The Moons of Bala:
Meanwhile across the galaxy a small ship desends towards two moons. Aboard the ship Master Karth crosses his arms while looking at the viw screen. "Sir where preparing to enter the atmosphere, I suggest you be seated" said the pliot. Karth lowered his head and nodded slightly. Seating himself, Karth buckled up keeping his eyes fixated on the view screen. The ship desended into the atmosphere, looking like a ball of fire from the sky. The ship came out of the clouds in a flash, boosting over the dunes and black pinicals. The Ship then landed in a small crator. Exiting the ship Karth and several other Jedi headed out of the crator. They then scouted out the surroudning area. Next to Karth a Jedi held a scanner shaking his head. "What seems to be the probelm Knight?" asked Karth.
"It's this scanner, it's picking up no technical emssions of any kind" replied the Jedi Knight. "What about life forms?" asked Karth. The Jedi Knight cicled through his scanner and shook his head. "Nothing, I picking up nothing". Karth sighed and said "Looks like where flying blind". "Very well, looks like were going to have to do this the old fashion way". The Jedi Knight stood frustarated, banging the scanner against his fist. Karth stood in front of the group and said "In order to make an effective search, we need to split up into teams". "Niko, Jas, and Collin will be Red group". "Me, Asaja, Darrin, and Ulic will be blue group". "and Vos, Jade, and Rilian will be green group". Karth paused and asked "Are there any questions?". After a period of silence, Karth said "Very well then lutes get started".
The Three teams where assembled, each covering a certian distance. After brief pause the teams went in seperate directions. Karth leading blue group, headed towards the rocky pinicals. After travesing across the dunes and plains they reached the pinicals. There they rested. As the team talked, Karth searched the surrounding area, looking for any evidence of Sith. Suddenly a loud scream came from the groups postion. Karth turned and bolted towards there direction. Standing on the rocks stood two of his party holding ignited lightsabers. "What's wrong and where's Darrin?" asked Karth. Asaja shaking replied "He's gone, it ate him!". Karth eyes widened as he asked "What?". Asaja pointed at the shoft ground and said "Something came out of the ground and pulled him under".
Karth looked intently at the soft ground. His eyes exaimed a large hole about 7 feet wide. As Karth moved across the ground, a loud rumble shook underneath the ground. Karth paused, not taking another step. "That it, that's the sound we heard before Darrin was pulled under" said Asaja. Karth eyed the ground, panning across the white plains. His eyes met with some rocks, and with extension of his hands, the rocks lifted into the air. He then tossed them on to the ground. A loud rumble shook the ground, and suddenly where the rocks laided a large puff of soil blew into the air. Karth using the Force leapt up, next to Asaja and Ulic. "Moon Worms" said Karth gripping hios lightsaber's handle. "What do we do?" asked Ulic. "Stay calm" replied Karth. "I say we stay here adn wait tell it leaves" said Asaja kneeling down on the rock. "No, it'll just wait here tell where dead" said Karth.
"We have to move, but we can't risk walking on the soft ground". "What if where to stay above the ground using these rocks" said Ulic. "We could fallow them back to the ship". Karth sighed and said "That's not a bad idea, but there's a problem". "The rocks get taller and fewer the further out". "By the time we reach the ship, will be climbing cliffs" said Karth. "Still it's better than nothing, and besides where Jedi we have the Force" said Ulic. Karth nodded and said "Alright, it worth a shot, lutes do it". One by one they leapt from rock to rock, keeping safely above the ground. As they pressed foward, they heard the loud rumbling of the worm fallowing. Trying to keep a steady pace, Karth shouted "Keep moving". As they traversed further, the rocks became taller and much wider. Making it easier to climb, but taking twice a long. Finally they stopped at the foot of one of pinnicals.
Exausted the two Jedi rested, while Karth skept watch. The entire night Karth mediated on the teachings Valfious had taught him. He began feeling a strange coldness sweep across his body. Then suddenly a strange warming sensation. Karth opened his eyes and eyed his hands. He didn't know what was going on. Every time he praticed what Valfious had taught him he felt this way. Not giving it another thought, Karth rested his head and dozed off.