Star Wars: The Role Playing Game

As the shuttle came down and landed Kara stood up and walked out first folowed by Kirna and the others Kara nodded at the others before they went down the path "Lighsabers up and Engaged everyone we do not know what we are in for when we get there trust the Force all of you and May The Force Guide us Trust yoru feelings show no mercy to the sith take them" Kara opened her mind to try to find Kato and the other Jedis. "Kirna lead on help us find the city.

Master SI we are on our way we just landed
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend:

After leaving the slayed Sith, Raven headed towards the Jedi and sith hordes. Raven krept up behind the Sith, and with wave of his hand he through them to the ground. With swift lung he began slicing though them. His saber cutting though flesh and bone. The Sith where in utter confusion, unsure of who was attacking them. Raven swept through, using hisp owers to crush and shatter the Sith horde. Among the Jedi was Kato, who paused. The Jedi Knight next him asked "Sir is something wrong?". "A feel a presence that I've felt before" replied Kato. Kato leapt foward cutting through the Sith horde. On the other side Raven continued to crush and slice through the Sith. Finally the sith relaized who was the traitor. They began attacking Raven with there great numbers.

Raven continued to hold them off, using powerful dark arts to destroy them. At last Kato reached Raven. Kato gasped as he stared at hsi familar mask. Raven turned towards Kato and swung his saber. Kato pulled his blade up to block, but Raven missed. Instead it struck a Sith about to stike Kato in the back. Kato eyed Raven in shock. Raven pulled his saber out of the Sith and said "I am at you command Jedi". Even though you couldn't see it, Raven's face smiled. Kato shook his head trying to regain focus. "Darth Raven, you fighting the Sith?" asked Kato. Raven slashed through another attacking Sith and said "I've had a change of heart". "And besides, when will ever get the chance again to fight by my side?". Kato smiled and said "Very well, welcome to the Light side". Raven turned and stood next to Kato. "What is you plan?" asked Raven. "No plan anymore" replied Kato. "Just kill as many as you can".

"Sounds simple enough" said Raven as he gripped his saber. Kato and Raven pressed foward cutting through the remaining army. It was the strangest sight, seeing them work together. Kato and Raven engaged the Sith Lords, cutting them down with ease. Kato constantly looked over his shoulder in disbelief. He wondered 'If he can change, anyone can change'. The Jedi Forces pressed through the Sith hordes gaining more and more ground. At last it came down to a final horde in the main city. Standing infont of the Sith horde was dark cloaked figure. Kato paused, the presence was familiar. Kato turned to Raven and said "I will deal with him, lead the Jedi forces against the Sith Army". "As you wish..." replied Raven. Raven and the Jedi Forces pressed foward, while Kato fallowed the dark figure to the left.
Kara and the Calvery

Kara stepped back and hid herself she saw a Robed shadow figure fighting Sith "What in the Blast is that Kara looked at the others. "Kirna stop she hissed we are there proceed with caution my freinds ther is two shadowy figured there one is fighting sith and there is another coming near them and a young girl a little older then myself. Fall in but fall in quietly but let them know we are here"

Kara came in and tossed off her Robe and said "Okay this party is over guys move in" Kara and the others jumped in slaugtering sith left and right Kara was fighting one Sith she sensed one behind her and launched herself into a backflip slashing two Sith as she landed using the Force to slow her decent and taking out some more sith.
Kato Vs. Darth Shadow

Kato fallowed the Sith up to the catawalk above the firey raviens. Standing like a wraith the Sith held his ignited lightsaber. Kato slowly joined him on the thin catawalk. "I know that voice" said Kato. "Sorron!". Kato backed away his face painted with anger. "So it is true, you've betrayed the Jedi Order". "How could you!?". Darth Shadow krept closer and uttered "I have been given powers, you could only dream of". "The Jedi could never offer me these powers, instead the keep them secret and share them with no one" said Darth Shadow. "You have gained only dark power and it will destory you!" said Kato. "Incomputent fool, if you only new the Power of the Dark Side" said Darth Shadow. "You could have twice the power you have now". "But instead you keep your loyaty to a fading Order" said Darth Shadow.

