292: the God who made me and loved me enough to send his son to take the punishment for my sins, even when we were sinners, and had no hope for salvation in ourselves.
293: Christ who died to take the punishment for my sins, rose from the dead(giving me his perfect life), and ascended into heaven and is seated st the right hand of God the Father.
294: Gods love and mercy, as well as his just nature, and everything else about God.
295: the freedoms that I am able to enjoy as an American.
296: my parents, for raising me in a Christian home and teaching me what I need to know and loving me.
297: That God will be with me through all hard times that are thrown at me
298: for music and my iPod
299: for my family
300: for my cat, Cocoa
301: for my ability to read, write, hear, see, smell, etc...
302: for my home.
303: for food and water that we as Americans so freely enjoy and take for granted.
304: for my pastors
305: for the church I go to, Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church
306: for my friends, specially my bffs.

307: for the weather
308: for my ability to play the harp and enjoy it as well.
309: for my Dad, who left me with a wonderful heritage.
310: for my stepdad (pray for him, ladies and gents, he, in his early 50's, has gotten one of his wisdom teeth removed earlier this week, and has been pretty miserable)
311: for everything else that God has given me
312: for everything that God will do in my life..