superhero world


New member
ok i want to start a world where were superheros and we go to school, its kinda like sky high i will be the princapal my name will be princapal powers.

what we need:
teachers to teach the students
a villian and its troops
and you need to tell what your powers are to mine is everything.(nobody else can have mine or yours)
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I'll be EVIL!!. My power will be the fire stuff...:D Like the dude off of sky high...but I'm a girl and my name will be Zoe.:D is that okay?? MWAHAHA!!
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my Characters name is Madison And she can control and create water and she has super speed . she always wears blue and shes super smart and athletic.
SHould I have a boyfriend in this one?I want Crystal to have someone that's
going to the school.......
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