The 874 post game!!! (yet another one!)

Arien said:
And you´re supposed to be the one with most posts on that thread :rolleyes:
funny :p

Yes, but you can't double post, and you have to have the most by the 1000th post. :D It'll be fun.
Thats good, but I can´t post in it before tomorrow :( I hate the time difference :mad: it´s like 1:30am here now and school starts at 8:00 :rolleyes:
Arien said:
Thats good, but I can´t post in it before tomorrow :( I hate the time difference :mad: it´s like 1:30am here now and school starts at 8:00 :rolleyes:

oh, it's only 4:30 here. :D byez!