: Adonoi Kara what are you talking about

Siran jumped up in Kara's arms and Kara handed her to Luke

Kara: i don't know how to explain it I just feel differnt somehow

Luke: You just went thru a trumatic time your bound to change somehow.

Kara: I just feel safe we need to find Kato SI somhow i was told that thru him we should be safe and see us thru to Dantoinne

Luke: who told you and who is this adonoi?
ooc: I am going to add two more characters then i am going to decide which one i want to pursue

First one.
Lyra Janeson Age 9 Lightsaber Green Hair: Blond Eyes Hazel She was one of the girls Kara rescued why the Jedi temple was coming down her parents were killed in the Jedi Purge and Kara agrees to take her on as a padawan and to raise her.

Lt Commander Harry Mc Kinsey Age 29 Weapons Lightsaber Blue and Blaster he is Kara's subordinate officer on her ship Him and Kara grew up together and were trained for sometime together at the temple. They grew apart and when Kara joined the Rebel Empire they found Each other again and Kara is reluctant to pursue anyone cause love is forbidden in the Jedi order and Harry has a crush on her

Kara Walked to her cabin on the Ship Lyra Followed her "Master Skylar where are you going"

"My Young padawan i must rest and have a talk with Adonoi before i lay down." Lyra: Kara who is adonoi is he who saved us from those bad Jedi in the temple and the light that we saw when we made it back here. Was he with my parents when they were klled. Lyra started to cry

Kara hugged her. 'Kara: Patience my young Padawan you will find out in time my dear now run along and play with the other kids and be getting to bed.

Harry stopped her "Kara you going to need to tell her the truth sometime about what saved you and her and the truth about her parents and how they died. Have you thought anymore about us?" he reached out his arm to touch her

Kara: Pushed him away and crossed her arms. Harry Back off don't try to tell me what to do Lieutenant Your my subordinate to start with and you know as well as i do love is forbidden at least attachment is. Lyra is only nine she is to young to understand any of this yet.
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