"At least we Jedi know loyaty, you Sith do nothing buy betray and murder for power" said Kato. Shadow chuckled, "You think you have it all figured out, don't you?". "To bad you won't live long enough to see my power in full manifestation!" shouted Shadow as he lunged towards Kato. Kato ignited his saber and blocked the blow. He could feel Shadow's power pushing against his arms. Kato broke the lock up and leapt over Darth Shadow. He then landed and leapt towards Darth Shadow. There sabers clashed and sparks rained down below into the lava below. "You dissapointed Kato.., the Jedi Counsel hold you in such high asteam" said Darth Shadow. Kato broke out of the lock up and began swinging wildly. His blows knocked Darth Shadow backward. "Yes that's it, give into you anger!" shouted Shadow. Kato swung his saber clashing against Shadow's blade. Kato then spun his saber around and thrusted. Shadow anticpating the move, blocked the blow. He then began swinging lightsaber in cross motion. Kato blocked the manuver and swung a powerful blow. The contact of Kato's blow knocked Darth Shadow to the edge of Catawalk. As there sabers clashed again, Kato kicked Shadow off the catawalk.

Kato looking over the side of the catawalk and caught glimpse of a lower ledge below. After turning his saber off, Kato jumped of the catawalk and landed on the lower ledge. Ignited his lightsaber Kato looked in both directions. He then slowly walked on the ledge keeping his senses aware at all times. As he travesed further he entered a room with a large glass window on the cieling and floor. Looking through the glass below Kato eyed the churning lava. It was obvious the station was ment to contain the lava from spreading throughout the city. Suddenly Darth Shadow leapt out of the shadows attacking furiously. Kato continued to block his blows as his back pressed against a control pannel. Shadow swung his saber missing Kato's head and striking the control pannel. The station's view screen lite up with red symbols and a alarm sounded.

Kato and Shadow continued to duel, there sabers sizzling and crackling with each blow. Finally They paused. "Sorron you can end this now" said Kato. "You can turn away from the dark side". Shadow swung his saber in a furious manner shouting "Never!". "I will never give up my power!". Kato blocked and backed away. "Look at what you've become!". "This isn't you..." said Kato. Shadow paused looking at his hands. "You've lute this power control you..". "Give it up.." said Kato. Shadow lifted his gaze to Kato and said " don't understand the power of the Dark Side" said Shadow. "I can never go back...". "That's not true.. lute me help you" said Kato. Shadow lowered his saber for moment and then attacked. His eyes burned like the lava below them. "No one can save one!" shouted Shadow swinging furiously. Kato blocked the blows and dodged. Shadow approached Kato gripping his saber tight. He swung powerfully and with great skill and strength Kato blocked it.

"This is the end for you Jedi" said Shadow. Kato glared into his burning eyes and replied "No I'm afraid this is the end for you!". Suddenly Kato used burst of the Force knocking Shadow on to the glass floor. Kato then reached out with his hand and used the Force to shatter the glass. Shadow quickly grabbed the side of the floor, hanging on for dear life. Kato gripped his lightsaber and stood above Darth Shadow. "What is you decison now?" asked Kato. "Will lute this darkness consume you tell death?". "Or will forsake it and rejoin the light?". Shadow said nothing. Then with an extension of his hand he pulled Kato towards him. Gripping his leg, Shadow hung above the lava. Kato using his strength held on to the floor. Dangling Shadow crawled up Kato. Using a burst of the Force Kato threw his leg up, sending Shadow head first on to the floor. Kato breathing heavily arose. With quick jolt of his hands, Shadow threw Kato into a control pannel. He then began using Force grip, choaking Kato.

Shadow smiled as he looked into Kato's eyes. But suddenly Shadow felt his lungs tightening up. He began choaking. Kato with his hand foward intesifyed the grip until Shadow lute go. Darth Shadow fell to the floor gasping for air. Kato ajusted his colar and walked over to Darth Shadow. Lying there, Shadow quietly gripped his lightsaber handle. And once Kato was in range he leapt up and igniting it. Kato igniting his in the nick of time, blocked the blow. There duel began a new...
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temp paused

The Game is tempoirly paused until SG or I return please hold posting at a minum until he returns thank you and I am leaving so farewell all may the Force be with you

Skywalker out
Darth Raven's First Charge:

As Kato and Darth Shadow fought, Darth Raven lead the Jedi Forces into battle. It was strange to say the least, a former Sith Lord leading a group of Jedi. Cutting into the Sith Army, Raven and the Jedi fought overwhelming odds. High above the dark clouds was the reinforcements. As Raven fought, a Jedi Knight next to him comlink went off. "This is Jedi Master Uzuri we are approaching the Central city". "Can anyone hear me?". The voice became fuzzy. Raven stopped the Jedi and said "Give me you comlink". The Jedi Knight complied. "This is... Master Raven what is you heading?". "Where about 300 degrees South east". Raven calculated and then said "Turn about sixty degrees west and desend". "Very well, thank you" said Master Uzuri. "No problem, ps. we have lot of Sith down here" said Raven. "So hurry up!". "Understood, where on are way" replied Master Uzuri.

