superhero world

Protofan said:
Seems I forgot I joined this...Bring me up to date please? Also, I was hoping to be THE villain, but Thomas seems to ruin everything for me, so I'll just be a student.

its basically Sky high but we make out own characters for instanse my Character is Madison Stevens shes a student and shes super athletic and really smart and her Main power is controling and creating water and her secondary power is super speed she looks like this :
(except she always wears BLUE)
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(Mmkay then...)
Cho sighed...Study hall was boring...So, he decided to make it fun... By using his illusion powers, he made it look like a rat scurry across the floor.
"well heres my power" she then ran across the whole library in less than a second. then she created a water ball in her hand and made it dissapeer.
"Interesting...Anything I can imagine, I can create." He closed his eyes, and an illusion of Madison in a bikini appeared behind him. "See?"
You gotta ask STINKY D first

ic: "EW!" Madisons eyes turned blue and then splashed Cho swith a water blast so strong that it knocked his chair over causing him to fall on the floor.
EFC 4ever said:
"the names ember. heres's mah power" *makes a fire ball apear in her hand*
Sorry but you have to go to power placement before that you have to ask
Gentle Susan for that power she has that already.