TDL Funniest Person Contest

The nomination I will choose will be the nomination I have chosen to choose...which is my choice. My choice is...the chosen of mine! Which is fernshirehobbit!
Yes surprise surprise, but who cares! Ferny's cool and funny!
I second LoL and Dern(she's a DUFFER ya know :eek: ) and Ben(We're allowed to 2nd right?And its not counted as a nomi right?)
I nominate Lady Jean.

toty and too are the main grannies ya know :p
Well, depends on what you think of this....

Do you like National TV????:p

:eek: I love it! jk. They on't let you on t.v. You'd break all their cameras!:p
There's only one space for a granny in my town and that's Carz. Even though she doesn't live by me. *cough* thankgoodness*cough* :p
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