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For years people have made up stories about ordinary people who can do extraordinary things. Flight, telepathy, super-speed, and hundreds of other powers. Now, they have come out of hiding. They have decided that the world is open minded enough to accept them. They have told the world about themselves, and the world has accepted them. However, with superheroes comes supervillains. The world crime rate has skyrocketed, and the heroes are reeling. The villains have formed an International Confederation of Villains to take over the world and divide it amongst themselves. In response, the heroes have formed an International League of Superheroes. There is a battle between good and evil. Whose side will you choose?

Alright, so you can play as a superhero or a supervillain. I just need the name of your hero, their super-name, their superpower, whice side they're on, and a short history.

Once we get two heroes and two villains, we'll start.


Rich Graga/Plasmafire

Power: Control over plasma (Fourth state of matter, found in stars.) and fire (No explanation needed.).

History: Rich has led a completly normal life until the heroes decided to reveal themselves. Since then, he has become the protector of the greater New Jersey area. He wears an orange suit with a flaming "PF" His hair is flaming, and his eyes are orbs of fire.
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I'll join. hmmmm......

Name: Raven Chantle
Code Name: Black Panther
Power: Retractable claws on her fingertips, healing factor and enhanced senses. She can also shift to half and full Black panther.
History: Has always been quiet and reserved. Now that heroes have come out she is ferocious as her namesake. She isn't shy about doing what's right but when she's not fighting evil she's shy and quiet unless she's standing up for what she believes in. Her costume is a black shirt with black pants and a black mask and boots.
Name: Elizabeth Smith
Character biography

Tabitha is depicted as a rebellious but normal teenager in her first appearance. Daughter of divorced parents, Tabitha's mutant powers manifest at 13, and her parents immediately show their disgust, her father even beating her. She runs away from home, giving herself the alias "Time Bomb", and meets the cosmic entity known as the Beyonder.He brings her to Youngsters, who ignore her to combat the Beyonder.

Powers and abilities

Tabitha is a mutant who originally had the power to create psionic balls of energy, which she calls her "time bombs". These "bombs" explode with concussive force. She can produce marble-sized "bombs" which have little concussive impact and which she uses for playing pranks. She has produced "time bombs" ranging up to the size of beach balls, which, when they explode, can smash tree trunks and even metal objects. Tabitha can control the amount of time between the creation of one of her "bombs" and the time it detonates. She can mentally muffle the sound of the detonation.

Looks: * Height-5'5 * Weight-120lbs * Eyes-Blue * Hair-Blonde
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Sounds cool! Love superheroes. :p
I need time... like most everyone else here... :D

EDIT: Thought of one.
Name: Madeline (Maddie) Swinters
Other name: The Defender
Power: She is able to conjure up a shield when threatened. She can make the shield out of anything possible- water, earth, fire... as long as it is there (ie: she can't make a water shield if she's in the desert). Her most useful shield is her invisible one, but she can't make one if she's weak (hungry, tired, sleepy). Invisible shields also drain her energy, so they don't always hold out for long.
Bio: Maddie's always been 'the underdog'. She's very small and often passes through places unnoticed. Her bright personality, however, lights up the days of those who do stop to talk to her. She discovered her power when she was seven. She was being bullied by a group of boys, and she was upset she couldn't defend herself. She did get so mad that before she knew it the little pebbles they were throwing off of her seemed to bounce off. She practiced, and now she's able to defend herself and a small group of other people. She hasn't gone too public about her powers, though.
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I think I'll join...

Name: Lizzy Iverson
Code name: Doesn't really have one
Age: 17
Power: She's telekinetic (can move things with her mind).
History: Lizzy's very shy because she couldn't control her power as a young child. She had been bullied her whole life by her classmates, even after heroes came out of hiding. Much of her time was spent trying to get herself under control, so she is able to focus her power on one object very well. It's still tricky for her to let new people know what she can do.
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Everybody wants to be the good guy! If I had more time, I would offer to play a whole team of super-villains myself; but I may have to sit on a jury in the near future. What I can do is make a suggestion: treat villains as non-player characters, and cooperate among yourselves in sharing control of them. After all, none of you really wants the villains to WIN, do you? Just let him be effective enough that the heroes have to work at it to defeat him.

