T Squad

Miki look over at her.
" okay I did miss some now tell me,?" she said giveing her a glare.

Bo Bo walk over to her.
" it be all right Miki relex it not thing really," told her.
She look up.
" hmm I would like some lemonade please," she said still looking up for awhile.

Bo Bo nod.
" same here," he said loking at Miki with a confuse look on his face.
She layed down closeing her eyes for awhile.

Bo Bo whispered do Kez
" do you think she like you?," he ask with a laugh.

OOC: I got to go to class now bye.
Miki smiled.
Thanks oh can we talk alone for awhile,?" she said with a blush.

Bo Bo look over at her takeing his drink.
" Oh yeah thanks," he said.
She shook her head at Bo Bo.
"hey Kez can I ask you some thing?," she ask with a blush.

Bo Bo look over at Jade.
" what did she just say,?" he ask with a look.