superhero world

SweetieGirl said:
Okay my name will be Ashley and I can control and create Ice like that girl
in Sky High.
oh stink i got here to late :( i love ice too!ok,ill have to be...i can....oh i can create snow storms and rain storms any kind of storm really,wind,lightning stuff like that thats as close as i can get to water and ice :p By the way i love ff 10,10-2,also! :D And my name is twyla and i have pointed good too!!
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STINKY needs more teachers to play anymore and i talked to STINKY D and she said that we could have some of the same powers but you gotta ask the person who you want there same powers
jumping joker said:
STINKY needs more teachers to play anymore and i talked to STINKY D and she said that we could have some of the same powers but you gotta ask the person who you want there same powers
hey can i be will stronghold from sky high?
My Character Madison looks like this: (except she ALWAYS wears blue)
ok ill start it, sorry to keep you waiting

(in the gym)allright everybody settle down, first off i would just like welcome to sky high, i am princapale powers as all of you should know and first we will be starting power placment, so everybody stay here and i will get ready meet me in outside. (i wave good by and vanish)

power placment: power placment is just like in sky high you show us your power and i will judge you to see if your a sidekick or a hero, please dont get mad

sorry if this sucks this is my first time