Raven then gave the comlink to the Jedi Knight and pressed foward. Raven in epic dispaly of skill cutt through five Sith causing two of them to split in half. He then using the force lifted a group of Sith and tossed them into buildings. Sabers lite up the place, humming and crackeling. At last two ships landed near the city. Pouring out of them where dozens of Jedi. The Jedi poured into the city attacking the large Sith hordes. Leaping into the fight, Master Uzuri landed next to Raven. Back to back they fought, cutting and stabbing the Sith. "You finally arrived" said Raven. "Sorry we took so long..." replied Uzuri. "At least your here, that's what counts" said Raven. As they fought Uzuri turned to the side catching a glimpse of Raven. Suddenly he attacked Raven. There sabers locked, "What are you doing?". "Your a Sith!" shouted Uzuri. "I was a Sith" replied Raven. "But not anymore...".

"How do I know I can trust you?" asked Master Uzuri. "You don't..." replied Raven. "Your just going have to trust me or not". "I do have one thing in my favor, I lead you here" said Raven. Uzuri paused and unlocked his saber. "Very well, my trust you have" said Master Uzuri. "But take care, I'm still keeping my eye on you". Raven turned his head and said "I had no doubt you would". Raven and Uzuri resumed combat, cutting through the Sith Army with great presicion.
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shadow said to kato i feel your hatred kato if you join me we could destroy the old sith and bring a new order with you at my side we will be unstopable he said but kato said so i will never join you very well then you will die he said shadow unleashed a fury of lightsaber attacks using ataru
Kato vs. Shadow Part II

As Kato blocked Shadow's blows, he extended his right had preparing to use the force. Shadow countered it, causing them have a force power struggle. The intensity caused them both to waver. Finally they both went flying across the room. Kato quickly recovered and leapt forward swinging his lightsaber. His and Shadow's sabers clashed. Kato grabbed Shadow's left hand and began trying to overpower him. Now on the ground, Kato laded on top of Shadow pressing his prosthetic hand against Shadow's neck. Trying to get free Shadow shook. But Kato's grip was too strong. Kato using his left hand lowered his saber towards Shadow's face. Shadow grabbed Kato's left arm and struggled to stop him. Shadow then head budded Kato knocking him backward. Kato quickly balenced himself and resumed the duel.

After using light blows on Shadow for so long, Kato decided to break out his true style. He began hammering Shadow with powerful precise blows. Even when they missed him, Shadow felt the raw power grazing past him. As Kato continued to attack in a powerful frenzy, Shadow backed off. Kato then swung his saber cutting through Darth Shadow's defenses. The saber's blade passed through Darth Shadow's arm cutting it off. Shadow fell to the floor gripping his arm. Kato lowering his lightsaber's blade to Shadow's neck said "I give you one final offer". "Forsake the Dark side or die".
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shadow started to laugh you see you have much power ashame you dont join me he said mockingly he then used the force to get his lightsaber and thorw kato off gurad and finally used force lighting on him
Kato vs. Darth Shadow Part III

As the bolts of lightning struck Kato he reached out his hands. Using the force Kato harness the lightning and redirected it. He then turned it on Shadow, causing the bolts to surge through him. After a moment Kato dispated the bolts and used Force grip to lift Shadow upright. Kato then tossed him across the room. Gripping his lightsaber Kato walked slowly towards Darth Shadow's postion. Kato stopped, he felt something happening inside him. His drained energy was recovering. Then he heard a faint whisper echoe in his mind saying 'In my name'. Kato paused his eyes panning around the room. Suddenly a name popped into his head. A name he didn't know, but did. Kato lossened his lips and shouted "Adonai!". The room shook causing the ceiling windows to shatter. Glass rained down on Kato as a light brightened the room. A bright white light glowed around Kato, covering everything but his eyes.

