I'm thankful too, Evening Star that your mother survived the heart attack. God is so merciful and kind...
588. time to go through old photos
589. God is in control -- and He's the one who loves us most of all.
590. I get to cook Thanksgiving with my daughter tomorrow.
591. for the amazing (!) life of Squanto, kidnapped to Spain, sold as a slave, but redeemed by monks who taught him of God's love and helped him get back home via England where he learned to speak English before returning to America 10 years later. He was instrumental in helping the Pilgrims learn how to survive in this New World because they settled where his Patuxet tribe had once lived (before the Patuxets were wiped out be an epidemic while Squanto was serving in Europe).
588. time to go through old photos

589. God is in control -- and He's the one who loves us most of all.
590. I get to cook Thanksgiving with my daughter tomorrow.
591. for the amazing (!) life of Squanto, kidnapped to Spain, sold as a slave, but redeemed by monks who taught him of God's love and helped him get back home via England where he learned to speak English before returning to America 10 years later. He was instrumental in helping the Pilgrims learn how to survive in this New World because they settled where his Patuxet tribe had once lived (before the Patuxets were wiped out be an epidemic while Squanto was serving in Europe).