superhero world

Sportygirl7702 said:
Madison runs at super speed into the cafeteria knoking over some students lunch trays "SORRY!" "Hey crystal sorry i was late"
"Hey I for lunch I think I'll just have a ham sandwich,salad,and a soda.How
bout you?"Crytsal said.
ooc: anyone like my Superhero banner?

ic: "Ya know could I sleep at your house tonight my mom texted me that my
parents are going out of town for 4 nights.Could I?"Crystal said.
this is what my character wears when shes a superhero (the doll is not her just the outfit):
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1st you have to go touser cp and goto signature then you click the little mountain button on the tool bar and type or paste the url into the bar and click ok and then click save signature
lol its ok 1. go to edit signature 2. click the little mountan picture on the toolbar 3. a box should come up 4. then you type or paste the url in the box 5. then click ok 6 after that you click save signature then your done
Seems I forgot I joined this...Bring me up to date please? Also, I was hoping to be THE villain, but Thomas seems to ruin everything for me, so I'll just be a student.