Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

Kara stands with the healers of the Jedi in the infimrary she falls down and tried to grab on to her sisters bed she feels so many Jedi losing there lives she stands up and goes to her sister "Sis we have to find Kato and get out of here or at least help the others get out of here before they kill us" I am not even sure how long Kato will last he was weak when we left the moons of baala."

A door opened black robes and Red sabers came in "Kirna we need to fight do you feel up to fighting any of you that can fight stand with me now I know i am not a Master but we need to stand together and fight this"

Kara stood there trusting her instints and letting the Force flow thru her She taps into the Lord of the Force and her eyes glow a deep Jade green and she uses a single word Yahwah and waves her hand a green light shines from her hands and the sith Fall at her feet

Luke turns and is about to answer Zan when he feels death and sadness and fear all at once from Kara and the other Jedi he falls down to his knees "Zan somthing has happned at the Jedi temple the sith have seized control which leads me to think that maybe the sith are involved here too."

"One way to find out..." Zan popped the ventilation hatch and jumped down...landing squarely on El Presidente. "PWOOUUAAAGH!" He grunted as he got slammed face-first into the ground.
"Your reign of terror's over." He heard a mechanical voice say from above him.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" He squeaked. "GUAARRDDSSS!"
The doors slid open and several guards stepped in. Blaster shots were heard and the guards dropped like flies.
"Secure the door." Zan ordered. "Tell your men to stand down." He said to the warlord.
"NEVER!" He growled. Zan stuck his blaster rifle up against the warlord's head.
He whimpered. "Okay!Okay!!" Zan hauled the weenie up by the collar and turned on the comm system."Attention Soldiers of Mizara..." He paused.
Zan pressed his blaster rifle against the warlord's back. "Stand down...I repeat stand down..."
"Throw down your weapons and report to the dungeon." Zan said into the comm. "I assume you have a dungeon right?"
El Presidente pursed his lips. "You heard the dungeon."
A short time later all 500 were securely locked up. "If the Sith have breeched Corescant it'll mean nothing but terror and destruction. I suggest we leave." He said to Luke while a commando radioed the drop ship.
"Mission accomplished...The fortress is secure,you can pick us up on the rooftop."

EDIT: A short time later they were in hyperspace. Zan grinned smugly at the warlord-bound and gagged-at the back of the ship. "I thought you'd be taller..."
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Kirna help her sister out useing the force her sister tought swing her lightsaber heard " okay sis let do this and get over with it ", she said sliceing a sith on the arm.
Luke mentally contacted Kara thru the Force Kara we just finished the warlord I am coming back I sensed the Sith Taken over the temple

Master Luke if you come here you will be right in the midst of danger I suggest you flee I insist go into excile you will be safer I have it under control here

Luke was suprsed by what Kara had told him she seemed stronger and more condfident somehow her Force presence has become stronger

Kara dont' argue with me I am comiing back
"Zan get us to courcant now"
Luke dropped the Force connection with Kara
She look at her sister twisting around swing her lightsaber and sliceing the Sith.
" Sis are they comeing to help us and who is the guy with him?", she ask witha smile.
Luke mentally contacted Kara thru the Force Kara we just finished the warlord I am coming back I sensed the Sith Taken over the temple

Master Luke if you come here you will be right in the midst of danger I suggest you flee I insist go into excile you will be safer I have it under control here

Luke was suprsed by what Kara had told him she seemed stronger and more condfident somehow her Force presence has become stronger

Kara dont' argue with me I am comiing back
"Zan get us to courcant now"
Luke dropped the Force connection with Kara

"I can't do magic Luke..." He turned to the pilot. "ETA?"
"3 minutes sir..." Zan grimaced.
"Ever shot a sith?" He asked the commandos...

Shortly after the ship pulled out of hyperspace just above Corescant. They entered the atmosphere undetected.

A loud "BWAP!BWAP!" rang out just outside the temple and the five black ships that had carried the sith were engulfed in a ball of flame. "They won't escape..." Zan said with a hint of malice in his voice. The dropship hovered just outside the Jedi Council chamber. The plexiglass was cut through and Zan,Luke and the commandos slipped in.
"Stay sharp." Zan said. The chamber door slid open and Zan stuck his rifle out. He stepped silently outside and scanned the area. Not a sith in sight...He waited a moment before motioning for the others to follow...:D
"Luke is on his way sis to help us how did you know he contacted me did he contact you too"

"He is with Zan from Courcant not sure what he is though" Kara spun and took out four more sith with a flash of her hand "sis remember what Master Si Had us do on the moon I want to try it now Kirna stand back to back with me and say Adonai and hold your hand out like this" Kara demonstarted.

