superhero world

*walks up on the podium* "my powers are super speed" * Madison runs super fast around the gym in less than a second* "and i can control and create water" Madisons eyes turn blue and then water blowes out of her hands going through the gym wall leaving a ginormous gash in the wall exposing the outside
{the doors open} {the Joker walks in}
Villians. I saw a need. This is no place for you. Come to the Villians school of hard knocks and learn to use your powers. These people are trying to hold you back. {Pulls out a Joker card and dissapears}
its alright kids just some weird physco trying to take over the world (again)

any way madison your a hero sorry im so easy but not anymore :p
next, and just to let everybody know that i need an assistant princapale so pm me and the first one that wants to pm me gets the job.