411. for the ease of getting info from the Internet
412. for A Capella music and groups that excel in it
413. for counterpoint and Especially for J.S. Bach
414. for gluten free macaroons (I'm hosting someone who has celiac sensitivities)
415. for a chance to say thank you to those who have made a difference in my family's life
416. for unconditional love modeled by my daughter's beagle, not to mention unabashed, bouncy thanksgiving at doggy suppertime
417. for comfy warm slippers on cold autumn floors
418. for stores that Do Not put up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving
419. for Hawaiian fast food
420. for my warm Narniafans.com lamp post sweatshirt
421. for memories of LionCon
422. for my cute flash drive that looks like a little pink pig (pop off the head and plug it into a USB port)
423. for tea and for friends to sip it with in the evening while we visit and eat desserts
424. (reprise) for LIBRARIES