The sisters said "Adonai" a wave of power shook the room as the sisters joined there powers and the sith were finished off Kara's eyes went back to normal as Kara collapesd on the bed she jumped up on and stood up one of the other Jedi called to Kara and Kirna "we have a clear path"

"Let us do it and get out of here" Kara helped the Jedi out she saw a Dark figure come at them Karth she breathed but his eyes glowed orange Run Kirna
"Luke is on his way sis to help us how did you know he contacted me did he contact you too"

"He is with Zan from Courcant not sure what he is though" Kara spun and took out four more sith with a flash of her hand "sis remember what Master Si Had us do on the moon I want to try it now Kirna stand back to back with me and say Adonai and hold your hand out like this" Kara demonstarted.

The sisters said "Adonai" a wave of power shook the room as the sisters joined there powers and the sith were finished off Kara's eyes went back to normal as Kara collapesd on the bed she jumped up on and stood up one of the other Jedi called to Kara and Kirna "we have a clear path"

"Let us do it and get out of here" Kara helped the Jedi out she saw a Dark figure come at them Karth she breathed but his eyes glowed orange Run Kirna

"JED-" The sith's shout was cut short as Zan blasted him. He ran head-long into a squadron of them and ignited his lightsaber for the first time since Luke had met him. He mowed the sith down with ease and continued onward...:D
Master and Padwan reunited

Luke looked at Zan "Your a Jedi and you did not tell me how come I did not sense it when I met you"

Luke threw off his vac suit and Robe and Took off down the hall Slashting thru the Sith as they were in the main hall Luke Force pushed sith out of the way and tried to find Kirna and Kara to help them

Kara kirna Where are you

Master Skywalker we are in the hall out from the infirmary Kara sent to him as she sensesd his powerful strong presence in the Force

The sisters and the other Jedi were moving thru the hall the sisters in the lead. Kara and Luke's eye met and ran towards each other and embraced "No time for a reunion now" Kara said Let us finiish this now Your a Jedi too" Kara said she saw Zan slash thru the sith.

Kara there is somthing differnt about you you seem stronger and more commanding now

Luke I will explain later

Kara Luke Zan and Kirna slashed thru the Sith quickley.
Luke looked at Zan "Your a Jedi and you did not tell me how come I did not sense it when I met you"

Luke threw off his vac suit and Robe and Took off down the hall Slashting thru the Sith as they were in the main hall Luke Force pushed sith out of the way and tried to find Kirna and Kara to help them

Kara kirna Where are you

Master Skywalker we are in the hall out from the infirmary Kara sent to him as she sensesd his powerful strong presence in the Force

The sisters and the other Jedi were moving thru the hall the sisters in the lead. Kara and Luke's eye met and ran towards each other and embraced "No time for a reunion now" Kara said Let us finiish this now Your a Jedi too" Kara said she saw Zan slash thru the sith.

Kara there is somthing differnt about you you seem stronger and more commanding now

Luke I will explain later

Kara Luke Zan and Kirna slashed thru the Sith quickley.

Zan gave Luke a look. "I thought you knew..." He sighed as a sith came running towards him. He stepped aside and tripped the sith...who went sailing out a nearby window with a scream.:D
She look at her sister then at Luke.
" I don't know sis but some how I knew you where talking to him about some thing", she said with sofe tone running tord Luke.
She looked at her sister then at Luke.
"I don't know sis but some how I knew you where talking to him about some thing." she said with soft tone running toward Luke.

More sith came running towards them. "Fire in the hole." A commando shouted. A loud "BOOMF!" was heard and a fragment grenade whizzed by Luke and exploded with lethal results amidst the sith...:D
Luke touched Kirna's hand and hugged her "You knew it Kirna cause the Force told you you both have become stronger expially you Kara you look a lot differnt then when I first met you taller perhaps as well your about my height now"

"This is all very touching but we have a temple to save" Kara said

Luke looked at Kara it was disturbing him Kara seemed to be a lot differnt then when he left her cocky and more take charge sort of girl then what she was before her leader personality was showing thru but he did not like her being cocky and arrogent bait for her to turn. Luke glared at her his eyes flashing at her as he disengaged and belted his lighsaber

"Kara enough of this tell me what has changed in you in the month I was goine you became a differnt person then the Kara I knew" Luke crossed his arms and stood beside her in between Kirna and her

"Luke like I told you i will explain later"

"Explain now Kara I don't want to pull rank on you"

Kara slasshed thru a few more sith and was aware of Luke's deep blue eyes glaring at her back she disengaged her lighsaber and whirled on Luke