Here is a free villain for all of you to share:


Real name: Lance Hardcastle (or so he claims)

Age: mid-thirties

Background: He started a cult for the purpose of making money; but his power of deception proved so great, he surprised himself. His abilities include:

-- Making people believe him no matter what nonsense he talks (you'll all have to decide among yourselves how vulnerable your characters are to this--but don't say they're TOTALLY immune, or what's the point of having a super-villain?)

-- Making people DIStrust those whom they would normally trust

-- Making people helpless with an ILLUSION of being sick (so he can "heal" them; but this is also a defense)

-- Changing his own appearance to look like someone else (though he cannot change his size)

-- Once a day, as an emergency measure, he can teleport for a distance of up to five miles

NOTE: Evershift is not at all hesitant to supplement his powers with weapons.
Everybody wants to be the good guy! If I had more time, I would offer to play a whole team of super-villains myself; but I may have to sit on a jury in the near future. What I can do is make a suggestion: treat villains as non-player characters, and cooperate among yourselves in sharing control of them. After all, none of you really wants the villains to WIN, do you? Just let him be effective enough that the heroes have to work at it to defeat him.

Here is a free villain for all of you to share:


Real name: Lance Hardcastle (or so he claims)

Age: mid-thirties

Background: He started a cult for the purpose of making money; but his power of deception proved so great, he surprised himself. His abilities include:

-- Making people believe him no matter what nonsense he talks (you'll all have to decide among yourselves how vulnerable your characters are to this--but don't say they're TOTALLY immune, or what's the point of having a super-villain?)

-- Making people DIStrust those whom they would normally trust

-- Making people helpless with an ILLUSION of being sick (so he can "heal" them; but this is also a defense)

-- Changing his own appearance to look like someone else (though he cannot change his size)

-- Once a day, as an emergency measure, he can teleport for a distance of up to five miles

NOTE: Evershift is not at all hesitant to supplement his powers with weapons.

Yay! A villain! :p
Do we have enough yet?
With so _many_ good guys, I'd better provide you with one more villain, one who will be an associate of Evershift. No inborn super-powers; but like Syndrome in "The Incredibles," dangerous for his scientific talents.

Name: Pang Chien-Kuo

Age: 48

Background: Worked for a Chinese Triad gang, but felt they didn't appreciate his talents. So he got together with Evershift. He invents all sorts of evil gadgets, but two are distinctive:

-- Small flying surveillance robots, disguised as ordinary birds. Besides audio-visual sensing, they can detect the presence of UNUSUAL BRAINWAVES...which every super-powered person would have. Thus it is almost impossible for a super-hero to hide from these robots.

-- A dart gun whose darts contain a nanotechnological "brain" that, when hitting a super-powered person, damp out the special brainwaves needed to activate the super-powers. Thus, the hero who is hit becomes UNABLE TO USE his or her powers until the dart is removed.
Wow, this is great! I do have one thing to say, but this is my fault, not yours: I realized that I neglected to say that I want everyone to include which side their character is on, The ICV or the ILS.

Copperfox, thank you for the ideas! They will defenitly be out into play! So now, the villains are NPCs until someone comes along who would like to play as them.

We will start as soon as everyone says what side their character is on. ;)

EDIT: Well, I just noticed that all non-Narnia threads will be closed on Friday, so I guess we're not going to be able to play after that......
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Aaaand here we go!

IC: Rich Graga, better known to some as Plasmafire, walked through the temporary ILS headquarters, a stack of papers in his hand. "Stupid paperwork." He muttered, "If I'd known about this, I would have stayed a secret." His cell phone rang, and he glanced at the number. "Whoa, White House?!" He answered the phone. "Plasmafire... Mr. President, what an honor!... No, I'm not busy... Really?... Are you sure?... Well, yes, thank you sir!... Alright, I'll pass it on... Thank you again sir!... Bye." He hung up the phone, and started sprinting towards the confence room, where he would gather the core group of heroes for an announcement...
Elizabeth was right beside Rich's door when she heard about Who was on the phone with him. She knocked on the door " Yo Rich may I come in?," she asked.
Rich opened the conference room door. "Oh, yeah! Come on in!" After she was inside he told her to wait a minute while he called the rest of the core. He walked to the intercom. "Plasmafire to Black Panther, The Defender, and Lizzy Iverson. I need to see you in the conference room right away!"
Eliza rolled her eyes " Sure, Sure OK," she told him, walking over to the couch " Hm," she said to herself, making a round white light from her hands.
"Please don't detonate that in here." Rich said, pointing to the ball of concussive energy. "Last time you did that, we had to redecorate the place."
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