Kato walked over to Darth Shadow and a powerful voice spoke out of him. "Sorron...." said the Voice. "I am that I am". "I am the Force, I am it's creator". "Through me the Jedi gain there gifts". "Through me they do icredble things". "But you have covered your eyes". "You have lute the webs of the Darkness insnare you". "It is time to lute go" said the Voice. "Time to lute go of you Hate...of you anger...and of you fear". "Through me you can achieve peace within and redemption for you sins". "Through me you can have true power, not to destroy but to give". "Power that brings life...not death". "But first you must lute go...". The Voice faded and the bright glow around Kato disspeared. Kato stood in reverance, for he had been a vessal of a far greater being...
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The Moons of Bala:

Meanwhile across the galaxy a small ship desends towards two moons. Aboard the ship Master Karth crosses his arms while looking at the viw screen. "Sir where preparing to enter the atmosphere, I suggest you be seated" said the pliot. Karth lowered his head and nodded slightly. Seating himself, Karth buckled up keeping his eyes fixated on the view screen. The ship desended into the atmosphere, looking like a ball of fire from the sky. The ship came out of the clouds in a flash, boosting over the dunes and black pinicals. The Ship then landed in a small crator. Exiting the ship Karth and several other Jedi headed out of the crator. They then scouted out the surroudning area. Next to Karth a Jedi held a scanner shaking his head. "What seems to be the probelm Knight?" asked Karth.

"It's this scanner, it's picking up no technical emssions of any kind" replied the Jedi Knight. "What about life forms?" asked Karth. The Jedi Knight cicled through his scanner and shook his head. "Nothing, I picking up nothing". Karth sighed and said "Looks like where flying blind". "Very well, looks like were going to have to do this the old fashion way". The Jedi Knight stood frustarated, banging the scanner against his fist. Karth stood in front of the group and said "In order to make an effective search, we need to split up into teams". "Niko, Jas, and Collin will be Red group". "Me, Asaja, Darrin, and Ulic will be blue group". "and Vos, Jade, and Rilian will be green group". Karth paused and asked "Are there any questions?". After a period of silence, Karth said "Very well then lutes get started".

The Three teams where assembled, each covering a certian distance. After brief pause the teams went in seperate directions. Karth leading blue group, headed towards the rocky pinicals. After travesing across the dunes and plains they reached the pinicals. There they rested. As the team talked, Karth searched the surrounding area, looking for any evidence of Sith. Suddenly a loud scream came from the groups postion. Karth turned and bolted towards there direction. Standing on the rocks stood two of his party holding ignited lightsabers. "What's wrong and where's Darrin?" asked Karth. Asaja shaking replied "He's gone, it ate him!". Karth eyes widened as he asked "What?". Asaja pointed at the shoft ground and said "Something came out of the ground and pulled him under".

Karth looked intently at the soft ground. His eyes exaimed a large hole about 7 feet wide. As Karth moved across the ground, a loud rumble shook underneath the ground. Karth paused, not taking another step. "That it, that's the sound we heard before Darrin was pulled under" said Asaja. Karth eyed the ground, panning across the white plains. His eyes met with some rocks, and with extension of his hands, the rocks lifted into the air. He then tossed them on to the ground. A loud rumble shook the ground, and suddenly where the rocks laided a large puff of soil blew into the air. Karth using the Force leapt up, next to Asaja and Ulic. "Moon Worms" said Karth gripping hios lightsaber's handle. "What do we do?" asked Ulic. "Stay calm" replied Karth. "I say we stay here adn wait tell it leaves" said Asaja kneeling down on the rock. "No, it'll just wait here tell where dead" said Karth.

"We have to move, but we can't risk walking on the soft ground". "What if where to stay above the ground using these rocks" said Ulic. "We could fallow them back to the ship". Karth sighed and said "That's not a bad idea, but there's a problem". "The rocks get taller and fewer the further out". "By the time we reach the ship, will be climbing cliffs" said Karth. "Still it's better than nothing, and besides where Jedi we have the Force" said Ulic. Karth nodded and said "Alright, it worth a shot, lutes do it". One by one they leapt from rock to rock, keeping safely above the ground. As they pressed foward, they heard the loud rumbling of the worm fallowing. Trying to keep a steady pace, Karth shouted "Keep moving". As they traversed further, the rocks became taller and much wider. Making it easier to climb, but taking twice a long. Finally they stopped at the foot of one of pinnicals.

Exausted the two Jedi rested, while Karth skept watch. The entire night Karth mediated on the teachings Valfious had taught him. He began feeling a strange coldness sweep across his body. Then suddenly a strange warming sensation. Karth opened his eyes and eyed his hands. He didn't know what was going on. Every time he praticed what Valfious had taught him he felt this way. Not giving it another thought, Karth rested his head and dozed off.