"Master Skywalker I have changed that much is true but its for the better I have became friends with Master Si and he has taught me the true nature of the Force and I have become more powerful and I commanded a ship in the fleet of ships in the Battle of Korribian. So I have been develping my leadership skills and my Force powers has doubled since I left you Master and I do not mean to be cocky and arrogent that is not like me at all Master but I am growing up you need to realize that but I kept to the rules and code like you instrunted me too"

Four sith came on Luke and Kara. Kara spun and kicked one of them in the stomach and bought her lighsaber about to ready and slashed the one that was attacking her and the one attacking Master Luke and Force shoved him into the other one and knocked them both thru the broken window.
Kara and luke looked at each other and Luke responded

"Kirna the Force notfies you of things like I knew you guys were in danger when i sensed the temple was under attack so I had Zan over there get us here as soon as we could to find you and what do you mean feel weird explain that to me? Our bond Kirna your mine and Kara's draws us cloer toghter and its fed by our friendship and love for each other and our emotions"

"Kirna waht you felt back there when we combined our powers our bond as sisters strenthedn by The Force gives you power and when we did what we did back there with the shockwave you tapped into a part of the Force that was not familer to you in time it will come familer to you."

"Your sister is right" Luke said
Kara rolled her eyes at Zan and engaged her lighsaber again slashing thru the Sith she was starteing to tire but the sith never seemed to stop coming at them she formed a protective Circle with the force around Luke and Kirna slashing thru the Sith that was coming to attack them she closed her eyes and let the Force rejuvinate her as she faught and slahsed her way thru the Sith Behind Zan

"Luke Kirna we need to discuss this later a battle field is not the place for discussion Master Skywalker Kirna we need to have our head in the game here."

Luke smiled he might not like the way Kara was acting but she did have a point how she took control of the situation with them but he accepted that this was a new Kara he would have to deal with the Kara that was the little girl the padawan was replaced by a heart of a warrior and commander a Jedi Knight that is well on her way to becoming a Master.
Kara rolled her eyes at Zan and engaged her lighsaber again slashing thru the Sith she was starteing to tire but the sith never seemed to stop coming at them she formed a protective Circle with the force around Luke and Kirna slashing thru the Sith that was coming to attack them she closed her eyes and let the Force rejuvinate her as she faught and slahsed her way thru the Sith Behind Zan

"Luke Kirna we need to discuss this later a battle field is not the place for discussion Master Skywalker Kirna we need to have our head in the game here."

Luke smiled he might not like the way Kara was acting but she did have a point how she took control of the situation with them but he accepted that this was a new Kara he would have to deal with the Kara that was the little girl the padawan was replaced by a heart of a warrior and commander a Jedi Knight that is well on her way to becoming a Master.

Zan kicked a sith in the shin and shoved him off the edge of the walkway into a deep chasm...:D
" but he oh never mean sis", she said swing her light saber hearded then before with trease comeing down her face her sister with diffent now and she really like her tone she sayed by her step father.
Kara looked at Kirna and saw she was crying Kara lowered her eyes and looked at Master Skywalker Luke pulled her aside as he force shoved and directed Sith a differnt direction with the Force into zan

"Kara you upset your little sister what is really wrong"

"Its these new powers Master I feel differnt each time I use them and I am really tiring out and I don't mean to be mean to Kirna at all or you"

"Your changing Kara your growing up and as you grow your powers grow Kirna is still young and does not understaned the true nature of the Force I read about some of Master's si's techniques in the archives they are a bit unorthdox but you have came this far and they seem to be working for you I would like to see that in action but promise me Kara that you will not get cocky and arrogent to fast cause when you do the Darkside might try to get a hold of you and you know as well as I when you get overconfident your weakness is explotied even though I do not agree with MAster SIt' techniques let me see them in action I am appluding that you want to better yourself and you have indeed became a strong Knight now".

Five sith came at Kirna and behind Master Luke luke flipped and rolled out of the way and slashed at one of them and landed on his feet Kara's eyes turned a deep green "Yahwah be gone from me Sith Jira" The Sith's legs buckeled and fell upon each other and dissappered and the sith were dead at Kara's feet.

"Nice work Kara that was great" Luke said

Kara looked at her sister and telpathcialy linked with her Kirna I am sorry that I frightened you but these powers are good and poewrful they helped me rescue you and our brother I will not turn to the darkside Kirna I promise I will not leave you

Master Skywalker watched Kara as her body seemed to glow when she did her power and the Look in her eyes showed very powerful and when Kara came out of it she was normal again. But he had a tendency to agree with Kirna though there was somthing alermingly differnt about Kara as far as her command goes she turned from a follower to a leader qucikley but Luke did not want her to think she was all powerful and indstructbile and get power hungrey either.
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