TDL Funniest Person Contest

No it's Rhyanidd (Shoot I forgot already and I was just posting after her... shoot shoot shoot. now you know why everyone calls her RF... right RF?)
I nominate Miss DH :)D) too... and no, not just because she will be mad when she sees it, that is only the main part, the other part nominates her because it does think she is funny
Hmmm...this is tough..very tough..*looks around* I nominate:

MYA!! (Tottyfruitty) :D You are too funny darlin! :p

*Rubs her eyes* Am I seeing right? *Puts on specs* :p
I feel so loved. All that humour lessons did not go to waste.
Too bad you can only nominate one person cos you're pretty crazy I mean funny too.:D